Jakub Ruchlicki

Szukam nowej pracy
Warszawa, mazowieckie


JIRA Microsoft Excel Microsoft Office Testowanie Python (podstawy) angielski zaawansowany Hiszpański B1/B2 CLM Driving licence, cat. B



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Elavon Financial Services Ltd.
Operations and Customer Service Specialist
- customer documents verification and contract evaluation
- entering and changing data in computer systems
- working on databases (Microsoft Excel, HIMMS, Provenir)
- cooperation with IT Department on systems updates testing
- cooperation with Elavon’s foreign offices

The professional experience that I have gained so far enabled me to develop the ablity to prioritize my tasks. I reach my personal and team targets thanks to extraoridinary organizational skills. I can maintain a high standard of my work without the detriment to its pace. Additionally, I am a fast learner, so I am able to keep up with frequent procedural changes in the workplace. By participating in systems testing I gained a thorough understanding of the company's software. Thanks to that I can suggest possible upgrades and modifications which can facilitate the functioning of the company and make it significantly more efficient. As for my personal qualities, I am a very open-minded person, who excels at cooperating with other employees. I find a positive atmosphere in the workplace crucial to maintaining high efficiency when performing daily tasks.
Liberty Ubezpieczenia
- working on the TIA platform
- keeping records of documents
- cooperation with Claims Adjustment Department, the Agents Department and Customer Service
- participation in the IT Tester Program
- testing web applications and internal system
- handling of correspondence
Panek S.A.
Customer Support Specialist
- customer service
- handling of bookings
- cars handing-over and taking returns
- pre-evaluation of new damages
- updating damage records
- delivery-acceptance protocols handling
- cooperation with the Claims Adjustment Department
- compiling daily reports
Urząd Miasta Lublin - Wydział Gospodarowania Mieniem - Referat Dzierżaw i Najmu
- client support
- establishing a calendar of meetings
- creating official documents
- handling of correspondence
- cataloging
- completing documentation related to lease agreements
- overseeing the leases
- cooperation with other departments of City Council
Own business
- creating sales offers
- analysing numismatics market
- customer support
- creating reports
Centrum Dokumentacji Europejskiej
- database support
- handling of correspondence
- organizing exhibitions
DKW Realty & Mortgage, Teksas, USA
- supporting office management
- preparing real estate for presentations
- supporting the work of real estate agents

Szkolenia i kursy

2011 - Excel – intermediate
2009 - Integracja społeczna cudzoziemców
2008 - Nie wiesz ile potrafisz - kreatywność
2008 - Wykorzystaj swój potencjał
2004 - European Computer Driving License ECDL
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12 wszystkich wypowiedzi
7 plusów
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Podziel się informacją o wolnym stanowisku w Twoim miejscu zatrudnienia
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