Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Prawo jazdy kat B
praca w zespole
Microsoft Access (podstawy)
Wystąpienia publiczne i prowadzenie prezentacji
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Continuous Improvement Specialist - Master Data
- Improving customer master data quality, team performance and high quality execution;
- Finding, testing and implementation of new improvement initiatives like process automation, new tools, new systems;
- Reporting and analytics;
- Making mass changes in SAP by macros (VBA, SAP scripting);
- Supporting CMDO team and CMDO team leader by having the advanced system knowledge and high-level overview of CMDO processes;
- Finding, testing and implementation of new improvement initiatives like process automation, new tools, new systems;
- Reporting and analytics;
- Making mass changes in SAP by macros (VBA, SAP scripting);
- Supporting CMDO team and CMDO team leader by having the advanced system knowledge and high-level overview of CMDO processes;
Supply Base Compliance (Regulatory Compliance) Specialist
10/2018 - 04/2019
- Coordinating process of data collection with focus on RoHS Directive (Restriction on Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic equipment);
- Continuous Improvement Single Point of Contact;
04/2018 - 04/2019
- Coordinating customer requests (Regulatory Compliance, Materials od Concern, Global Product Stewardship);
- Managing the data in a central database in close collaboration with suppliers, master data changes, risk assessment of materials based on the likelihood of specific reportable substances being present (including REACH, RoHS, California Prop. 65, Medical Device Regulation);
- Creating procedures documentation;
- Coordinating process of data collection with focus on RoHS Directive (Restriction on Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic equipment);
- Continuous Improvement Single Point of Contact;
04/2018 - 04/2019
- Coordinating customer requests (Regulatory Compliance, Materials od Concern, Global Product Stewardship);
- Managing the data in a central database in close collaboration with suppliers, master data changes, risk assessment of materials based on the likelihood of specific reportable substances being present (including REACH, RoHS, California Prop. 65, Medical Device Regulation);
- Creating procedures documentation;
Doardztwo w zakresie produktów optycznych, obsługa kilenta, sprzedaż.
Badania i rozwój
IT - Administracja
Administrowanie bazami danych i storage
Łańcuch dostaw
Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw
Zarządzanie jakością
Zapewnienie jakości
Nowe technologie, Telemedycyna, Podróże, Filmy
Praca w branży medycznej i farmaceutycznej
medycyna, farmacja - oferty pracy, opinie o pracodawcach, informacje o branży