Employer Branding
Rekrutacje wysokiego szczebla
konsulting HR
Rekrutacje IT
Selekcja CV
Wyławianie talentów
zarządzanie talentami
Rekrutacje techniczne
Doświadczenie zawodowe
IT & Teleco Recruitment consultant
CPL Jobs
►Driving IT recruitment projects
►Designing processes, focusing on objectives, quality and professional excellence
►Business Development
►Database maintenance
►Knowledge of various sourcing channels and active talent pools management, user knowledge of recruitment systems&methods
►Search and selection
►Executive Search
►Direct contact and co-operation with clients of the company as well as with consultants from across Europe
►Co-ordinating recruitment projects including follow ups with the client's and candidate's post placement level of satisfaction
►Designing processes, focusing on objectives, quality and professional excellence
►Business Development
►Database maintenance
►Knowledge of various sourcing channels and active talent pools management, user knowledge of recruitment systems&methods
►Search and selection
►Executive Search
►Direct contact and co-operation with clients of the company as well as with consultants from across Europe
►Co-ordinating recruitment projects including follow ups with the client's and candidate's post placement level of satisfaction
Szkolenia i kursy
Akdeniz Univeristy: kurs języka tureckiego, poziom A2
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Kadry i płace
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding
Praca - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Praca szuka ciebie
Praca szuka ciebie - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.