Maciej Szuba

Operations Manager, CAPM
Kraków, małopolskie


Rynki kapitałowe Zarządzanie zmianą Kontrakty terminowe Futures Trading Zarządzanie Onboarding zarządzanie operacyjne usprawnianie procesów Project Management Zarządzanie ryzykiem Przywództwo w zespole Zarządzanie zespołem



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Sabre Polska Sp. z o. o.
Contributor IT Project Management, Systems Engineering
IT Project Manager primarily focused on Cloud related projects. Actively participated in Proof of Concepts of Sabre's first commercial application deployments in Amazon Web Services and IBM Softlayer. Coordinated the build-out of enterprise-wide AWS Innovation Lab for testing out applications on their path to production. Held key role in delivering operational support for applications going into the AWS Cloud, including project planning and execution, devising financial model, obtaining funds, and bringing in 3rd party vendors of managed services for AWS.
OSTC Poland
Operations Manager
Manager of the trading office of 35 professionals, responsible i.a. for planning short and long-term office strategy and objectives, trading risk management, recruitment, on-boarding and trainings, trading development, as well as for day to day operations.
OSTC Poland
Junior Operations Manager
Accountable for a wide degree of activities which included traders supervision, recruitment and training support, performance data preparation, trading analysis, and setting up new systems.
OSTC Poland
Futures Trader
A proprietary futures trader engaged in transactions on a world’s biggest derivatives exchanges including Liffe, Eurex, ICE and CME. The role required a thorough understanding of economics, excellent analytical skills, adequate personal temperament to handle the stress, and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
Sales Director
Konsorcjum Budowlano-Inwestycyjne Sp. z o.o.
At the newly founded company responsible for creating and running the sales department, building B2B relations, negotiations, supervising the work of sales representatives, managing orders, transports and delivery deadlines, building the computer infrastructure and implementing the sales and accounting software solutions.
McKinsey & Company
Kraków Ambassador

Szkolenia i kursy

• Certified Associate in Project Management, Project Management Institute, License 1747381
• Leadership and emotional intelligence by Telos Partners
• Strategist’s role in the growing company by 4 Business & People
• Leadership in action by Impact Polska
• Manager’s authority by GB Resources Polska
• Team's strength and moral immunity development by 4 Business & People


Finanse przedsiębiorstw, magisterskie
Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie


Rynki kapitałowe
Zarządzanie finansami
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem


• Interested in economics and financial markets
• Sports fan. Mountain biker, hiker, skier, basketball player, runner and roller-skater
• A bit audiophile, who likes when every component plays as it should be.
• Novice drummer
• Amateur photographer
• Traveller, who likes to discover places and culture


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.