Get it before its too late #php #doctrine #Symfony2 https://t.co/B4qjt3PocL
- 16.07.2016, 14:29
RT @dunglas: My book "Persistence in #PHP with @doctrineorm" can be downloaded for free, today only! https://t.co/UfKgq9RLqs #Symfony #database
- 16.07.2016, 14:28
RT @idiot: when your shower uses github more than you https://t.co/K21qAZbRRC
- 8.06.2016, 22:51
RT @CompSciFact: 'Code is like poetry; most of it shouldn't have been written.' -- @MetaThis
- 7.06.2016, 06:56
This is absolutely great @docker. Well written tutorial for dummies. #docker https://t.co/4pKHLxsaZC
- 29.05.2016, 11:23
RT @hannesvdvreken: "Once you wrote code, it's legacy." – @Ocramius
- 21.05.2016, 12:02
We are so happy to be here. Side efects? Talk to people. A lot. https://t.co/peNj5k0aBp
- 18.05.2016, 23:06
@xsolve making long story short, I know some people who work / worked at #xsolve
- 16.05.2016, 11:10
Serial w odcinkach ePUAP https://t.co/lPO5RsFHqs
- 8.05.2016, 20:41
RT @niebezpiecznik: Awaria ePUAP, czyli dlaczego minister cyfryzacji chciałaby go "zaorać" i co wykazał audyt: https://t.co/2E5xljnK7W https://t.co/rt7kW54Jic
- 8.05.2016, 20:40
RT @dynarski: Starting a movement: In solidarity with Guido Menzio, we pledge to do math on planes. https://t.co/HDi0VTZh6f
- 8.05.2016, 18:05
RT @iamdevloper: A diagram to help you decide whether or not you should deploy on a Friday at 5pm http://t.co/ipaiMHTqbm
- 2.05.2016, 07:25
RT @niebezpiecznik: Uwaga użytkownicy PayPala! Serwis ma nową groźną funkcję. Nie korzystajcie! pls RT! https://t.co/37GiAcFDpV https://t.co/4t9KJYjmLS
- 27.04.2016, 09:35
want to validate your #symfony knowledge, disable #phpstorm symfony plugin. #failed
- 26.04.2016, 22:21
RT @andrzejkrzywda: need help with a legacy Ruby code, German required https://t.co/jDNiCLqvAV
- 14.04.2016, 14:37
Is there something wrong with #packagist ? #composer @symfony @seldaek after "composer show symfony/routing" https://t.co/zHDCdIUF6S
- 12.04.2016, 09:20
@alangbem https://t.co/kW1mYpelEq
- 9.04.2016, 22:46
RT @symfonycon: #SymfonyCon Berlin is announced, save the date: December 1st-3rd! More details to come soon!
- 9.04.2016, 22:44
Another day another dollar #php
- 7.04.2016, 09:26