Łukasz Luzar

Project Manager, Comarch S.A.
Kraków, małopolskie

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Project Manager
Project Management at Telecommunication Sector:

* Comarch Telehealth concepts for telecoms (since Q2/2012)
* Comarch Next Generation Service Fullfillment for TeliaSonera Norway /NextGenTel/ deployment support (Q1/2012)
* T-Mobile Teleconferences for Android, iOS and Blackberry (Q4/2011)
* Innovation Managment Role - see details further (Q1-Q4/2011)
* Project Manager of a Mobile Service Delivery Platform project for a world's largest mobile phone supplier. The scope of the project: R&D of the SDP platform plus local deployments across Asia and Africa - three timezones, 17 people involved, cooperation with customer's HQ in Finland, R&D center in India and local offices (Q3/2009-Q4/2010)
Innovation Manager
The role of Innovation Manager in Mobile Business Software and Services department, Telecommunication Sector:

* Innovation Management at mobile service delivery platforms and mobile services for telecoms
* Design of new product and service concepts
* Product Management of Comarch App Market platform
* Product Management of Comarch Mobile Business Suite
* Solution Managment of Comarch Mobile Self-Care
* Mobile Multimedia Solutions
* Mobile Value-Added Service for Mobile Operators
* Initiatives for synergy between Mobile Operators and other market players
Product Manager
Product Management at Telecommunication Sector:

* Product Management of Comarch Next-Generation TV (NGTV) - an IPTV middleware
* Product Management of Comarch Content Delivery System (CDS)
* Solution Management of Comarch Billing SaaS (e.g. currently in use by Fring.com)
* Telecom's Business Proces Outsourcing (BPO) - development of concepts for telecoms
* Business Opportunity Assessment (BOA)
CTM Mobiltek S.A.
Project Manager
The company focused on value-added services in GSM networks. It was founded in 2002 by Polish investors. Activities are mainly focused on two fields: SMS Premium multihub (providing SMS Premium infrastructure for content and service providers) and integration projects, mainly development of mobile banking applications. In 2004, Mobiltek successfully conducted distinctive mobile banking projects: bank integration with SIM-Browser based platform in network ERA (two banks: BRE Bank - mBank, Raiffeisen Bank Polska), first in Poland mobile banking system using Java Phone technology (Raiffeisen). We were also awarded Silver Award on SIMagine 2004 contest organized by Axalto for STK-based VMS system, which allows customers to send short voice messages in way similar to SMS. Experience in integration projects gives them good position to build middleware and mediation elements in VISP – an EU project.

A person who can recommend me is Maciej Langman who was CTO and member of management board.




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