Agile & Waterfall Methodologies
Koordynacja wydarzeń
Corporate Finance
Event Management
gromadzenie funduszy
Managerial Finance
Inżynieria Sieci
Koordynacja projektu
Project Finance
Project Management
Public Relations
Umiejętności społeczne
Startup Development
Presentation skills
Negotiation skills
MS Office (Words, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)
Team Managment
Public speaking and storytelling skills
Valuation of companies and investment projects
Business Analyst
Business Model Generation – Canvas
C++ (podstawowy)
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Office Manager
Managing and supporting various projects regarding office space in Kraków including:
- adaptation of new conference room with multimedia equipment and live streaming solution
- startup academy/turbo-accelerator hub:raum WARP (2 editions)
- over 60 other events happening in hub:raum office space (as an organizer or partner)
Preparing cost forecasts and post-project spending documentation for hub:raum projects and activities
Optimizing procedures and communication between hub:raum Kraków and financial departments of T-Mobile Polska
Scheduling and protocoling weekly team meetings
Supporting hub:raum team with business trip preparations and settlements (avg. 12/mo)
Supporting department budget actualization and forecasting,
Booking and keeping track of department spending via SAP system
Maintaining relations with hub:raum residents (recruiting, collecting rent, organizing activities)
Keeping office space in good health (contacts with cleaning service, suppliers, maintenance, security, property owner)
Assisting with sponsorship and investment agreements preparation
Observing startup screening process
- adaptation of new conference room with multimedia equipment and live streaming solution
- startup academy/turbo-accelerator hub:raum WARP (2 editions)
- over 60 other events happening in hub:raum office space (as an organizer or partner)
Preparing cost forecasts and post-project spending documentation for hub:raum projects and activities
Optimizing procedures and communication between hub:raum Kraków and financial departments of T-Mobile Polska
Scheduling and protocoling weekly team meetings
Supporting hub:raum team with business trip preparations and settlements (avg. 12/mo)
Supporting department budget actualization and forecasting,
Booking and keeping track of department spending via SAP system
Maintaining relations with hub:raum residents (recruiting, collecting rent, organizing activities)
Keeping office space in good health (contacts with cleaning service, suppliers, maintenance, security, property owner)
Assisting with sponsorship and investment agreements preparation
Observing startup screening process
Koordynator Główny
Global Student Entrepreneur's Awards Poland
- Managing nationwide contest team,
- Preparation, corrections and realization of work schedule and responsibilities of all sections(PR, Mentoring, Logistics, HR, Fundraising, regional events teams) for organizing finals and changes in coordinator function
- Maintaining contact and reporting with regional eliminations coordinators
- Managing negotiations with key sponsors media and honorable partners
- Representing GSEA Poland on most important events during partnership negotiations
- Managing work and reporting of section managers
- Coordinating HR policy and cooperation with section managers regarding vacancies
- Organizing summary and organizational meet-ups to coordinate work and motivate volunteers and section managers
- Preparation, corrections and realization of work schedule and responsibilities of all sections(PR, Mentoring, Logistics, HR, Fundraising, regional events teams) for organizing finals and changes in coordinator function
- Maintaining contact and reporting with regional eliminations coordinators
- Managing negotiations with key sponsors media and honorable partners
- Representing GSEA Poland on most important events during partnership negotiations
- Managing work and reporting of section managers
- Coordinating HR policy and cooperation with section managers regarding vacancies
- Organizing summary and organizational meet-ups to coordinate work and motivate volunteers and section managers
kierownik zespołu Public Relations
Global Student Entrepreneur's Awards Poland
- Planning and execution of marketing strategy of the contest
- Gaining honorary patronages on regional level (universities) and on nationwide level (President of Poland)
- Negotiating media patronage on regional and nationwide level (press, TV, radio, Internet)
- Recruiting team members, assigning and scheduling tasks, coordinating and checking task execution
- Maintaining cooperation with student organizations and PR agencies
- Preparation of workshops for the team regarding their tasks: contacting partners,negotiating partnerships etc.
- Gaining honorary patronages on regional level (universities) and on nationwide level (President of Poland)
- Negotiating media patronage on regional and nationwide level (press, TV, radio, Internet)
- Recruiting team members, assigning and scheduling tasks, coordinating and checking task execution
- Maintaining cooperation with student organizations and PR agencies
- Preparation of workshops for the team regarding their tasks: contacting partners,negotiating partnerships etc.
manager sekcji Socjologii Mediów i Public Relations
Recruiting new members, managing group promotion and PR, help in group's events marketing and promotion including:
- KrakSpot,
- ArtBuzz (here as event marketing manager - planning promotions schedule and its execution).
Managing work of section members, boosting efficiency and troubleshooting
Organizing workshops for members featuring:
- Social Media: campaign planning and execution, using SM for non-profit event promotion
- Honorary and Media Patronage - preparing correspondence, cold mailing, maintaining contact and negotiation process
- Rules of self-presentation and project presentation - how to present yourself and your project to your business partners in most efficient way
- KrakSpot,
- ArtBuzz (here as event marketing manager - planning promotions schedule and its execution).
Managing work of section members, boosting efficiency and troubleshooting
Organizing workshops for members featuring:
- Social Media: campaign planning and execution, using SM for non-profit event promotion
- Honorary and Media Patronage - preparing correspondence, cold mailing, maintaining contact and negotiation process
- Rules of self-presentation and project presentation - how to present yourself and your project to your business partners in most efficient way
Szkolenia i kursy
Agile, SCRUM - Motorola Solutions
Manage-In - lato 2013: zakładanie własnego przedsiębiorstwa, coaching, przywództwo
certyfikat Cisco Certified Network Associate
prawo jazdy kat. B
Manage-In - lato 2013: zakładanie własnego przedsiębiorstwa, coaching, przywództwo
certyfikat Cisco Certified Network Associate
prawo jazdy kat. B
Administracja biurowa
Zarządzanie biurem i administracja
Zarządzanie finansami
Internet/e-Commerce/Nowe media
Zarządzanie produktem
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
taniec, śpiew (czynnie, emisja głosu), dobry film, dobra książka, fan sportu (uprawiany rekreacyjnie, oglądany wedle możliwości), muzyka, autoprezentacja, automotywacja, coaching
SKN MediaFrame od 10-2009 (w roku akademickim 2012/2013 manager sekcji SM i PR)
GSEA Polska styczeń- czerwiec 2013 (od kwietnia jako kierownik projektu)
GSEA Polska styczeń- czerwiec 2013 (od kwietnia jako kierownik projektu)
członek chóru AGH Con Fuoco, tancerz-hobbysta, uczęszczam na lekcje emisji głosu i staram się z tego wszystkiego czerpać jak najwięcej radości i satysfakcji.
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza to jedna z najlepszych i najbardziej renomowanych polskich uczelni, od lat zajmująca czołowe miejsca w rankingach szkół wyższych. Przoduje w dziedzinie nowocze
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.
Grupa ta ma na celu umożliwienie jej uczestnikom szybkie reagowanie na wzajemne potrzeby, nie tylko w wydaniu biznesowym. W założeniu skierowana do jak najszerszego ogrona osób, gdyż nigdy nie
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing. to cotygodniowy videocast, w którym Marcin Jaśkiewicz i Dominik Szarek rozmawiają na temat ciekawostek ze świata internetu i nowych technologii.