Janusz Kujawa

IT LINUX Specialist
Wrocław, dolnośląskie


Active Directory ITIL Linux Project Management Windows Server Zenoss Zarządzanie IT Bazy danych Administracja systemami Zarządzanie usługami IT Red Hat Enterprise Linux Administracja sieci Tivoli Monitoring Redhat Cluster RAC Zenoss Core 4 Zenoss Core 5 ServceD Zenoss



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Senior IT Specialist
IBM Gdc Wrocław
- administration AIX and Linux;
- manage, fix, reconfigure IBM tool's client such as: ITM, SRM, TSM, TLM;
- increase performance Linux;
- fix security issue;
- install APAR - upgrade OS (Linux RedHat and AIX);
- manage LPAR, DLPAR;
- manage, troubleshooting and install RHCS (Redhat Cluster Suit);
- manage and troubleshooting RAC (Real Application Cluster);
- supporting infrastructure platforms for Tivoli monitoring such as RTEMS, TEMHUB etc.
Bank Pocztowy S.A.
Linux Specialist
- administration, upgrading, licensing RHEL,Vmware ESX, ESXi servers;
- care about correct network backup servers;
- instalation and configuration new RHEL, Vmware ESX ESXi;
- new implement, administration and expand existing Red Hat Cluster Suit based on RHEL systems;
- reconfigure and improve existing services on RHEL servers such as: DNS, SQL, HTTP, SSH, SFTP;
- increase security level Linux services;
- administration web and application servers such as Tomcat and Apache;
- administration database server: MySQL, PostgreSQL;
- clustering PostgreSQL, MySQL, Tomcat etc.
- creating work enviroment for group such as: programmer, business department, application administrators etc.
- documentat all take part projects IT;

To attend project such as:
- build secure chrooted enviroment services RHEL for restrict applications access;
- implement central log server with mail alert function;
- build snmp monitor trends server based on Cacti;
- implement real timie monitor for critical services, project based on nagios, centreon, nagvis etc;
- clustering Vmware ESX HA configuration and manage. Projects for special group servers.
- implementing active-pasive HA solution for services like: tomcat, apache for special web services such as portals;
- implementing active-active HA solution for services like: tomcat, apache for special web services such as portals;
- optimization, benchmarking servers: Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PostgreSQL;
- building scalable http(s) servers infrastructure for network portals and web application - cache https session, cache static content loadbalancing, proxing.
- configuring and maintaining streaming replication and live backup for SQL servers: PostgreSQL, MySQL
- implementation of the system and call center components responsible for the integration of banking systems.
- reconstruction of cluster systems with the AP to the AA model. Reconfiguration of services for handling the new model cluster.
- building HA software loadbalancer cluster for critical web application services I used HAproxy and CARP stand on FreeBSD system.
- building HA web application solution - servers on nginx proxy and tomcat.
- participation in the project, banking, selection of infrastructure to provide redundancy for all components. Creating a scalable server infrastructure for client applications and the bank's internal mechanisms.
- building HA software loadbalancer cluster HAproxy and heartbeat on RHEL6.
- building HA webservices base on apache servicemix fuse esb
- create monitoring system for webservices: check valid WSDL response from ESB servers.
- building Redhat Cluster with GFS monitoring all points of system.
- configuring, manage AMQ in webapplication servers and middleware services: clustering all services.
Krzysztof W.
Krzysztof W. · współpracownik
Janusz to człowiek łączący w sobie dawnego "Boga Informatyka" (wiedza) z młodzieńczą przebojowością. To ktoś kto "WIE" co robi oraz co zrobić należy i kiedy. Prawdziwy "twardziel" wychodzi z niego gdy "nie jest dobrze". Zawsze chciałbyś mieć go za plecami w kryzysowej sytuacji. Dla niego problem nie istnieje, to tylko kolejne "zwykłe" zadanie do wykonania.
Linux Administrator
- implementation and improvement network services: DNS, WWW, FTP, SSH, SQL, VPN;
- develop existing network infrastructure (hardware + software);
- analyse and implement network backup strategy using Amanda Software;
- to maintain the continuity of the provision of Linux network services;
- coordination network projects, contact with ISP, business partner;
- upgrade and administration RHEL systems;
- monitor existing servers and active network devices infrastructure;
- write bash, perl scripts to automate system processes;
- implement central server to monitoring network devices and services based on Groundwork Monitor;

Szkolenia i kursy

Traning attendance:

14/03/2008: Certificate Of Completion: ICND Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices v 2.0
13/07/2009: Certificate of Attendence: RH133 - Red Hat Linux System Administration
16/11/2009: Certificate of Attendence: RH 253 - Red Hat Linux Networking and Security Administration
10/10/2013: PowerHA 7.1 System Mirror Advance Configuration

31/08/2009: Red Hat Certified Technican Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 CN: 605009380725836
26/09/2014: RedHat Certified System Administrator 100-128-578 EX200
26/09/2014: RedHat Certified Engineer 100-128-578 EX300
13/09/2014: ITIL® Foundation v3


Matematyka spec. Informatyka, licencjackie
Uniwersytet w Bydgoszczy


IT - Administracja
Administrowanie systemami
IT - Administracja
Zarządzanie usługami


Sport activity such as: snowboard, running, bike trip. Motorization.




9 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Miłośnicy oraz posiadacze samochodów marki AUDI
Business Marketing
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
Grupa poświęcona frontendowi Nagiosa: Centreon
Grupa dla pracowników/zainteresowanych pracą w IBM
grupa dla uzytkownikow fanow maniakow i fanatykow linuksa :)
Nowe grupy
Nowe grupy
Wyłącznie informacja o nowo powstałych lub nowo otwartych grupach GoldenLine
Grupa wszystkich osób związanych z bazą danych PostgreSQL
Praca w IT region DACH
Praca w IT region DACH
Zone IT - jeżeli jesteś specjalistą z dziedziny IT i chcesz rozwijać swoje umiejętności w projektach międzynarodowych, to u nas znajdziesz najciekawsze oferty pracy!
Przedsiębiorcy, osoby przedsiębiorcze, współpraca biznesowa, przyjaciele biznesowi, rozwój osobisty i firmowy, pomoc, dotacje, biznesplany. Przedsiębiorczość
Red Hat
Red Hat
Red Hat (Linux)