Jacek Godlewski

Manager with many years of experience in telecommunication
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Business Development Consultancy Business Strategy Design Project Management Team management & team work skills Marketing Strategy, Budgets,Forecasting, Negotiation Product Managament M2M/IoT



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Orange Polska S.A.
Head of facilities and equipment security
Orange Polska S.A.
M2M Program Manager
December 2018
Instead of my usual annual summary (by the way Orange is still unthreatened leader with better m/s than the last year – I had to write it :)), I would like to share with you the information about Orange mini Smart City, located in Orange City's Innovation Gardens. You can find there a lot of IoT solutions (Smart Charger, Smart Bikes, Smart Bench, Smart Lights, Smart Sensor, Smart Monitoring and many more), you can “touch” them, you can try them, and you can talk about an offer customized to your expectations. There are no virtual promises, but real solutions.

December 2017
As usual it is time to publish a short summary of the last year :).
It was very exciting year indeed.
Maybe the phrase that Orange Polska is the M2M/IoT market leader is getting boring :). However, at this point it would be worth mentioning that we have reached 40% of Polish m/s.
Our partners and customers perceive us as innovative, reliable telco operator offering the high quality services and top customer care standards.
Thanks to my colleagues my old "blue ocean" idea that providing E2E M2M/IoT services (instead of the “red ocean’s” price war) along with smart lamp head including various sensors inside became real. We have just accomplished the first implementations of Orange Smart Lights.
Well… We are full of new ideas for 2018!

May 2017
Today during the press conference we presented Orange Polska’s M2M/IoT strategy with the first innovative E2E IoT solution for smart cities – “Smart lights” (the old idea came true :)). Please see the following link: http://biuroprasowe.orange.pl/informacje-prasowe/orange-jako-pierwszy-operator-w-polsce-dostarcza-otwarte-i-bezpieczne-srodowisko-dla-smart-city/.
See also this video: https://biznes.newseria.pl/news/orange-chce,p1511105047

November 2016
Well.. There is a good news from Orange Polska. OPL has reached one million M2M SIMs :). We are the indisputable M2M/IoT leader on the Polish market.
Please see the following link:

December 2015
2015 is coming to the end. Orange continues to be M2M/IoT market leader. This year was devoted to improve the quality of M2M/IoT services in Orange and it has already been accomplished. Additionally, we are strongly present in a new verticals. There are a few “pieces” in my mind to arrange M2M/IoT puzzle… Year 2016 seems to be an interesting and decisive one I guess...

January 2015
Time is ticking out... Orange remains M2M leader in Poland... With new challenges and new ideas :)

January 2014
I'd like to proudly announce, that Orange PL has finished year 2013 as M2M leader on Polish market


 M2M/IoT strategy and business development
 Financial results
 Integrity of E2E processes
 M2M/IoT services quality
 M2M/IoT innovations
 Virtual M2M/IoT „community” management in Orange Poland
 Market trends and competition analysis
 Supporting Sales Department
 Corporate Sales – winning over new customers
 Seeking new business opportunities
 Looking for strategic partners

Selected achievements

 Strategy development based on 4 crucial pillars and intra-group synergy
 Creation of “community” to focus on the M2M/IoT in Orange Polska
 Achievement of the leading market position in Poland with the 40% of m/s (Orange was on the 3rd position in 2012)
 Exceeded one million of M2M/IoT SIM cards as the first and still only one mobile operator
 Achievement of „quality” leader position (based on the M2M/IoT clients’ satisfaction survey)
 Recognition of Orange Polska as innovative, reliable operator with future vision
 Preparation of M2M/IoT E2E solutions (as the first operator on the Polish market – „blue ocean strategy”) for the Smart City (Smart Water – measuring solutions for water plants companies, Smart Lights – innovative solutions of smart lighting with the range of additional sensors)
Independent contractor
Independent contractor
 Business Development Management
 Project Management
 Consultancy
British Telecom
Head of Bid Management CEE Region

 Supervising of the offer preparation process in CEE region
 Control and ensure that a tender process meets the highest possible standards
 Managing multi-national virtual teams
 Supporting Sales Department – emphasis on key-accounts management and relationships
 Corporate Sales – winning over new customers
 Searching for new BT business initiatives in the region (e.g. “wireless city”)
 Looking for local partners

Selected achievements

 Implementation of the “New Winning Business Process” in the CEE Region
 The highest mark of team's work assessments (quality, processes compliance)
Netia S.A.
Deputy Director Product Management and Development Department
Netia S.A

Position: Deputy Director, Product Development and Management Department – team consisted of over 20 Product/Project Managers


