Joanna Jablonska

Brand Marketing Manager, Danone Czech Republic and Slovakia
Praga, zagranica



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Danone sp. z o.o.
Marketing Manager Czech republic and Slovakia (BMM), Actimel, Kostici & Disney, Fantasia
- Strategic brand management – planning brands’ long-term strategies, delivering brands’ long-term plans and annual operation plans incl. volume, operational income and delivering specific market objectives per particular brands (shares, volume/value growth).
- Full P&L responsibility topline & bottomline; budget planning and adjustments.
- Ensuring consumer needs understanding. Developing insights for winning strategies and communication (incl. research: qual. /quant/ conjoint). Communication development incl. management of creative process, production, pre-and-post research.
- New products development (consumer research, feasibility study, implementation). Launch strategy development for Disney range and new products.
Managerial responsibility: 3 Brand Managers, 1 Junior Brand Manager
Danone sp. z o.o.
Senior Brand Manager - Actimel, CORE & WHITE range
- Recommending and implementing long and short-term marketing strategy in line
with overall company mission and financial goals.
- Continuation and adjustment of afford valuity strategy for Danone jogurt range.
Coordinating all market research projects, tracking, qual. quantitative research.
- Delivering communication strategies, executions (360 communication projects incl.
ATL, BTL and digital) and communication plans for selected brands.
- New products development and management (product development, consumer research, communication and launch strategies – Danone Crunchy). Market data analysis (retail audit, household panels, advertising tracking)
- Recommending and implementing long and short-term marketing strategy in line with overall company mission and financial goals.
- Continuation and adjustment of afford valuity strategy for Danone jogurt range. Coordinating all market research projects, tracking, qual. quantitative research.
- Delivering communication strategies, executions (360 communication projects incl. ATL, BTL and digital) and communication plans for selected brands.
- New products development and management (product development, consumer research, communication and launch strategies). Market data analysis (retail audit, household panels, advertising tracking)
Danone sp. z o.o.
Brand Manager, Social Innovations (launch of Mleczny Start - first socially useful product) and CSR
- Strategic recommendation and implementation of long and short-term marketing strategy for launch of Mleczny Start (first socially useful product in PL market developed based on social problems such as malnutrition).
- Marketing mix development of Mleczny Start. Consumer and market research for product and project development.
- Full responsibility of P&L and budget management.
- Cooperation with Institute of Mother and Child and Lubella on product development. Cooperation with Biedronka on sales and promotion strategy for Mleczny Start.
- Share Your Meal program (Danone CSR program focused on fighting of malnutrition among kids) CRM management and communication crafting for 2005- 2006
Danone sp. z o.o.
Brand Manager , brands: Jogurt Naturalny, Cream and Kefir & Innovation projects
Management, development and evaluation of brand plans and objectives; budget management. Relaunch of Jogurt Naturalny range. Product & packaging upgrade: Cream and Kefir. Development of sales program focused on Warsaw region in White products (sales activities planning driving distribution and rotation ). Innovations project development and consumer research - market potential analyses (need states, consumer profiles, positioning, trends) inc. - DREAM project coordination (development of products for bottom of pyramid consumers)
Danone sp. z o.o.
Junior Brand Manager, Danonki,
Management promotions for kids (implementation of edutainment strategy). Development and implementation of brand activity programs (incl. management of sales programs) , communication development and campaign planning) in cooperation with trade marketing. Brand performance analysis and recommendations

Szkolenia i kursy

Coaching (2011), Leadership Tools advanced (2010), Leadership training basics (2010), Presentation skills (2010), Problem solving techniques (2009), MBTI (2007), Danone Sequoia – Business game (2006), Situational Leadership (2006), Building brand leadership in a changing world (2005), Strategic Management and Advertising (2005), Project management (2004), Change management (2004)


Institute of Translation, Interpretation and International Relations- Professional Translation, studia podyplomowe
University of Strasbourg
Stosunki Miedzynarodowe Polityczne i Gospodarcze, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Łódzki


astrologia, wrozbiarstwo


Uniwersytet Łódzki
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Uniwersytet Łódzki powstał 24 maja 1945 roku jako kontynuator dorobku wcześniejszych instytucji działających w okresie międzywojennym w Łodzi. Obecnie jest jedną z największych polskich uczelni.
Forum dla osób poszukujących pracy.
Grupa ta ma na celu umożliwienie jej uczestnikom szybkie reagowanie na wzajemne potrzeby, nie tylko w wydaniu biznesowym. W założeniu skierowana do jak najszerszego ogrona osób, gdyż nigdy nie
Astrologia. Rozwój osobisty... kobiety i mężczyźni dla każdego, kto interesuje się królewską wiedzą jaką jest Astrologia, szuka Wewnętrznej Mocy i sposobów jej realizacji... Zapra
Astrologia i Tarot w biznesie i coachingu
Astrologia i Tarot w biznesie i coachingu
Astrologia i Tarot w biznesie, andragogiczne oraz psychologiczne podejście. Praca z procesem w astrologii i Tarocie.
Business Marketing
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
Career coaching
Career coaching
Coach, Coaching = dla osób, które prowadzą lub będą prowadziły coaching, coaching kariery, jak również dla wszystkich tych, którzy uważają, że coaching jest pomocnym narzędziem w odkrywaniu i planowan
Danone Group
Danone Group
Forum Danone'owców byłych i obecnych.
Marketing szeptany
Marketing szeptany
Marketing szeptany, viral i buzz
Praca - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Praca szuka ciebie
Praca szuka ciebie
Praca szuka ciebie - grupa dla szukających pracy jak i headhunterow czy pracownikow HR poszukujacych pracownikow.
Reklama, marketing, marka
Reklama, marketing, marka
Reklama, marketing, zarządzanie marką