Zarządzanie kluczowymi klientami
zarządzanie marketingiem
marketing produktu
sprzedaż rozwiązań
Zarządzanie zespołem
Prawo jazdy kat B
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Smart Island Sp. z o.o.
- coordinating organization, management and directing of the Company's operations (including assets).
- determining the course of action, supervising work and ensuring cooperation between individual departments
of the Company. Negotiations of contracts, prices, services.
- representing the company outside and performing legal acts on behalf of the Company.
- supervising employment policy and employee training.
- Sales, implementation and implementation of first projects.
- determining the course of action, supervising work and ensuring cooperation between individual departments
of the Company. Negotiations of contracts, prices, services.
- representing the company outside and performing legal acts on behalf of the Company.
- supervising employment policy and employee training.
- Sales, implementation and implementation of first projects.
Scope of responsibility:
- Building up TCL Commercial and Marketing Policy in Poland
- Coordination of cooperation with key clients of TCL
- Supervision of Annual, central and local negotiations
- Supervision/control over implementation of quarterly and annual targets
- Planning of central promotion campaigns
- Planning of quarterly targets for sales teams
- Projecting of sales
- Implementation of assumed sales plans
- Supervision over the margin applied to Branch
- Building up TCL brand image
- Controlling and enforcing clients' payments
- Realisation of sales plans set for individual product groups
- Coordination of subordinates' work
- Coordination of Local Budget Spending and realization
- Building up TCL Commercial and Marketing Policy in Poland
- Coordination of cooperation with key clients of TCL
- Supervision of Annual, central and local negotiations
- Supervision/control over implementation of quarterly and annual targets
- Planning of central promotion campaigns
- Planning of quarterly targets for sales teams
- Projecting of sales
- Implementation of assumed sales plans
- Supervision over the margin applied to Branch
- Building up TCL brand image
- Controlling and enforcing clients' payments
- Realisation of sales plans set for individual product groups
- Coordination of subordinates' work
- Coordination of Local Budget Spending and realization
Head Of Sales Poland
- Building up TCL Commercial Policy in Poland
- Coordination of cooperation with key clients of TCL
- Supervision of Annual, central and local negotiations
- Supervision/control over implementation of quarterly and annual targets
- Planning of central promotion campaigns
- Planning of quarterly targets for sales teams
- Projecting of sales
- Implementation of assumed sales plans
- Supervision over the margin applied to Branch
- Building up TCL brand image
- Controlling and enforcing clients' payments
- Realisation of sales plans set for individual product groups
- Coordination of subordinates' work
- Coordination of Local Budget Spending and realization
- Coordination of cooperation with key clients of TCL
- Supervision of Annual, central and local negotiations
- Supervision/control over implementation of quarterly and annual targets
- Planning of central promotion campaigns
- Planning of quarterly targets for sales teams
- Projecting of sales
- Implementation of assumed sales plans
- Supervision over the margin applied to Branch
- Building up TCL brand image
- Controlling and enforcing clients' payments
- Realisation of sales plans set for individual product groups
- Coordination of subordinates' work
- Coordination of Local Budget Spending and realization
Key Account Manager
Współpraca z Maćkiem to czysta przyjemność - zawsze optymistycznie nastawiony i otwarty na różne spojrzenia. Świetnie rozumie potrzeby swoich klientów i komunikuje je skutecznie zespołowi marketingowemu. Można z nim znaleźć wyjście nawet z beznadziejnych sytuacji, z zyskiem dla wszystkich stron. Polecam!
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Zarządzanie marką
Zarządzanie sprzedażą
Sprzedaż - Sieci handlowe
Category Management
Praca szuka ciebie
Praca szuka ciebie - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Grupa dla osób interesujących się praktykami sprzedażowymi, traktujących sprzedaż jako sztukę, mająca ciekawe doświadczenia w zakresie sprzedaży.
Grupa dla zarządzających, chcących zarządzać i lubiących dzielić się wiedzą z zakresu zarządzania.