 Managing teams of Product/Project Managers (supporting, motivating, coaching, tasks delegating)
 Cooperation in corporate strategy preparation
 Cooperation in preparing company’s procedures and processes
 Development and executing marketing plans
 Cooperation in preparation of revenue and cost budget
 Analysis of market trends and competition
 Product and sales offers creation strategy
 Negotiations of contracts
 Project portfolio management
 Supervision of selected strategic projects (as sponsor or business owner)
 New projects initiation
 Preparation of product road maps
 Implementation and management of full product portfolio and telecommunication solutions, primary for corporate clients and key accounts
 Seeking new business opportunities for Netia
 Corporate Sales – winning over new customers
 Supporting Sales Department – based on relationship with key clients

Selected achievements

 Building of innovative Project/Product Managers teams
 “Innovation games” methodology implementation
 Spearhead and conduct Project Management training for the team
 Spearhead Project Management training in whole organization – participation in training company selection and training preparation according PMI methodology
 Cooperation in ISO certification
 Reached the 2nd position as a telecommunication operator in IN market share
 Preparation common product line with Play
 MPLS transmission data implementation for CORPO segment – data services enlargement in company’s revenue above 30%
 One Office service launch for SOHO segment
 Implementing NGN platform with Integralnet service for SME/CORPO segment
Orange Polska S.A.
Deputy Director VAS Department/New Services Department/Product Management and Development Department

 Managing teams of Product/Project Managers (supporting, motivating, coaching, tasks delegating)
 Cooperation in corporate strategy preparation
 Product and sales offers creation strategy
 Seeking new business opportunities for TP SA
 Negotiations of contracts
 Supporting Transition Department during transformation of TP SA
 Participating in TP SA prospectus preparation
 Implementation and development of modern telecommunication products
 Supervising selected strategic projects (role of sponsor or business owner)
 New projects initiation

Selected achievements

 Building of Key Account Division (new TP SA structure), as part of working in the Transition Department
 Implementation of “business customer sales” pilot project
 Implementation of Marketing Division
 First Fixed Mobile Convergence services in Poland in cooperation with Centertel (UMS, VPN)
 Implementation of first IN network platform in Central-Eastern Europe with whole range of services (free phone, split charge, VPN, Virtual Calling Card )
 Participation in implementation of POLPAK and POLPAK-T Network
 International Free Phone Service and Poland Direct accomplishment
 Implementation of “Voicemail” service

Szkolenia i kursy

Courses and trainings (among others):

 Postgraduate studies in CITCOM-PW
 Practical Techniques of Product Management
 Project Leadership, Management and Communication
 Professional Sales – basic course
 Effective Project Management
 Strategic Marketing
 Employees Evaluation System
 Telecommunications Applications In the Stock Exchange, Banking and Financial Services Sector
many others


Enterprise Management, Postgraduate Study, studia podyplomowe
Warsaw High School of Management
the Faculty of Electronics, magisterskie
Warsaw University of Technology


Badania marketingowe
Zarządzanie produktem


- gold badge of merit for telecommunications
Minister of Telecommunications
- silver badge of merit for telecommunications
Minister of Telecommunications
- bronze badge of merit for telecommunications
Minister of Telecommunications


Business Marketing
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
Creative & Innovative
Creative & Innovative
Najlepsze sposoby znajdywania nowych ciekawych pomysłów to kolektywne myślenie kreatywne. A najlepsze pomysły powstają na styku różnych idei!
Inteligencja jest sexy
Inteligencja jest sexy
Intrygująca riposta, poczucie humoru, wiedza - to jest seksowne!
Klub Dyrektorów i Dyrektorek
Klub Dyrektorów i Dyrektorek
WIEDZA=>DOŚWIADCZENIA=>IMPREZY DLA VIP =>Networking Środowisko wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń dla dyrektorów i dyrektorek, Networking pełną parą...:))
KREATYWNI to grupa osób AKTYWNIE I SZYBKO reagująca na współpracę potrzeby ludzi w różnych sprawach i rzeczach oraz kłopotach i problemach.
Motocykliści są wszędzie.
Ponad Motywacja
Ponad Motywacja
Tylko dla zuchwałych - MOTYWACJA - Rozwój Osobisty, Zarządzanie, Coaching,
Dla wszystkich ktorzy sa w tej dziedzinie specjalistami lub po prostu interesuja sie tym, czytaja " Charakter", lubia analizowac siebie, innych i zachowania.
Psychologia biznesu.
Psychologia biznesu.
Wszystko co chciałeś wiedzieć, ale nie wiedziałeś, kogo o to zapytać.
Psychologia Perswazji
Psychologia Perswazji
Zapraszam do grupy, dzięki której zgłebiać będziesz tajniki najskuteczniejszych strategii perswazji, sprzedaży i negocjacji.
Rozwój osobisty z NLP
Rozwój osobisty z NLP
Rozwój osobisty, czyli o tym jak więcej, lepiej, szybciej i pełniej.
Sprzedaż bis
Sprzedaż bis
Grupa dla wszystkich kochających sprzedawanie i gadanie o sprzedawaniu.