Marcin Nowak

Marcin Nowak Handel B2B

Temat: $670,000 Watch resembles Edward Munch’s ‘The Scream’

$670,000 Watch resembles Edward Munch’s ‘The Scream’


Swiss watchmakers Horus have revealed the latest piece in their collection - The Horus Ultramarinum Marine which is on sale now for a mere $670,000. The watch itself is supposed to invoke memories of yachting and 1920s chic, though most people who have seen the watch remark that it looks like Edward Munch’s ‘The Scream’.

Edward Munch. The Scream.

The Horus Ultramarinum Marine is made from platinum mined in Mars, gold from Saturn, and plastic from Taiwan. It is assembled expertly by numerous small hands in Shanghai and the inner mechanism contains 45 separate rubies made from Kryptonite. The watch is also water resistant though potential owners are warned that they should avoid getting caught in the rain as this could have adverse effects. Horus have borrowed from that other notable Swiss watchmaker, Swatch, and in particular their Pop Swatch collection - owners of the The Horus Ultramarinum Marine will be able to change the strap according to their mood.

Horus. The Ultramarinum Marine.

Owner, founder, and designer of the watch Andre Grossman is quoted as saying the watch “has the power to control time”. Unlike a DeLorean which can really control time, The Horus Ultramarinum Marine can only slow down the watch movement, so it’s owner can pointlessly make one hour on the watch last one hour and 19 minutes for example. Another way to think of this unique selling feature is to consider the example of a $10 Alarm clock with batteries that need replacing. Horus are positioning the watch at the burgeoning ’obscenely rich/stupid’ range of the market, and as such have made a promotional YouTube video of The Horus Ultramarinum Marine in action, (because where else would you advertise a watch that sells for more than a house?).

If you are interested in purchasing the watch it is now available for sale at Horus’s three shops situated in Montreux Switzerland, Monaco and Abu Dhabi. It is also available for sale at all purveyors of the finest knock-off watches worldwide.

http://RynekChinski.plTen post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 23.11.13 o godzinie 12:27