Hanna Baster

Tworzenie contentu na strony, opracowywanie artykułów na firmowe blogi. Tłumaczenia z j. duńskiego.
Kraków, małopolskie


ArcGIS Content Marketing Copywriting Inkscape Umiejętności wywiadów Zrównoważony rozwój Transport Economics Danish language Tłumaczenia wystąpienia publiczne Angielski pisanie tekstów na blog Urbanistyka Research conduct Analysis and synthesis surveys



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Copywriter i blogger
Copywriter i blogger
Warto Szkolić
Blog podróżniczy http://gdzielamymowiadobranoc.pl
BENHAUER Sp. z o.o.
Specjalista ds. Marketingu i PR
- Opracowywanie contentu: na stronę firmy i firmowego bloga, informacji prasowych, oraz artykułów dla polskich i globalnych magazynów (MamStartUp, Nowy Marketing, Marketing Insider Group),
- Nawiązywanie współpracy z dziennikarzami w ww. zakresie,
- Tłumaczenia tekstów j. angielski-j. polski-j. angielski.
- Korekty językowe do tekstów współpracowników,
- Opieka nad mediami społecznościowymi firmy.

Przykładowe publikacje:
Dla EContent, w j.angielskim: http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/Editorial/Industry-Insights/Getting-the-Most-Out-of-Push-Notifications-115678.htm
Dla MamStartUp, w j. polskim: http://mamstartup.pl/marketing/10102/customer-value-marketing-czyli-czego-marketer-moze-nauczyc-sie-od-pingwinow
Consus Carbon Engineering sp. z o.o.
Specialist in Climate Change and Transport
- Calculation of carbon footprint from various economy sectors.
- Preparation of a methodology for simple carbon footprint calculators.
- Preparation of a project methodology for "Sustainable Development Plan for Skawina Municipality".
- Elaboration of a report for UNIDO/United Nations project. My work involved preparation of transport projects proposals for 5 Indian cities.
- Elaboration of the Low Emission Economy Plans for Polish municipalities, concentrating mainly on the transportation sector.

I was also representing my company during ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) workshops "Community energy & Local Governments: Capacity building on how to integrate and set up community energy projects in local energy plans”, Warsaw, April 2016.
Jones Lang LaSalle
Translator/Abstractor with Danish and Norwegian language
My work focuses on a Danish and Norwegian real estate market. In particular, it involves analysis and translation of lease agreements from Danish/Norwegian to English.
Sustainable Transport Specialist
FDT Danish Association of Transport and Logistic Centres
Co-writer of the E-mobility North Sea Region WP 7.4 report (February-October 2013) and within it:
• July - October 2013 - Development of set of recommendations for public authorities for an effective support of deployment of freight electric vehicles in Copenhagen Municipality. The report is published on the website http://e-mobility-nsr.eu/info-pool/. Highlights of the recommendations can be found on my LinkedIn profile.
• February-June 2013 - Master thesis on the cost-effectiveness of reduction of air pollution in Copenhagen Municipality through deployment of freight electric vehicles. The paper available on the website http://e-mobility-nsr.eu/info-pool/.

Co-writer of the E-mobility North Sea Region WP 5.2 report and WP 7.3 report (April-December 2012). Both reports are published on the website http://e-mobility-nsr.eu/info-pool/.

Co-writer of the Amber Coast Logistics WP 3.4 report (January-April 2013). Preparation of maps with the use of ArcGIS software.
Short term contract: reseacher/ economic journalist
Sedlak & Sedlak consulting company
An article “Impact of economic clusters on regional unemployment and wages” for an electronic journal on Polish Labor Market.
An analyst at “Barometr Rozwoju Malopolski” – electronic weekly magazine which monitors economic and
Regional Analysis Department, Jagiellonian University of Cracow
News and analysis elaboration
Centrum Doradztwa Strategicznego
An intern
Assistance in elaboration of the report “Employment-based Migration Directions of Podkarpackie Region Residents”
An intern
Urząd Miasta Krakowa Wydział Ochrony Środowiska
Zbieranie materiałów do pracy licencjackiej "Zintegrowany System Gospodarowania Odpadami w Krakowie"

Szkolenia i kursy

Course in Danish Language, certificate “Bevis for Prøve i Dansk 2” (B2 level) awarded (January 2012 – December 2013). I keep contact with the Danish language from December 2013, when I came back from Denmark (private lessons up til now)


Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Urban, Energy and Environmental Planning with Specialisation in Urban Planning), magisterskie
Aalborg Technical University, Denmark
Gospodarka Przestrzenna Specjalizacja: Strategie Rozwoju Regionalnego, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


Badania i rozwój
Badania Opinii Publicznej
BHP/Ochrona środowiska


Organization of concerts (working on: concerts of Randers ByKor in Cracow in October 2015) and events (during studies: a president of the academic tourism club)
Singing: Dominanta choir (Cracow University of Economics)
Travels: meeting different cultures. Love it!


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.