Karolina Dudkiewicz

IT Recruitment Specialist at Xerox


Applicant Tracking Systems, ATS Client Service Oriented Rekrutacja konktraktowa CRM Direct Search Employer Branding Rekrutacje wysokiego szczebla konsulting HR Wywiady Rekrutacje IT Negocjacje Stałe umiejscowienie Screening telefoniczny Rekrutacja Reklama rekrutacyjna Requirements Gathering Screening Selekcja CV Nurkowanie Sourcing Usługi pracy tymczasowej Wyławianie talentów Rekrutacje techniczne praca tymczasowa Szkolenie Headhunting Zarządzanie zespołem Rekrutacja przez Internet candidate selection candidate screening

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Xerox Polska
EMEA Recruitment Specialist
Talent Acquisition & Staffing EMEA
Managing and creating recruitment processes for positions in IT, human resources, sales, finance and other.
Leading end to end recruitment projects across EMEA region, building and maintaining relationships with Hiring Managers across EMEA (gathering requirements, advising, role validation, market analysis), cooperating with international recruiters and HRs, determining and executing sourcing strategy (advertisements and direct approach), market and talent mapping, screening applications against position criteria, conducting competency based interviews and face to face interviews if required, maintaining all databases, management reports and documentation in an accurate and timely manner, offer management, employment branding activities.
Modis Polska
IT Recruiter
IT and engineering staff recruitment

- Performing search and selection activities in IT&Engineering projects, using Direct/Executive methoods
- Identifying potential candidate sources
- Running competence based interviews
- Creating competence reports after interviews
- Marketing open positions in existing internet channels
- Identifying new marketing sources
- Maintaining good contact with candidates throughout the process
- Supporting Sales Consultants
- providing Direct Search methods training for new team members
Adecco Poland


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding