Jakub Kostecki

Cofounder, Oil & Gas Consultancy


planowanie biznesu Strategia biznesowa Zarządzanie zmianą Negocjacje kontraktu CRM biznes międzynarodowy Sprzedaż międzynarodowa Wywiady Management Consulting Analiza rynku Strategia marketingowa Negocjacje Project Management Zarządzanie Sprzedażą Bezpieczeństwo Planowanie strategiczne Venture Capital Zarządzanie zespołem

Doświadczenie zawodowe

EMV Stealth Startup
I am currently part of a team exploring a market opportunity in EMV migration / compliance in three key global markets via a startup in stealth mode.
EMV Stealth Startup
I am currently part of a team exploring a market opportunity in EMV migration / compliance in three key global markets via a startup in stealth mode.
We are building a global community marketplace for the oil and gas industry. The business model is clear and the opportunity is enormous.

Our global solution is potentially one of the next BIG tech startups, disrupting one of the largest industries in the world and its very inefficient way of performing one of its core tasks.

By providing unprecedented security and leveraging payment, social and big data systems, we will potentially change the way the global oil and gas industry conducts business.

If you would like to partner with us, work with us, interview us or have any other questions or comments please contact me directly.

We're looking for someone for our core team: http://mamstartup.pl/strona/oferta-pracy-co-founder-globeshifts
We are building a global community marketplace for the oil and gas industry. The business model is clear and the opportunity is enormous.

Our global solution is potentially one of the next BIG tech startups, disrupting one of the largest industries in the world and its very inefficient way of performing one of its core tasks.

By providing unprecedented security and leveraging payment, social and big data systems, we will potentially change the way the global oil and gas industry conducts business.

If you would like to partner with us, work with us, interview us or have any other questions or comments please contact me directly.

We're looking for someone for our core team: http://mamstartup.pl/strona/oferta-pracy-co-founder-globeshifts
Enterpreneur and CEO
New Seismic, Various
CEO and co-owner of several startups (USD1M - USD 10M annum) in the B2C and B2B service areas, including real estate, B2B services and oilfield services.

Currently heavily involved in global oilfield operations (Libya, Azerbaijan, the US, Europe, etc.) and the Polish shale gas rush.

In the near future I will be a shareholder in these business with no management role as I'll focus solely on Globeshifts.com.
Enterpreneur and CEO
New Seismic, Various
CEO and co-owner of several startups (USD1M - USD 10M annum) in the B2C and B2B service areas, including real estate, B2B services and oilfield services.

Brands include New Seismic(.com), New Gas, NGC, NGP and others.

Currently heavily involved in global oilfield operations (Libya, Azerbaijan, the US, Europe, etc.) and the Polish shale gas rush.

In the near future I will be a shareholder in these business with no management role as I'll focus solely on Globeshifts.com.
Regional Practice Group Leader, CEE&GT
I was responsible for driving the group's expansion and new client acquisition. Managed a team of 7 in as many markets and cultures.
I undertook this assignment right before the economic downturn and did it to gain experience needed for my own business of hiring several thousand people into the global oil and gas service sector.
Regional Practice Group Leader, CEE&GT
I was responsible for driving the group's expansion and new client acquisition. Managed a team of 7 in as many markets and cultures.
I undertook this assignment right before the economic downturn and did it to gain experience needed for my own business of hiring several thousand people into the global oil and gas service sector.
Country Manager Slovakia & Sales Manager Hungary
Headed up the Interdean office in Bratislava and the sales team in Budapest. In charge of customer care, marketing, sales and managing day-to-day operations.
Worked under a one-of-a-kind boss. Learned a lot but never again.
Country Manager Slovakia & Sales Manager Hungary
Headed up the Interdean office in Bratislava and the sales team in Budapest. In charge of customer care, marketing, sales and managing day-to-day operations.
Worked under a one-of-a-kind boss. Learned a lot but never again.
Move One Relocations
Sales Director
Sales Director at the Move One International Office in Warsaw, Poland. In charge of new business development throughout Poland. Involved in marketing, networking and direct sales.
Move One Relocations
Sales Director
Sales Director at the Move One International Office in Warsaw, Poland. In charge of new business development throughout Poland. Involved in marketing, networking and direct sales.
Business Development Manager
Empolis Poland
Managed the sale of complex IT knowledge management systems, including semantic search, workflow and document management. Responsible for public relations and direct sales. This experience is in part driving my confidence for my new tech venture.
Business Development Manager
Empolis Poland
Managed the sale of complex IT knowledge management systems, including semantic search, workflow and document management. Responsible for public relations and direct sales. This experience is in part driving my confidence for my new tech venture.
Translator, Trainer, Interpreter, Coordinator, Manager and CEO/Shareholder
Language Services Industry
Worked in the language services industry in Poland, Belgium and the US in both translation and language training in a variety of positions, including exective posts in a language-services company. Highlights included interpreting for the President of Poland, at numerous US court trials and work on the first batch of EU documentation.
CEO of a 15+ employee, 1000+ independent contractor business at the age of 22. Developed specs for IT systems, organized large-scale recruiting campaigns and developed the strategy and day-to-day tactics of the business.
Translator, Trainer, Interpreter, Coordinator, Manager and CEO/Shareholder
Language Services Industry
Worked in the language services industry in Poland, Belgium and the US in both translation and language training in a variety of positions, including exective posts in a language-services company. Highlights included interpreting for the President of Poland, at numerous US court trials and work on the first batch of EU documentation.
CEO of a 15+ employee, 1000+ independent contractor business at the age of 22. Developed specs for IT systems, organized large-scale recruiting campaigns and developed the strategy and day-to-day tactics of the business.


Business Administration and Management, General, magisterskie
Warsaw School of Economics
Business Administration and Management, General, magisterskie
Warsaw School of Economics
Business Management, magisterskie
University of Warsaw
Business Management, magisterskie
University of Warsaw
International Business Management, magisterskie
Fordham University
International Business Management, magisterskie
Fordham University


technology, tech, startups, oil and gas, trail running, recruiting, diving, driving


Rynki Afrykańskie
Rynki Afrykańskie
Rynki Afrykańskie. Afryka. Komentarze rynkowe. Handel, biznes, inwestycje. Informacje, wiadomości, analizy. Import, eksport, b2b, imprezy targowe. http://Rynki24.pl
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie