Katarzyna Cisewska




Doświadczenie zawodowe

Doświadczenie zawodowe:

Sekretarz jury 50. Krakowskiego Festiwalu Filmowego
31 maj- 6 czerwca 2010

Koordynator ds. logistyki transportu w biurze gości zagranicznych na 35. Festiwalu Polskich Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni
1 maj- 29 czerca 2010

Animator Kultury w Klubie Studenckim „Żaczek”, Kraków
1 kwietnia 2010- do teraz

Administrator przy projekcie British Society of Cinematographers „Film and digital Image Evaluation 2009”; współpraca z MJH Media
Bafta 2010, Londyn
9- 14 marca 2010

Współpraca z Krakowską Fundacją Filmową oraz Watershed Media Centre w Bristolu w projekcie promocji polskiego kina za granicą (kontynuacja Polish Film Season „Podróż do Polski”
od stycznia 2010 do teraz

Współpraca z Galerią Młodych na 7. Warszawskich Targach Sztuki
Arkady Kubickiego, Warszawa
4- 6 grudnia 2009

Koordynator przy projekcie Bristish Society of Cinematographers „Film and digital Image Evaluation 2009”; współpraca z MJH Media
CamerImage 2009, Łódź
2- 3 grudnia 2009

Sekretarz międzynarodowego jury na 15. Encounters International Short Film Festival w Bristolu
17- 21 listopad 2009

Manager puzonistki Karoliny Brodniewicz
listopad 2009- styczeń 2010

Asystentka publicysty, pisarza Dr Jerzego Huczkowskiego
listopad 2009 do teraz

Asystentka w biurze gości zagranicznych na 34. Festiwalu Polskich Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni
14-19 września 2009
Koordynator przy projekcie Bristish Society of Cinematographers „Film and digital Image Evaluation 2009”; współpraca z MJH Media
Watershed Media Centre, Bristol
4 sierpnia 2009

Główny pomysłodawca i organizator Polish Film Season „Podróż do Polski” w Bristolu; współpraca z Krakowską Fundacją Filmową oraz Watershed Media Centre
Czas przygotowań: listopad 2008- kwiecień 2009
Czas trwania imprezy kulturalnej: 19- 26 kwietnia 2009

Współtwórca pierwszego, polskiego radio w Bristolu („Radiowski”)
kwiecień- czerwiec 2009

Dziennikarka w polskiej gazecie w Bristolu („Bristol.pl”)
listopad 2008- maj 2009

Wolontariuszka przy organizacji festiwalu kulturalnego „The Compass of Mystery Festival” w Bristolu
20 września- 20 października 2008

Sekretarz międzynarodowego jury na 13. Encounters International Short Film Festival w Bristolu
18- 23 listopada 2008

Barmanka w centrum kulturalnym Watershed Media Centre w Bristolu
luty 2008- czerwiec 2009

Kelnerka we francuskiej restauracji „La Fontaine” w Krakowie
kwiecień- wrzesień 2007

Sprzedawca działu książka w Empik Galeria Kazimierz w Krakowie; organizator akcji głośnego czytania dla dzieci
listopad 2005- maj 2006

Sprzedawca działu książka w Empik Megastore Gdańsk
październik 2004- maj 2005

Szkolenia i kursy

● Adobe Photoshop for Pcs
kwiecień- sierpień 2008, City of Bristol College
● IELTS- kurs języka angielskiego o poziomie akademickim
kwiecień- czerwiec 2008, City od Bristol College
● Beer and Cellar Quality
kwiecień 2008
● Food and Safety in Catering
kwiecień 2008
● kurs pilota wycieczek
listopad 2006- styczeń 2007


licencjat: kulturoznawstwo śródziemnomorskie, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie




film (głównie współczesne kino europejskie), literatura współczesna (z wyszczególnieniem pisarstwa środkowo i wschodnioeuropejskiego), sztuka ogólnie pojęta, ...robienie kartek urodzinowych




Watershed Arts Trust
1 Canon’s Road

11 June 2009

To Whom This May Concern

This letter is to confirm that Katarzyna Cisewska worked closely with Watershed’s Programming Dept to develop and present the very successful Journey to Poland / Podróż do Polski film season which took place on 19 – 26 April 2009 and attracted over 400 admissions.

As well as assisting with the film programme content during the months leading up to the event, Katarzyna was very proactive in contributing ideas to complement the film programme, in particularly with regards to attracting an interesting range of guest speakers, organising the live music entertainment (Katapulto) for the Polish Party, the highlight of the festival.) She also worked closely with our café/bar team to develop a “guest” Polish food and drinks offer (incl. securing in-kind sponsorships.)

She was a key point of contact for the Polish community and press, looked after external guest speakers and VIPs such as the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Christopher Davies an introduced all the events.

Katarzyna consistently used her initiative to develop an exciting and diverse programme of events and screenings. She is very professional and dedicated and would be a great asset to any creative festival or events team.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information on email: maddy@watershed.co.uk or tel: +44(0)117 9275120.

Madeleine Probst
Watershed Programme Development Co-ordinator

29th June 2009
To whom it may concern:
Re: Katarzyna Cisewska
Katarzyna worked voluntarily in the post of International Jury Co-ordinator for the 14th Encounters International Short Film Festival from 18th – 23rd November 2008. Encounters is the UK’s leading short film festival, showcasing the best new emerging talent from around the globe.

Katarzyna proved to be a great asset to the festival; she was always on hand to assist the international jury, as well as festival attendees, demonstrating great initiative and always conducting tasks, individual and team, with great enthusiasm and efficiency.

Katarzyna was an outstanding member of the volunteer team and displayed a real commitment to the volunteering duties; she distinguished herself by her positive attitude, her attention to detail, wonderful personality and intelligent approach to problem solving.

If you would like any further information please don’t hesitate to contact me on +44 (0)117 929 9188.

Sophie Mair
Festival Co-ordinator
Encounters Festivals

Encounters Festivals, Watershed, 1 Canon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5TX
T: +44 (0)117 915 0185 F: +44 (0)117 930 9967
E: sophie.mair@encounters-festival.org.uk
Encounters International Short Film Festival registered in England as a Limited Company Number: 3229078 Registered Charity Number: 1058603 Registered Office: Leigh Court, Abbots Leigh, Bristol, BS8 3RA

Informacja o Polish Film Season „Podróż do Polski"- wydarzeniu kulturalnym, ktorego byłam głównym inicjatorem i organizatorem; współpraca z Krakowską Fundacją Filmową oraz Watershed Media Centre.
Czas przygotowań: listopad 2008- kwiecień 2009
Czas trwania imprezy kulturalnej: 19- 26 kwietnia 2009

"Film, food, music and vodka – Watershed are laying on a veritable banquet of Polish entertainment and cuisine from 19 – 26 April at Journey to Poland / Podróż do Polski, a festival celebrating the best of Polish film. From classic to contemporary to shorts and features – we’ll take you on a cinematic journey through the heart of this culturally rich country with live music, cinema and cuisine.

Bristol has a long-established Polish community – with over 50,000 Polish nationals currently residing in the South West and 15,000 in the immediate Bristol area – and Watershed has been working closely with its members to deliver an exciting and diverse festival programme.

To complement the festival Watershed’s Executive Chef Oliver Pratt has been consulting with Polish chefs to offer a guest menu featuring some of their most flavoursome national dishes from the week commencing 20 April in the Café/Bar. They’ll be around for a limited time only, so be sure to sample the menu while you can.

The Watershed Café/Bar will also be hosting a Polish Party on Sat 25 April from 2200hrs, where you can enjoy a performance by Rzeszow-born, Bristol based mad musical genius Katapulto. You’ll be able to sample some Polish nibbles and ticketholders for the evening’s screening of Tricks will receive a complimentary ‘Wsciekly pies’ shot – vodka, Tabasco and raspberry juice in the colours of the Polish flag– for a true taste of Polish authenticity.

Journey to Poland’s cinematic journey begins on Sun 19 April at 1330 with a Double Bill of films from Andrzej Wajda, one of Poland’s most celebrated directors. His devastating new film Katyn, which addresses the horrific secret massacre of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet forces at Katyn during WWII, will be previewed on Thu 23 April at 1800.

Poland also produces an outstanding variety of short films. On Sat 25 April at 1400 we’ll be screening a selection of the best Polish shorts from past years of the Encounters Short Film Festival and on Sun 26 April at 1530 we’ll showcase shorts from the Krakow Film Festival. The variety and quality of the films are evidence of the astonishing filmmaking talent currently coming out of the country.

Some of this talent – graduates from the Lodz Film School – directed Ode to Joy, a three-part feature examining the difficult choices facing Polish youth today, which will screen at 1800 on Fri 24 April. Tricks, on Sat 25 April at 2030, takes a humorous look at Polish small town life as a young boy becomes convinced a local man is his absent father. Festival favourite My Nikifor, a portrait of eccentric Polish artist Nikifor Krynicki shot in the beautiful snowy spa town of Krynica, will conclude Watershed’s Journey to Poland at 1800 on Sun 26 April.
http://www.polishfestivalbristol.org.uk/ "

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this reference on behalf of Katarzyna Cisewska, who I have met in a professional capacity at the Polish National Film Festival, Gdynia, May 2010.
During this time Katarzyna worked for the Festival organising the Foreign Guests Desk and co-ordinating the requirements of myself and my colleagues from the World Cinema Alliance.

Katarzyna is a person of excellent character and disposition. She is caring, honest, responsible and thorough and I recommend her to you without reservation.

Yours sincerely,

Ivor Benjamin
Chair - Directors Guild of Great Britain


Wyjatkowa grupa wyjątkowych asystentek, sekretarek, recepcjonistek, a w szczególności nasze rekomendowane kandydatki :-), uczestniczki spotkań, szkoleń i osoby zaprzyjaźnione.
Asystentki, biurwy, sekretarki - łączcie się :)
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Event, Organizacja Imprez
Grupa poświęcona organizacji eventów i imprezez.
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Grupa dla pasjonatów dziedziny Event Marketingu
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Litwa : Wilno, Kowno, Troki, Kłajpeda, Szawle, Poniewież, Olita, Druskienniki.
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Grupa ta łaczy wszystkie małe "ojczyzny", prezentuje uroki miejsc mało komu znanych zarówno turystyczne, historyczne czy przyrodnicze
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
to grupa absolwentów, studentów oraz wszystkich osób związanych z najstarszą Alma Mater w kraju :)