Lukasz Doszczeczko Ipma D

Head of PS Devices Product Management, Nokia
Wrocław, dolnośląskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Head of PS Devices Product Management
Responsible for the strategy, roadmap, and feature definition of Public Safety devices product line including business case, forecasting, and profit and loss (P&L) responsibilities.
Project/Program Manager & Line Manager
Classical Project Management role and direct Line Management of all people doing CG projects around the world (team of 15 people located in 5 continents) –> Responsible for profit & loss of the whole CG delivery Unit. over 30 projects executed in 2013 by whole team under supervision.
Project Manager
Leading technical project team for large/medium size projects. Planning, controling and leading the project through its phases, managing risks, problems etc. Planning and manages internal and external resources. Internal/external reporting. Budget, timeline, quality, risk managent for international deployments in BSS around the world.
Project Estimations for all BSS offers on whole LAT and NAM region.
Program management for all mediation projects in LAT region
System Product Manager
Looking at the evolution of Charging products in NSN. Residing between Product Management and Portfolio Management. Areas of responsibility: Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Policy Control and charging alignment, Platform topics, Vendors lock-in.
System Product Manager -OEM, OA&M
Responsible for all OEM HW, SW related issues in one of the charging NSN products. Creating, defining, selecting new HW for new product releases and all relevant documentation. Product Owner for OEM HW, SW elements in this product. Contact with OEM partners.
Product Provisioning/Product Structure Manager
Product Provisioner responsible for one of the biggest core products in NSN – IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) and FMC solution (Fixed Mobile Convergence). The responsibilities similar as in previous position but more oriented to PLM tasks. The chair and secretary of Solution Lifecycle Meetings including phase out handlings, responsible to follow up on C0 – C10 decisions and coordination of their official announcements. Product Lifecycle Management. In addition one of the trainers for Solution Sales in the area of offer, order processes and responsibilities. SSM support in tendering process. Providing active support in offer, order phases. IMS, FMC CC Sales folder managing.
Starting from 27th April 2009 additional responsibility of Product Structure Management for DX HLR product.
Product Manager- provisioning
Siemens sp. z o.o. / Nokia Siemens Networks Sp. z o.o.
Position located in Radio Access Business Unit related with Wireless Technology (WLAN, Mesh) Broadband Wireless Access (Wireless Integration @vantage platform and Mesh @vantage). Main responsibilities: Market introduction tasks (Market Introduction meetings handling) – taking care and provide all required deliverables to bring product into the offerable, orderable phase. Milestone handling according to the product lifecycle plan. Phase out announcements. Handling offering, configuration and ordering tools i.e. SAP system. Taking care about prices, product structure in BWS portfolio, taking care about good relationship with OEM suppliers like Cisco, SUN, FSC etc. Responsibility of export control (ECCN) for all SW, Licenses and HW within the Broadband Access Solution. Responsible also for Worldwide Mesh Forecast collecting and its summary. Cooperation with majority of people and departments such as:
PLM group(DE, USA), Marketing, System Integration, Development, Documentation, Quality Management, Performance team, Technical Support, Technical Sales, Supply Chain (DCM), Strategic Procurement for Contracts and SLA, Legal Departments, SAP editors, ECC group, AMS’s, PMS’s (APAC, USA), OEM Vendors and F&C.
Orange Polska S.A.
Specjalista do spraw obsługi klienta
Department of contact with business customers. Responsible for access to the Internet network, especially Neostrada and DSL. Putting notification to the system and supervise the whole process of notification until the favorable installation ran correctly. Business clients support and error tickets handling.

Szkolenia i kursy

2006 UMTS radio network planning.
2008 LCCI Level 3, Business English Certificate passed with distinction.
2009 soft skills certificates: Time Management and Negotiations.
2010 Project Management IPMA Level D certificate
2011 Certified Scrum Master by internal NSN Certificate
2012 “I own Quality” Lean and Six Sigma internal NSN Certificate


Certyfikowany Project Manager, studia podyplomowe
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa we Wrocławiu
Automatyka i Robotyka/ Systemy Sterowania w Automatyce i Robotyce, magisterskie
Politechnika Wrocławska
Elektronika i Telekomunikacja/Sieci Telekomunikacyjne, inżynierskie
Politechnika Wrocławska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie IT


Sport - Koszykówka, Tenis ziemny.
Telekomunikacja, sprzęt komputerowy, Visual Basic, MS Project


Task Force Team Green - internal Nokia Siemens Network foundation around keep our environment as Green as possible.


1 wszystkich wypowiedzi
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