Kamila Wiensko

Kamila Wiensko

AP Specialist with French
Kraków, małopolskie


Zarządzanie klientami Księgowość Angielski Języki obce konsulting HR Human Resources Microsoft Office Procurement Outsourcing Francuski MS Excel



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Kingfisher Plc
AP Accountant
Junior AP Specialist (06.2018 - AP Specialist)
ABB Business Services
1. Transition of invoice processing from the office located in France
2. Sharing the knowledge with other team members and systematizing the process
3. Invoice booking in SAP (I am fully responsible for on non-PO invoices and support others)
4. Introducing improvements of the process
5. Control of the invoices in the system and resolving problems
6. Mail contact with French vendors
7. Cooperation with colleagues from France
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
AP Analyst with French
1. Payment booking in SAP (invoices, reimbursements, rejected payments etc.)
2. Payment control starting with receiving the invoices until their full realisation
3. Solving the problems related to the payments (for example incorrectly created PO or incorrectly issued invoice)
4. Mail and telephone contact with French vendors
5. Cooperation with the client from France
6. Providing reports to the client and to the vendors
7. Auditing the payment booking
8. Taking part in improvements
IBM BTO Business Consulting Services Sp. z o. o.
AR Analyst with French
1. Master data management and supervision
2. Mail contact with the client from Canada
3. Creating, modifying and removing the clients from data base
4. Research of information
5. Control over data correctness
Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Procurement Process Analyst with French
1. Supervision and management of the procurement system and the whole process of the orders, from creating the suppliers to the creation of the Purchase Orders
2. Cooperation with the client
-1st level support for French Clients and external suppliers
-mail contact as well as phone contact
-treating the requests concerning the issues coming up during the creation of the orders
3. Control over data correctness of:
-the orders in the system
-the purchase orders sent to the suppliers
4. Purchase order creation, modification and cancellation in the E-procure
5. Vendor Master Data maintenance
-creation, research
6. Translation of the procedures (French to English, English to French)
Precision HR
Wsparcie procesów rekrutacyjnych:
-działania ukierunkowane na pozyskiwanie kandydatów; wyszukiwanie kandydatów w Internecie i kontaktowanie ich;
-pisanie raportów rekrutacyjnych w języku angielskim i polskim;
-wykonywanie tłumaczeń dokumentów z języka polskiego na język angielski;
-weryfikacja poziomu znajomości języka angielskiego u kandydatów;
-tworzenie list searchowych i baz danych;
-wyszukiwanie informacji rynkowych w Internecie i innych ogólnodostępnych źródłach;

Szkolenia i kursy

MS Excel 2007 with Quality and PEx training by UBS Poland Service Centre


Filologia angielska, językoznawstwo angielskie (język w biznesie), magisterskie
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Filologia angielska, licencjackie
Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
lingwistyka stosowana, licencjackie
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. J. Tischnera w Krakowie


mail: kamila.wiensko@gmail.com


Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera