Strategia biznesowa
Analiza finansowa
modelowanie finasowe
Sprawozdawczość finansowa
Podatki Międzynarodowe
Transfer Pricing
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Doctoral Researcher
Leeds University Business School (LUBS)
'Multinational Enterprises International Transfer Pricing Strategies in China – empirical research’
ƒ Importance of selected factors in evaluating the performance of MNEs Chinese affiliate manager;
ƒ The autonomy of MNEs Chinese affiliates regarding TP decisions;
ƒ What are the legally authorized “arm’s length” methods currently used by MNEs to determine the international TP for transferred tangible goods, intangible property and services between parent company and Chinese related party(ies);
ƒ MNEs status regarding Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) in China;
ƒ The level of importance of selected variables affecting choice of TP method:external and internal environment, international financial market, socio–political and legal, organizational variables, internal financial variables;
ƒ MNEs affilate managers assessment of the Chinese taxation environment;
ƒ MNEs Chinese affiliates managers expectations regarding the role of TP external advisor.
ƒ Importance of selected factors in evaluating the performance of MNEs Chinese affiliate manager;
ƒ The autonomy of MNEs Chinese affiliates regarding TP decisions;
ƒ What are the legally authorized “arm’s length” methods currently used by MNEs to determine the international TP for transferred tangible goods, intangible property and services between parent company and Chinese related party(ies);
ƒ MNEs status regarding Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) in China;
ƒ The level of importance of selected variables affecting choice of TP method:external and internal environment, international financial market, socio–political and legal, organizational variables, internal financial variables;
ƒ MNEs affilate managers assessment of the Chinese taxation environment;
ƒ MNEs Chinese affiliates managers expectations regarding the role of TP external advisor.
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