Krzysztof Szarek

DevOps Engineer
Zator, małopolskie


Amazon EC2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Apache Atlassian JIRA Bash Kaktusy CentOS Szef kuchni Debian Gentoo Linux Git Github Wysoka Dostępność HTML Java Linux Linux System Administration MongoDB MySQL Nagios Administracja sieci Networking Nginx Open Source Perl PHP Rozwiązywanie problemów Puppet Python Linux (Red Hat) RedHat Ruby Serwery Skrypty powłoki Shell Subversion administracja systemami TCP / IP Tomcat Ubuntu Unix Shell Scripting VirtualBox Usługi internetowe Zabbix



Doświadczenie zawodowe

DevOps Lead Engineer
SmartRecruiters Inc.
DevOps Engineer
Sabre Polska Sp. z o. o.
Team Lead Operations and Tech Support
Sabre Polska Sp. z o. o.
Contributor System Administrator
System Engineer
Mobizoom Sp. z o.o.
In the Mobizoom I had the same responsibilities as in the Mobiteam.
Technical Operation Engineer
Taking care of Java based sms/mms/wap applications located on more than a hundred Debian Linux Servers id Data Center in Switzerland. This included installation, configuration (including connections to SMSC Carriers) and monitoring of those platforms. Level 2 and Level 3 support including on call support for clients from Switzerland, Germany, Croatia and Uganda. I was involved in two migrations of all software between Data Centers in Poland and Switzerland. My part in the team was planning technical solutions, writing all necessary scripts, mostly using Perl and Bash, for automation and monitoring and finally taking the lead in migrating software and MySQL databases.
BETANET Sp. z o.o.
Network administrator
My key responsibility in this role was to maintain several large community networks with over 1000 802.11 wireless repeaters and end-clients. I accomplished this by leading the design and development of a configuration system and associated system infrastructure.
IT Specialist
Urząd Miejski w Zatorze
Network Administrator (Part Time)
Zatornet F.H.U.
Successfully designed, implemented and maintained large TCP/IP network with over 300 wireless end clients. Installed and supported router based on Debian and 14th routers based on MicroTik system. As a company we manage and secure the servers based on Debian system for City Hall in Zator and Orzelnet Company in Skawina. I was using Bash and Perl for task automations.

Szkolenia i kursy

Red Hat Certified Engineer
Red Hat Certified System Administrator
M101P: MongoDB for Developers
M102: MongoDB for DBAs


Informatyka, inżynierskie
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie


IT - Administracja
Administrowanie systemami


3 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
administratorzy linux/unix
AGH SUM 2007
AGH SUM 2007
Forum studentow uzupełniajacych studiow magisterskich z Informatyki na AGH w latach 2007-2009
Sieci Komputerowe
Sieci Komputerowe
Wszystko o szeroko pojętej tematyce sieci komputerowych.