Jeremy Milligan

Director, TAK-Outsourcing


  • Jeremy Milligan
    Wpis na grupie Windykacja wierzytelności w temacie Partnership or employment opportunities with...
    7.10.2010, 12:34

    TAK-Outsourcing are a UK company with offices in Krakow and London.

    We specialise in Debt Recovery and Credit Control. All of our customers are in the UK.

    Our business is growing and I am looking for windykacja experts to work in partnership with us (or for us) in Krakow. If you have good English and would like to discuss opportunities please email me at


    Jeremy Milligan
    TAK-Outsourcing Ltd and TAK-Outsourcing Sp zo.o

  • Jeremy Milligan
    Wpis na grupie Windykacja należności w temacie Partnership or employment opportunities with...
    7.10.2010, 12:33

    TAK-Outsourcing are a UK company with offices in Krakow and London.

    We specialise in Debt Recovery and Credit Control. All of our customers are in the UK.

    Our business is growing and I am looking for windykacja experts to work in partnership with us (or for us) in Krakow. If you have good English and would like to discuss opportunities please email me at


    Jeremy Milligan
    TAK-Outsourcing Ltd and TAK-Outsourcing Sp zo.o

  • Jeremy Milligan
    Wpis na grupie WINDYKACJA NALEŻNOŚCI GOSPODARCZYCH I NIE TYLKO w temacie Opportunity to co-operate with UK Debt Collection company...
    7.10.2010, 11:53


    We are a UK company with our service centre in Krakow. We provide credit control and debt collection services to UK customers.

    I am interested in meeting people with Windykacja experience and good English. Our business is growing and there are opportunities to work in partnership with us, or for us in the area of UK Debt Recovery.

    If you are interested in discussing this further please contact me at You can see more information at



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