Jakub Szułakiewicz
I like programming. Anything. In any language.
Web Forms
Doświadczenie zawodowe
.NET Software Developer
Developing large, enterprise-grade system for transport and logistics management – used technology: Oracle database, NHibernate ORM and custom framework based on WebForms with Telerik controls. Team organization based on JIRA system and scrum-like methodology.
Developing multiple small tools for data collectors and panels used in food industry – used technology: WinForms application run on Windows CE devices, and WCF Webservice based on Entity Framework and Ms SQL database.
Developing multiple small tools for data collectors and panels used in food industry – used technology: WinForms application run on Windows CE devices, and WCF Webservice based on Entity Framework and Ms SQL database.
ERP Deployment Specialist
Deploying and managing ERP systems for external companies.
Even more Crystal Reports than before.
Teaching users how to use, accountants how to count, and salesman how to sell.
Even more Crystal Reports than before.
Teaching users how to use, accountants how to count, and salesman how to sell.
Network Administrator
Basic network administration.
Deploying ERP system (CDN XL).
Developing addons and modules for that system (mostly in C# and WinForms). Creating reports (in Crystal Reports and SQL).
A bit of web development (short adventure with PHP).
Deploying ERP system (CDN XL).
Developing addons and modules for that system (mostly in C# and WinForms). Creating reports (in Crystal Reports and SQL).
A bit of web development (short adventure with PHP).
IT - Administracja
Administrowanie sieciami
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
IT – Praca dla osób z charakterem
Grupa zrzesza informatyków oraz konsultantów branży IT. Dyskusje oraz możliwości współpracy to cel tej grupy.
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET