Doświadczenie zawodowe
Marketing Manager Czech republic and Slovakia (BMM), Actimel, Kostici & Disney, Fantasia
- Strategic brand management – planning brands’ long-term strategies, delivering brands’ long-term plans and annual operation plans incl. volume, operational income and delivering specific market objectives per particular brands (shares, volume/value growth).
- Full P&L responsibility topline & bottomline; budget planning and adjustments.
- Ensuring consumer needs understanding. Developing insights for winning strategies and communication (incl. research: qual. /quant/ conjoint). Communication development incl. management of creative process, production, pre-and-post research.
- New products development (consumer research, feasibility study, implementation). Launch strategy development for Disney range and new products.
Managerial responsibility: 3 Brand Managers, 1 Junior Brand Manager
- Full P&L responsibility topline & bottomline; budget planning and adjustments.
- Ensuring consumer needs understanding. Developing insights for winning strategies and communication (incl. research: qual. /quant/ conjoint). Communication development incl. management of creative process, production, pre-and-post research.
- New products development (consumer research, feasibility study, implementation). Launch strategy development for Disney range and new products.
Managerial responsibility: 3 Brand Managers, 1 Junior Brand Manager
Senior Brand Manager - Actimel, CORE & WHITE range
- Recommending and implementing long and short-term marketing strategy in line
with overall company mission and financial goals.
- Continuation and adjustment of afford valuity strategy for Danone jogurt range.
Coordinating all market research projects, tracking, qual. quantitative research.
- Delivering communication strategies, executions (360 communication projects incl.
ATL, BTL and digital) and communication plans for selected brands.
- New products development and management (product development, consumer research, communication and launch strategies – Danone Crunchy). Market data analysis (retail audit, household panels, advertising tracking)
- Recommending and implementing long and short-term marketing strategy in line with overall company mission and financial goals.
- Continuation and adjustment of afford valuity strategy for Danone jogurt range. Coordinating all market research projects, tracking, qual. quantitative research.
- Delivering communication strategies, executions (360 communication projects incl. ATL, BTL and digital) and communication plans for selected brands.
- New products development and management (product development, consumer research, communication and launch strategies). Market data analysis (retail audit, household panels, advertising tracking)
with overall company mission and financial goals.
- Continuation and adjustment of afford valuity strategy for Danone jogurt range.
Coordinating all market research projects, tracking, qual. quantitative research.
- Delivering communication strategies, executions (360 communication projects incl.
ATL, BTL and digital) and communication plans for selected brands.
- New products development and management (product development, consumer research, communication and launch strategies – Danone Crunchy). Market data analysis (retail audit, household panels, advertising tracking)
- Recommending and implementing long and short-term marketing strategy in line with overall company mission and financial goals.
- Continuation and adjustment of afford valuity strategy for Danone jogurt range. Coordinating all market research projects, tracking, qual. quantitative research.
- Delivering communication strategies, executions (360 communication projects incl. ATL, BTL and digital) and communication plans for selected brands.
- New products development and management (product development, consumer research, communication and launch strategies). Market data analysis (retail audit, household panels, advertising tracking)
Brand Manager, Social Innovations (launch of Mleczny Start - first socially useful product) and CSR
- Strategic recommendation and implementation of long and short-term marketing strategy for launch of Mleczny Start (first socially useful product in PL market developed based on social problems such as malnutrition).
- Marketing mix development of Mleczny Start. Consumer and market research for product and project development.
- Full responsibility of P&L and budget management.
- Cooperation with Institute of Mother and Child and Lubella on product development. Cooperation with Biedronka on sales and promotion strategy for Mleczny Start.
- Share Your Meal program (Danone CSR program focused on fighting of malnutrition among kids) CRM management and communication crafting for 2005- 2006
- Marketing mix development of Mleczny Start. Consumer and market research for product and project development.
- Full responsibility of P&L and budget management.
- Cooperation with Institute of Mother and Child and Lubella on product development. Cooperation with Biedronka on sales and promotion strategy for Mleczny Start.
- Share Your Meal program (Danone CSR program focused on fighting of malnutrition among kids) CRM management and communication crafting for 2005- 2006
Brand Manager , brands: Jogurt Naturalny, Cream and Kefir & Innovation projects
Management, development and evaluation of brand plans and objectives; budget management. Relaunch of Jogurt Naturalny range. Product & packaging upgrade: Cream and Kefir. Development of sales program focused on Warsaw region in White products (sales activities planning driving distribution and rotation ). Innovations project development and consumer research - market potential analyses (need states, consumer profiles, positioning, trends) inc. - DREAM project coordination (development of products for bottom of pyramid consumers)
Junior Brand Manager, Danonki,
Management promotions for kids (implementation of edutainment strategy). Development and implementation of brand activity programs (incl. management of sales programs) , communication development and campaign planning) in cooperation with trade marketing. Brand performance analysis and recommendations
Szkolenia i kursy
Coaching (2011), Leadership Tools advanced (2010), Leadership training basics (2010), Presentation skills (2010), Problem solving techniques (2009), MBTI (2007), Danone Sequoia – Business game (2006), Situational Leadership (2006), Building brand leadership in a changing world (2005), Strategic Management and Advertising (2005), Project management (2004), Change management (2004)
astrologia, wrozbiarstwo
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Uniwersytet Łódzki powstał 24 maja 1945 roku jako kontynuator dorobku wcześniejszych instytucji działających w okresie międzywojennym w Łodzi. Obecnie jest jedną z największych polskich uczelni.
Grupa ta ma na celu umożliwienie jej uczestnikom szybkie reagowanie na wzajemne potrzeby, nie tylko w wydaniu biznesowym. W założeniu skierowana do jak najszerszego ogrona osób, gdyż nigdy nie
Astrologia. Rozwój osobisty... kobiety i mężczyźni dla każdego, kto interesuje się królewską wiedzą jaką jest Astrologia, szuka Wewnętrznej Mocy i sposobów jej realizacji... Zapra
Astrologia i Tarot w biznesie i coachingu
Astrologia i Tarot w biznesie, andragogiczne oraz psychologiczne podejście. Praca z procesem w astrologii i Tarocie.
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
Career coaching
Coach, Coaching = dla osób, które prowadzą lub będą prowadziły coaching, coaching kariery, jak również dla wszystkich tych, którzy uważają, że coaching jest pomocnym narzędziem w odkrywaniu i planowan
Praca - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Praca szuka ciebie
Praca szuka ciebie - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.