Krzysztof Jeżewicz

Krzysztof Jeżewicz

Senior Engineer, GSK R&D Tech
Poznań, wielkopolskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Senior Engineer, GSK R&D Tech
IT Service Consultant, LabWare at GSK R&D Tech
Technical support for LabWare applications in GSK R&D
Responsible for preparation deployment kits for LabWare GxP and Non GxP upgrades
Responsible for releases on all environments
L3 support and assist during Failure Analysis and provide recommendations for L2 technicians
Advanced knowledge of MS Excel including creation of automatic reports, macros and application development in VBA
Develop simple automation scripts
Responsible for preparation of metrics/reports and technical instructions, documentation.


- LabWare System Administrator including: LIMS Admin 1, LIMS Admin 2, ELN Admin, Crystal Reports, LabWare Configuration using LIMS Basic, DB and SQL,
- AnIML for LIMS Instrument Connectivity and Data Integrity
- .NET programming - Introduction to C#
- Programming in ASP.NET MVC 5
- Programming in WPF 4.5
- Oracle database - Introduction to SQL & PL/SQL
- ITIL Foundation certificate for IT Service Management
- MS Excel 2007 - advanced level
Dell Products Poland Sp. z o.o.
Configuration Services Senior Analyst
Provide technical support for produced hardware (Desktop/Servers).
L2 support for hardware test process in Factory and remote locations.
L2 support for Software Installation process.
Support and advisory in case ordered configurations of customer systems.
Assist during Failure Analysis and provide recommendations for L1 analysts / technicians.
Develop simple automation scripts.
Trainer for other employees. Technical advisor.
Dell Products Poland Sp. z o.o.
Test Engineer
Test process and application support.
Deployment and support for manufacturing and product test processes (PC Hardware, Server systems).
Monitor and control backlog on daily basis and provide respective actions to optimize it.
Be in line with global projects, and process/test strategy changes
Implement test strategies for test and products
Responsible for test content on all production servers
Dell Products Poland Sp. z o.o.
Production Control Analyst
Responsible for planning & scheduling,
Analysis - production applications support,
Making decisions on factory scheduling without management input, create the best schedule based on material availability (line balancing, product mix),
Monitoring of materials (Deviations mgmt, material manual call off, analysis) through the production process,
Control and monitoring the most important orders in EMFP: overdue orders.
Training the new team members
Dell Products Poland Sp. z o.o.
Materials Line Leader
Management of production line, employees and parts allocation.
Proper balance of the production line.
Deliveries reception management, transfer of the parts between lines and smooth orders processing.
Training for employees on usage factory applications
Stock control on stations SQE/INSPECT
Dell Products Poland Sp. z o.o.
Stockroom controller
Production line management,
Deliveries reception management, transfer of the parts between lines and smooth orders processing.
Training the new team members.

Szkolenia i kursy

- MS 20412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
- MS 20411 - Administering Windows Server 2012
- MS 20410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012
- MS EXCEL 2007 - zaawansowane operacje w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym

- Certificate of Academy of Telecommunications Ericpol

- Certificate of AutoCAD – Advanced

Uniwersyt Łódzki:
- Programowanie C++

Dell Products Poland Sp. z o.o.:
- Certyfikat Yellow Belt BPI
- BPI Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Szkolenia Wewnętrzne:
- Effective Presentation Skills
- Fundamentals of Databases Using Oracle - Web Training
- ERP Microsoft Dynamics AX
- Incident Management: How to Work Support Queues and Tasks - Web Training
- Incident Management: Remedy Walkthrough - Web Training
- Incident Management: ITIL, Roles, and Process - Web Training

Altkom Akademia SA:
- Komunikacja międzykulturowa

APICS - Basics of Supply Chain Managment (BSCM)
- „Zarządzanie Łańcuchem Dostaw - Fundamenty”

Honda Motor Poland:
- Komunikacja interpersonalna
- Internetowy system zamawiania części - EDOL
- Internetowy system rozliczania gwarancji - NEWS
- Elektroniczny katalog części - EPC
- Internetowy katalog części - WEB EPC
- ERP Autostacja3

Toyota Motor Poland:
- Instalacje elektryczne pojazdów
- Podstawy obsługi samochodów Poziom1
- Obsługa przedsprzedażna i okresowa
- Nowe systemy alarmowe Challenger
- Clifford Vademecum Instalatora
- Montaż pozycjonerów SKY - nawigacja satelitarna


Informatyka stosowana, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej
Informatyka, Specjalność: Systemy informatyczne w zarządzaniu, inżynierskie
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki w Łodzi


IT - Administracja
Wsparcie techniczne/Helpdesk
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
Łańcuch dostaw
Łańcuch dostaw


- Motoryzacja
- Nowe technologie
- Snowboarding
- Muzyka


Uniwersytet Łódzki
Uniwersytet Łódzki
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O sprzęcie i konfiguracji tegoż.
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Po prostu wymiana informacji na temat darmowych szkoleń.. jest polskim wortalem branży TSL, specjalizującym się dostarczaniu informacji wspomagających sektor Transportowo-Spedycyjno-Logistyczny w Polsce. Serwis jest źródłem informacji o wyd
dla wszystkich użytkowników programu MS Excel oraz programujących w VBA.