Karen Azulai

Global Recruitment Manager at Nisha Global


Marketing afiliacyjny Business Intelligence Serwisy społecznościowe E-commerce Redagowanie French Pozytywne nastawienie Google Adwords Innowacja Internet Wywiady Uprzejmość Języki lokalizacja językowa Zarządzanie Microsoft Office Reklamy mobilne Mobile Search Marketing internetowy Otwarty umysł Rekrutacja Responsywność Search Engine Technology Social Media Social Networking Social Recruiting Sourcing Hiszpański Rekrutacje techniczne tłumaczenia Web 2.0 Web Content Management freelancer Administration conversational French Translation Services HR sourcing via social networks Information Specialist Medical Information Online Communities Autodidact

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Global Recruitment Manager
Nisha Global
Sourcing Expert
Sourcing the Internet (online and offline) for passive candidates to fill complex high tech roles, International consultants, talent mapping, talent pipeline and more using advanced Boolean search techniques and innovative software - TalentBin. Assisting startups and established companies with peak and ongoing recruiting challenges.

Companies I sourced for - VMware, Nuvoton, EMC, HRD, SupportSpace, Borderfree, and others (which will remain discrete, at least here :-)
Editorial Manager
* Managed the editorial resources of the company (12 in total, local and off-shore)
* Measured and improved the effectiveness of the editorial team
* Defined, measured, and improved search and quality metrics
* Created and improved editorial standards, guidelines, and policies
* Educated/trained editorial staff on editorial guidelines and ensure compliance
* Allocated and scheduled editorial resources across all products and customers
* Worked with product management to improve the quality and relevancy of the consumer facing search solutions
* Work with the development and product management
teams to ensure the proper tools and data available to
the editors
* Building and maintenance of on and off portal indexes in
10 European languages, including quality and relevancy
Internet and Content Manager
* Characterization and content management of the first mega-
website dedicated to Israelis living abroad – IsraelisAbroad.
* Characterization and content management of Davidshield’s
company’s website, including MyDS, the new self-service
website (http://www.davidshield.com)
* Responsibility for writing, editing and distributing the
monthly Relocation Newsletter
Orange Polska S.A.
Senior Information Professional
* Delivery of timely information upon request or as ongoing
professional education in the telecommunications field
* Initiated and wrote newsletters in various relevant topics
Information Professional and Project Coordinator
Rabin Medical Center
* Launched and managed the Woman's Health Education and Information Center
* Managed 11 senior nurses, volunteers at the center
Executive Secretary & HR coordinator
Magic Software Enterprises

Szkolenia i kursy

- CIR - Certified Internet Recruiter
- ACIR- Advanced Certified Internet Recruiter


History of Art & History, magisterskie
Tel Aviv University
Architectural design, magisterskie
Rothberg High School