Janusz Baran

Team Leader Consumer Engagement - IQOS, Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Kraków, małopolskie


Zarządzanie klientami rozwój marki Zarządzanie procesem biznesowym rozwój klientów Zarządzanie Negocjacje pakiet office Zarządzanie zespołem wystąpienia przed kamerą i w radiu Managment of Risk Wystąpienia publiczne, prowadzenie prezentacji, zdolności organizacyjne i kierownicze psychologia managerska



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Team Leader Consumer Engagement - IQOS
Scope of responsibility:
• Being a part of a team responsible for commercialization IQOS in Cracow
• Running 3 teams with various responsibilities (35 people total)
• Preparing and realization commercialization plans for product launch in Cracow
• Searching for consumer trends and innovative solutions for the brand
• Conducting business trade talks
• Organizing and running multiple events (b2b, b2c)

• Preparing a regional business plan – brand awareness building in Cracow
• Building strong long term business relations – from presentation to strategic cooperation
• Realization of the innovative solutions for the brand – HoReCa and Business
Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Wholesale Executive
Scope of responsibility:
• Building strong business relations with customers (guardian of the 3 biggest wholesalers in Poland)
• Targeting and executing sales plans in the wholesale channel
• Increasing the sales volume, building weight and numeric distribution
• Data analysis (area and customer), setting short and long term goals
• Cooperating with the HQ and sales department
• Searching for innovative business opportunities

• Creating a new sales development model for the wholesale sales force
• Preparing and running class room training for the wholesale sales force
• Preparing and running an innovative tailor made sell out and distribution program for wholesale
Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Business Unit Supervisor
Scope of responsibilities:
• Effective business area management to increase sales volume and distribution
• Creating a business plan for the business unit, setting and prioritizing short and long term goals
• Managing return of investment & market share
• Managing the sales team, class room and on the job trainings
• Employees evaluation, creating a carrier path
• Managing two local chains

• Preparing and running class room training for the sales team
• Renegotiating contracts with local chains
Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Sales Organization Development Trainee
Scope of responsibilities:
• Preparing plans for the introduction of new functions
• Preparing and running trainings for sales forces
• In field coaching (general trade, kea accounts, wholesale, consumer engagement)
• Preparing an e-learning platform and intranet content

• Preparing and conducting an innovative training module
• Preparing and implementing a renew working standard for the territory executive
• Knowing and understanding working standards for all PMI Distribution roles in Poland
Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Consumer Engagement Sales Trainee
Scope of responsibilities:
• Being a part of a team responsible for the PMI event sponsorship strategy for Marlboro and L&M
• Event planning and execution including standard preparation and team management
• Conducting negotiations with business partners and vendors (including the biggest festival in Poland)
• Cooperating with: Marketing, Purchasing and Legal Departments

• Leading the selling trucks renewal project
• Contribution in preparing the Marlboro Bartender Advocacy Program
• Preparing a newsletter for the board members
Philip Morris Polska Distribution Sp z o.o.
Territory Executive
Scope of responsibilities:
• Implementing of min 100% cycle tasks
• Increasing the sales volume, and acquiring new customers
• Building numeric and weight distribution
• Building and strenghtening business relations, managing two local commercial chains
• Territory analysis, effective allocation of commercial programs

• Special Recognition Award for building the best distribution for new Chesterfield in Poland
• Getting a proposal for the managerial program (3 territory executives from the whole company)
• Short term assignment – sea side summer action
• Promotion for the second most prestigious territory in Poland
• Contract renegotiations with local chains
• Signing a contract with the most prestigious local chain in Cracow
Managing Partner
P.H.U. Marivet
Scope of responsibilities:
• Creating and implementing working standards
• Conducting trade talks
• Leading a team of 12
• Conducting the recruitment process
• Brand building
• Looking for innovative business chances

• Introducing Kimbo coffee as the first restaurant in Cracow
• Building strong loyalty among the local community
• Building a strong team working in a perfect atmosphere

Szkolenia i kursy

LCCI level 3 English for buisness, TELC 1 - język hiszpański, Licencja instruktora narciarskiego, licencja płetwonurka.
Szkolenia: Mistrz Sprzedaży, Negocjacje w Biznesie, Podatki dla Firm, Komunikacja i Asertywność, Planowanie Budżetu, Strategie Marketingowe, Zarządzanie czasem.


MBA Executive, MBA
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Psychologia w Biznesie, studia podyplomowe
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Gospodarka i Administracja Publiczna, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Gospodarka i Administracja Publiczna, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Fortepian, średnie
Szkoła Muzyczna I stopnia w Krakowie


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Zarządzanie HR
Zarządzanie marką
Zarządzanie sprzedażą


narciarstwo, żeglarstwo, piłka nożna, nurkowanie, podróże, zarządzanie, literatura fantasy, psychologia, fortepian, rozwój osobisty.


Stowarzyszenie "Młodzi Demokraci". PADI, PAS.


W przyszłości chciałbym ukończyć studia Executive MBA.
Temat pracy Magisterskiej - "Manipulacja, perswazja, wywieranie wpływu na ludzi w polityce i biznesie",
Temat pracy Podyplomowej - "Psychologia Managerska",
Temat pracy Licencjackiej - "Strategie i sposoby prowadzenia kampanii politycznych".


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Akademia WSB (do dnia 15 kwietnia 2018 roku Uczelnia nosiła nazwę Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej) to jedna z najlepszych uczelni niepublicznych w Polsce.