Karolina Farys

Karolina Farys

Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Translator I Verifier I Corrector
BPO International, Warsaw
- Translating marketing and sales texts, advertisements, key words, leaflets and www pages.
- Revision, proofreading.
Team Leader of Sales & Customer Service Department
BPO International, Warsaw
Greek market [Sep, 2017 - Jun, 2021]
Norwegian market [Nov, 2018 - Jul, 2020]
Portuguese market [Jan, 2020 - Jul, 2020]

- Managing active sales and customer service call center teams.
- Implementation of business goals.
- Organising, supporting and motivating the agents.
- Reporting and analyzing sales and efficiency results.
- Implementation of marketing plans, making decisions regarding marketing campaigns.
- Fast reaction to the current situation on the markets.
- Team development, coaching, sales training, mentoring, evaluation of sales calls.
- Recruiting sales specialists, introducing new agents to the smooth performance of duties.
- Preparation of marketing and training materials.
- Close cooperation with other departments (Marketing & Project Managment, Product Managment, Logistics, Training Department, Data Science, Backoffice, Aftersales service, HR, Quality Control Department, Entertainment, IT, Automatic action campaigns IVR).
Supervisor of Sales Department
BPO International, Warsaw
- Greek, Bulgarian & Turkish markets
- Managing active sales call center teams.
- Monitoring team performance.
- Working with consultants on the quality of conversations in a call center.
- Organization of team work and implementation of business goals.
- Ongoing support for Team Leader and consultants.
- Training and sales coaching, feedback.
- Agent and team development, recruiting sales specialists.
Greek Customer Service Specialist
BPO International, Warsaw
- Customer service, handling orders from various advertising channels.
- After-sales consumer service.
- Consulting with consumers, providing information about products, matching the best offer, taking care of customer relations in accordance with the company's procedures.
Translator & Assistant od the Sworn Translator
Akritidis Pavlos, MSc. Sworn Translator of Greek language, Warsaw
- Translation of texts on legal and economic issues, contracts, certificates, and any official documents.
- Editing and proofreading of texts in Greek and Polish.
- Organizational support for the office, organization of documents, translation valuation, handling of current tasks.
Private greek lessons
Assistant in the Customer Service Department & Business Representative for Greece and Cyprus
Yetpack, Warsaw
- Acquiring new contractors and new orders from the territory of Greece and Cyprus.
- Preparation and translation of documents, orders, price lists, catalogs and brochures.
- Completing correspondence, preparation of statistical materials, appointment scheduling, computer rewriting texts, customer service, entering all activities to the CRM database.
Translator of Greek and Polish Language
- Cooperation with many translation agencies.
- A wide range of translations ( technical, product specifications, websites, marketing materials, contracts and other documents).

- Translatium Translation Office, Warsaw [Oct, 2013 - Jan, 2016]
- Chajec, Don-Siemion & Żyto Legal Advisors, Warsaw [Dec, 2013 - Apr, 2015]
- ArcusLink Translation Office, Warsaw [Oct, 2013 - Feb, 2015]
- Translation Street, Warsaw [Sep, 2013 - Mar, 2014]
- Picsy Translations Zurich Switzerland, Warsaw [Nov, 2009 - Jul, 2010]


Biology with analytics, magisterskie
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Biology and Biochemistry Department
Analiza Laboratoryjna - Praktyki studenckie, licencjackie
Regionalne Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa w Warszawie
Biotechnologia, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydział Biologii


Wyniki uzyskane przeze mnie w eksperymentalnej części pracy licencjackiej były prezentowane w formie dwóch komunikatów na międzynarodowych kongresach naukowych:
1) Szakiel A., Farys K., Pączkowski C. (2010) Preliminary analysis of triterpene compounds extracted from epicuticular wax layer covering stems of Vaccinium myrtillus plant. 7th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products: the Application of Analytical Methods for the Development of Natural Products, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts p. 187.
2) Szakiel A., Pączkowski C., Farys K., Janiszowska W. (2011) Triterpenoid content of Vaccinium myrtillus stem cuticular waxes. 52nd International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids: Expanding the Horizons of Lipidomics, Warsaw, Poland, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 164, Suppl. p. S13, doi:10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2011.05.052.


Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.
Biznes i innowacje w obszarze pharma, biotech & life science
O studiach, pracy i karierze w naukach przyrodniczych i biomedycznych (biotech, biopharma, biomedicine & life sciences)
Grecy w Polsce
Grecy w Polsce
Grupa ma na celu poszerzanie kultury greckiej i aktywizację społeczności greckiej w Polsce, za pomocą spotkań online i offline :)
język grecki
język grecki
grupa dla tych, którzy znają, uczą się lub pragną się uczyć greckiego
Języki obce a praca
Języki obce a praca
Grupa poliglotów. Powiedz jakimi językami obcymi władasz, a wskażemy Ci mozliwości wykorzystywania tych języków na codzień.
Grupa dotyczy nowego serwisu językowego www do nauki i uczenia się języków obcych.
Grupa dla studentów, absolwentów i pracowników, którzy swoją karierę zawodową wiążą z pracą w laboratoriach.
Praca - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Grupa dla osob mieszkajacych / studiujacych / pracujacych w Warszawie