Krzysztof Pawliszak

Tłumacz (pisemne, ustne, audiowizualne) z angielskiego, chińskiego i włoskiego na j. polski


  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Trolejbusy są fajne :-D #Lublin
    • 20.12.2014, 17:23
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    I especially love "Deadline" ;) Funny glossary of translating #HaveAniceWeekend #xl8 #freelance
    • 19.12.2014, 20:32
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Prosimy zachować opakowanie/instrukcję do przyszłych referencji - ohydna kalka z angielskiego. 'Referencje' mają inne znaczenie. #xl8
    • 19.12.2014, 20:10
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Tłumacz jest jak ksiądz, który nie wyjawia rzeczy usłyszanych w konfesjonale ;) #xl8 #1nt
    • 18.12.2014, 21:09
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    The magic of #interpretation #xl8 #1nt
    • 18.12.2014, 21:04
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Kocham lekturę tekstów literackich | I'm in love with Chinese literature reading class : 雁儿朝四处环顾一圈,后花园间寂无人,她走到晾衣蝇那儿,朝颂莲的白衫上吐了一口唾沫,朝黑裙上又吐了一口。
    • 16.12.2014, 22:58
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @ProfSuryaDeva: This photo says it all what the #UmbrellaMovement is about. Will Beijing see the value of unity in diversity?
    • 14.12.2014, 16:13
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    This is really interesting: 'The British Born Chinese (#BBC)' #identity issue #language #culture #中文 #bilingualism
    • 11.12.2014, 20:32
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @wilfredchan: how many bailiffs does it take to remove an umbrella? #OccupyHK
    • 11.12.2014, 14:09
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    "@hlkalin: RT @HiramLiu: Last night of #OccupyHK, maybe? #umhk" Hopefully not the last day of #UmbrellaRevolution #加油
    • 10.12.2014, 21:15
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    下個月我回去香港.那兒只呆五個小時不過我很高興 :)
    • 9.12.2014, 17:32
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Sent off :) It was an interesting project - mostly because I had a pleasure of working with #memoQ And I learnt a lot about food indst.#xl8
    • 8.12.2014, 21:56
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Sent off :) It was an interesting project - mostly because I had a pleasure of working with #memoQ And I learnt a lot about food indst. #xl8
    • 8.12.2014, 21:55
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Oh, finally non-technical non-medical text. It makes my brain rest a bit. Have a nice working weekend everyone! #lifeasafreelancer #xl8
    • 5.12.2014, 22:04
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Letter to HK Chief Executive - Scholarism: We don't have a choice: @joshuawong1013 #UmbrellaMovement Dacie radę 加油!
    • 5.12.2014, 19:57
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    "can lower inhibitions enough so you feel more comfy making mistakes and less tongue-tied in the first place" #xl8
    • 1.12.2014, 17:52
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    #HK Police actions are shameful. They (as a tool in hands of the gov) want to achieve sth by resort to violence #雨傘革命
    • 1.12.2014, 16:49
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    RT @hk928umbrella: Pls #Help translating #umbrellamovement #News #Songs #Pics & #FB posts into different Languages #WeNeedHelp
    • 28.11.2014, 23:25
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    Apparently the first full interview in #English with @donaldtusk Let me tell you - I'm impressed! Well done Mr Tusk!
    • 28.11.2014, 23:20
  • Krzysztof Pawliszak
    Wpis na tablicy
    "The movie is translated into 41 languages" Disney's success with 'Frozen' took lots of #translation, investment #xl8
    • 28.11.2014, 13:17

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