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Temat: VV meeting. Topic "In a hurry" 19.09.2011 19:00

When: 19.09.
Where: Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Ratajczaka 5/7, room 208
Topic: In a Hurry

One cannot count things we do in a hurry. Starting with having breakfast, working, driving... To avoid driving yourself mad you need to act and think in a hurry, on your feet. The latter you can learn during a Table Topic session in Verbal Victory.

At Toastmasters Verbal Victory Club we learn how to build and inspire a team , how to grow as leaders and public speakers. Invest two hours of your life and you can begin your journey to being the Leader you want to be!

Joining us there you can learn
- how to give public presentations
- how to speak impromptu
- how to evaluate speeches
- how to find out tools and tricks to improve your own public speaking skills
- and last, but not the least, you can polish your English as well
Aside from the learning factor, you'll find there a great atmosphere, nice company and interesting people.

We will be waiting for you on the 12th of September, 7 pm (19:00) at Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Ratajczaka 5/7, room 208. The meeting topic is In a Hurry – and Daniel is the Toastmaster of the Evening. What is more, we will have a session of improvised speeches.
If you’d like to come please confirm it on Facebook or through this form so we will be ready to welcome you.
See you there,
Verbal Victory!Joanna Chmiel edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.09.11 o godzinie 06:49