Karolina Godlewska

Kierownik Projektu w firmie Unikkon Integral Sp. z o. o.


Prawo jazdy kat B Poświadczenie bezpieczeństwa (Klauzula tajności – POUFNE)



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Unikkon Integral Sp. z o.o.
Project Manager
- Marketing activities: responsibility for information and marketing activities during projects, e.g.:
- Information activities: promoting information regarding software developed by the company (mailing activities, direct and indirect contact with customers).
- Preparation of BTL materials: managing the preparation of BTL advertisement carriers, monitoring the content of advertisements, ordering prints and ensuring that all graphics and content-related requirements are met (posters, leaflets and gadgets).
- Online marketing: responsibility for managing the company's Facebook page, responsibility for website content updates, working closely with providers of SEO services.
- Preparation of the company's participation in trade fairs: preparing all aspects of the company's participation in sector-specific trade fairs (preparation of exhibition booths, information and advertising materials, multimedia presentations), direct contact with customers during trade fairs.
- Cooperation with advertising agencies and printing companies: selecting business partners, managing projects focused on preparing promotional/marketing and image-building materials in accordance with the company's corporate identity and positioning strategy.
- Project management and participation in tenders: ensuring on-time delivery of tasks in accordance with plans for projects financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (answering project-related queries, preparing necessary documents and summaries required to evaluate the progress of projects, etc.), monitoring public tender announcements.
Marketing Specialist
Metrosec sp. z o.o.
- Marketing activities: managing the company's image and information aimed at consumers, e.g.:
- Preparation of the company's participation in trade fairs, conferences and sector-specific events: ensuring that promotional materials are of high quality and compliant with the company's corporate identity (colours, shapes, designs), ensuring high quality of information materials.
- Preparation of promotional and marketing materials: working closely with advertising agencies and printing houses on preparing BTL materials (advertising gadgets, stickers, leaflets, booklets, posters), ensuring that the graphics and content-related requirements for information materials are met.
- Participation in the organisation of trade fairs: contributing to preparing sector-specific events, managing information activities, sending invitations, organising various activities for guests (including tourist and leisure activities).
- Acquisition of contracts through tenders: monitoring information and market data on new tenders, preparing tender documentation (compiling documents, monitoring the formal and content-related accuracy of applications), monitoring the processing of applications.
Assistant to the President of the Board
- Marketing and image-building activities: preparing multimedia presentations and printed materials for conferences and business meetings, maintaining good PR.
- Assistant and administrative tasks: managing a meeting schedule, organising business trips, preparing and managing business meetings, monitoring the flow of documents, keeping records of agreements, preparing formal letters.


Zarządzanie i Marketing, magisterskie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Zootechnika, magisterskie
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem


SGGW to jedna z najstarszych polskich uczelni. Zawsze wysoko w rankingach. Otrzymała tytuł „Najbardziej innowacyjnej i kreatywnej uczelni w Polsce”.
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie