Maciej Iwanczewski

Business analyst at WABCO
Wrocław, dolnośląskie


JavaScript Microsoft SQL Server Oracle SQL Developer PHP SQL Web Development 6S Oracle Database Oracle 11g Oracle SQL PL / SQL Oracle 10G



Doświadczenie zawodowe

UBS Kraków
Senior Software Engineer (Oracle SQL, PL/SQL developer)
Consultant, business analyst, developer.
TS PCB Techno-Service S.A.
Cooperation based on temporary contracts.
Development and implementation systems supported maintenance and chemical analysts
teams. Projects: system to manage work orders for mechanics, management system for
process baths measurements.
WABCO Polska
Business analyst, Oracle PL/SQL developer
Business analysis, development, test and implement applications, International (Europe
and India) cooperation with users and IT teams (analysts, administrators and developers).
Projects: production data reporting systems, production efficiency measurement system.
Web development.
Oracle PL/SQL; MS SQL T-SQL development.
WABCO Polska
Test Engineer, Oracle DBA
Maintain pneumatic valves test systems, Oracle DB administration, production measures
visualization, develop production, maintenance and warehouse management systems.
WABCO Polska
internship, test team
Development and implementation two steps pressure sensors calibration procedure.
Politechnika Szczecińska (ZUT)
Windows and Linux server/desktop administrator
Research on the use Matlab to analyze the control systems
Administration of Linux servers and computers in the labs.
Develop and implement a "Quick Installation System for Windows"
Consultant, business analyst, developer.
ZWiK Szczecin, Water laboratory
Development and implementation system for collecting and analyzing wastewater analysis
results in water laboratory.
Consultant, business analyst, developer.
Motorcycles shop Tułecki – Pośpiech.
Development and implementation of software for sales of used motorcycles


Automatics and robotics, magisterskie
Technical University of Szczecin


IT - Administracja
Administrowanie bazami danych i storage
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania