RT @mjpt777: Intel are migrating from ring bus to mesh CPU architecture. Local of threads is going to get more important. https://t.co/9wvbKkoSrB
- 17.06.2017, 21:42
RT @CodeWisdom: "Dear young person, if you are a geek, the world needs you, and you will never run out of opportunities to apply your talents."-Donald Knuth
- 16.06.2017, 23:49
@WSztajerowski pamiętasz nocne dywagacje ? i słowo się stało, https://t.co/YZfPVCo7jG
- 16.06.2017, 20:12
RT @ewolff: Software architecture: Finding the least disastrous option among many bad ones based on incomplete and constantly changing information.
- 16.06.2017, 04:50
RT @CodeWisdom: "When you find yourself in coding difficulty you have to go back and find the mistake you already made." - Bob Leonard (@fars1d3r)
- 16.06.2017, 00:35
RT @rickasaurus: As CTO my primary responsibility is to stop myself from rewriting all of the legacy systems alone in a manic fury.
- 15.06.2017, 16:14
RT @CodeWisdom: "The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it’s too late." - Seymour Cray
- 14.06.2017, 21:52
RT @jakekorab: Premature generalisation is the root of all evil.
- 13.06.2017, 02:10
RT @AdamBrodziak: @kapware @j_palka @kubem full stack developer can add technical debt to every part of the stack :)
- 12.06.2017, 23:00
RT @MGrzejszczak: Excited to be showing the new @springcloud Contract talk @AllegroTechBlog https://t.co/03peiGpZlS 2 slides and live coding! C u there!
- 12.06.2017, 16:57
RT @ThePracticalDev: Chapter 8: Onboarding new devs to also ignore the warnings. https://t.co/HUpKj1u2HQ
- 12.06.2017, 12:17
RT @wendigo: “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy”. Just like planning and estimates in software engineering
- 12.06.2017, 11:48
RT @manisha72617183: Unfortunately, monads have been turned into a tool of intellectual terrorism, thanks to Mexican food, Bedouins and other confusing analogies
- 12.06.2017, 11:46
RT @JDD_Krakow: Relying on the copy-paste method when using #JPA is not a good idea - @jkubrynski tells more about that #JDD_Krakow… https://t.co/6HanKT7erY
- 12.06.2017, 11:07
RT @it_kpi: Focus on ideas not tools (C) Mariusz Gil #phpfwdays #fwdays #MachineLearning https://t.co/NC6aM9gOHQ
- 12.06.2017, 08:46
RT @agileklzkittens: @JosephHatfield @johncutlefish @bitfield In my myriad #scrum trainings, I was taught to break the elephant into sma… https://t.co/jqaohexVIu
- 12.06.2017, 06:12
RT @mariofusco: OOP as intended by most of us (C++/Java-like) is only the (mostly failed) attempt to group functions into a context with data they depend on
- 11.06.2017, 12:10
RT @mariofusco: "The type String should only ever appear in your program when a value is being shown to a human being" - @nuttycom
- 10.06.2017, 17:42
RT @maldr0id: Why every user agent string starts with "Mozilla"? https://t.co/SkwyWj7AHJ
- 10.06.2017, 10:42
@WSztajerowski you know what? you I either find me another topic or.... ?
- 10.06.2017, 08:52