Krzysztof Kamionka

Dyrektor IT, Software Architect, Project Manager, Analityk, Programista
Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Grupa PZU
Dyrektor ds. Systemów IT
Pioneer Pekao Investment Management S.A.
Analyst-Developer, Project Manager
From 2003 works with Pioneer Pekao Investment Management as a leading Analyst-Developer. Since 2006 also plays a project manager role in two major development projects. Reports to Software Development Department Director.

Designed a Data Warehouse for Investment Control, Investment Analysis, Risk Management and Sales departments. Subsequently undertook project manager role in this project. The Data Warehouse became one of main Pioneer software solutions.

Coordinates external IT contractors and companies; influences their selection; manages quality assurance. Quality focused. Estimates software projects, negotiates financial proposals of external partners. Experience in reviewing contracts.

Manages Data Management project and designed the solution architecture. The project concerns reorganizing company’s usage of external and internal data sources, integrating data streams, rearranging workflows and ensuring high data quality.

Introduced modern technologies to the company such as Data Warehousing, Microsoft .NET Framework, Web Services, SOA. Provided design and development expertise on OOD & OOP, design patterns, software architecture, SOA and .NET.

Gathers user requirements, performs business analysis and system analysis to ensure that user requirements are properly translated into functional and non-functional system requirements. Designs and implements software, accounting for best practices and standard design patterns. Customizes and integrates acquired systems with in-house developed systems.

Architected and developed:
• Business process scheduling system (n-tier Web Services-based) used company-wide,
• Web Service interface between Warsaw and Dublin offices used for Trading Analysis,
• Bloomberg interface.

Formal training in Data Warehousing, Agile Project Management, MS SQL Server and BizTalk. Gained financial experience. Maintaining and gaining knowledge of current and emerging IT technologies.
Accenture Sp. z o.o.
Systems Analyst
From 2001 to 2002 worked with Accenture as a Systems Analyst. Member of the Loans Team for one of the major internet banks in Poland. Involved in the process of analysis and problem-tracing, designing and implementation of enhancements as well as introduction of new functionality to the Altamira banking system.

Designed and implemented from scratch a subsystem dealing with client debt analysis and the process of correspondence between the bank and its borrowers. The task included development of an interface to the Altamira banking system.
IT specialist, Entrepreneur / contractor
From 2000 to 2001 worked with Midas Publishing Company. Chief IT specialist in Midas, responsible for all IT-related activities. Reported to the company chairman. Direct influence on company decisions concerning IT. Reorganized Midas IT systems structure. Designed and implemented a C++/MSSQL Server-based publication management system.

In 1999 worked for the District Court in Lodz, Poland, which manages the biggest Land Register Department in Poland. Designed and developed a client/server system for managing land registers. Responsible for all stages of software development, including necessary negotiations, analyzing client business requirements, designing, developing, testing and deploying the application. Successful cooperation resulted in invitation to develop supplemental system the following year.

Entrepreneur and contractor (C++) for multiple companies: real estate agency, dental center, housing association.

Szkolenia i kursy

Formal training in Agile Project Management (APM), Data Warehousing, MS SQL Server and BizTalk (M-2074, M-2093, M-2933), UML, Negotiations


Organizacja i Zarządzanie, magisterskie
Politechnika Łódzka
Informatyka, inżynierskie
Politechnika Łódzka


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C#


Computer science:
Software architecture, design and development, C# and C++ languages, Data Warehouses, distributed systems; self-studying best practices for software project management

Popular science, blues and jazz music, high end audio equipment, movies, science fiction, NLP, self development.



SCRUM, Agile Project Management (APM), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Design Patterns, Web Services, OOP, OO Analysis and Design, n-tier architecture, client/server architecture, Data Warehouse design, Database Development, Network Programming, Concurrent Programming, Neural Networks, Test Driven Development (TDD).

C#, C++, C, SQL, Transact-SQL, MDX, XML, SOAP, UML, Cobol, JCL, Basic, Assembler, Pascal, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, Linux shell

Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft .NET Framework, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, IIS, Borland C++ Builder, BizTalk, Delphi, MS Visual C++, MS Visual Basic, MS Access, Crystal Reports

Mercurial distributed version control system, Redmine project management and bug-tracking system, NHibernate, NUnit

MS SQL Server 2008, 2005 and 2000 (including Integration, Analysis and Reporting services), Informix, DB2, MySQL

Knowledge in the field of finance management, banking, marketing, organization and management. Basics of accountancy.


IT Professionals
IT Professionals
Zapraszamy do kontaktu specjalistów IT poszukujących pracy: www.rekruter.IT
IT Warszawa
IT Warszawa
Grupa dla osób związanych z branżą IT w Warszawie i nie tylko
Forum podróżników
Programiści .NET
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET
Programowanie Java i C sharp
Programowanie Java i C sharp
Grupa osób zainteresowanych programowaniem aplikacji sieciowych i biurowych.
Scrum isn't a methodology. Scrum is much more like a small baby process or like a framework. It's really, really simple. It doesn't have a lot of rules.
Tanie latanie
Tanie latanie
Informacje o promocjach lotniczych (linie tradycyjne i tanie linie lotnicze). Radzimy jak latać tanio.