Joanna Ingram-Dziedzic

Assisting my manager in Finance Payroll Team at AonHewitt, ex-General Manager of own branch, Abbey Road PE in North London
Kraków, małopolskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Assisting my manager in Finance Payroll Team at AonHewitt
After an initial 3 months of a great transition project from Glasgow to Krakow office, fulfilling end to end payroll financial duties, then was promoted to be a coach for new members, finally being offered to assist my manager in Finance Payroll Team at AonHewitt, looking after main organizational tasks to overview the completion of daily, weekly and monthly processes, planning activities, any ad hoc requests, meeting and teleconferencing with Client, introducing innovative ideas to improve smooth operations, preparing statistics, ensuring effective communication within the team, taking vital part in successful PWC audits, active participation in any projects. Always having people aspects in mind and all management issues, adhering to procedures, keepking deadlines, giving constructive feedback. Proactively participating in hot topics, daily meetings.
WSS im.L.Rydygiera
Specjalista ds HR/Asystent zarzadu-Dyr Medycznego oraz Dyr Infrastruktury i Aparatury Med
Specjalista ds obslugi kadr w Sekcji Zarzadzania Zasobami Ludzkimi -codzienny serwis dla pracownikow(6 m-cy). Dodatkowo 'charytatywny' projekt po godzinach- opracowywanie Opisu Stanowisk dla calego Szpitala wspolnie z 1 kolezanka. Promocja na asystentke 2 Dyrektorow jednoczesnie -wspaniale doswiadczenie zawodowe, umiejetne laczenie obowiazkow polegajacych na zarzadzaniu grafikiem obu Dyrektorow, obsluga korespondencji listownej, emailowej i faxow, organizowanie spotkan, konferencji, czasem z udzialem obcokrajowcow- wowczas tlumaczenie z j.angielskiego, wykonywanie polecen sluzbowych wynikajacych ze specyfiki resortu, efektywna komunikacja z Urzedami i placowkami wspolpracujacymi, a dodatkowo z Uniwersytetem Jagielonskim ws organizacji praktyk studenckich na terenie Szpitala, wspolpraca z Dzialem Prawnym.
General Manager of own branch
Abbey Road PE in North London
Promoted to higher level of management within PE Company.Successful managing all aspects of the business end to end.Writing the business and adverising plan for my own branch,refurbishing my site,organizing promotional activities and charitable events,hiring new people, training all team members, managing their career development, responsible for all financial and accounting aspects of the business, helping Area Manager with all Area statistics and internal audits for other managers, adhering to rules and procedures, ensuring th highest scores for all types of Audits whether Company ones,PWC Financial, Government ones-Health and Safety,Food Safety.Additionally coaching new managers sent to me from Head Office for Manager's Training-shadowing,reverse shadowing, evaluating.A very rewarding experience, true career.Resign due to going back home- Cracow, Poland.
Pizza Express Ltd
Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Deputy Manger at the PE Restaurant
Offered a part time positon of a Supervisor in Kennington (English School student at that time),then after successful 2 days of assesment center was promoted to an Assistant Manager in London Bridge then worked through to be a Deputy Manager in 3rd biggest branch at Royal Festival Hall -all jobs were based in London city center. Being a people's person I became a contact manager for all other managers in the area for HR aspects, certified at the course on current available HR tools and portals. Interested also in managing by objects, aimed for driving the business in the right direction- center of excellence. Holistically looking after rotas (scheduling weekly ca 150 team members on the shifts),business and Mystery Customer results, finance and accounting, levels of goods ordered, audits, jazz live music schedule, famous poeple parties etc
Le Piaf Restaurant, London
Managing Restaurant holistically: people, goods, services, reporting results to head office and the owner of 11 restaurant branches at that time, preparing weekly Profit and Loss Reports, rotas with suitable shift patterns, ensuring all team members are skilled, fully trained, capable for delivering the best possible customer service.
Getting great business financial results,all audits passed with highest scores, having very little staff turnover, organizing live jazz music concerts in the evenings on weekly basis, designing specific marketing strategy for the prestigious Dulwich Village location, cooperating with local community, having lunch special offers.
Overseeing smooth business operation whilst pleasant atmosphere is always kept.


Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
Business, assigned in error to POST GRADUATE STUDIES instead of undergraduate, studia podyplomowe
Lille Edhec


Podróże zagraniczne i krajowe-morza, gory, mniej znane turystyczne perelki, języki i kultury obce, taniec, muzyka, joga, pilates, pływanie, bizuteria, moda- stylizacja.


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.
Korporacja Absolwentów UEK / AE Kraków
Korporacja Absolwentów UEK / AE Kraków
Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów UEK / AE Kraków
Sprzedaż Transformacyjna
Sprzedaż Transformacyjna
Grupa skierowana do osób profesjonalnie zajmujących się sprzedażą bezpośrednią i zainteresowanych rozwojem swoich umiejętności w tej dziedzinie.