Aleksandra Salwa - Bonlcer

Aleksandra Salwa - Bonlcer Doradca Klienta;
Linia Hipoteczna

Temat: Toast on thursday!

Dear Toastmasters,

I would like to invite you on our next meeting on Thursday, 27.08.2009.
The meeting location is: Stary Rynek 87/88 (Old Square), Wyższa Szkoła Komunikacji i Zarządzania (private high school), III Flor. Time: 7 pm.

I hope that all Toastmasters will come to hear two speeches: Joannas second speech - "HEALTHY LIFE" and Kasias seventh speech - "Almost archeological research - holidays prices".
I am going to run our meeting as the Toastmaster for the evening:)

When you stand up and speak, you receive encouraging, helpful feedback on how how your speech was and how you can improve. That is the role every Toastmaster has to perform, so we are counting on you!

Jerry-our President has invited special guests - his wonderful FAMILY from USA. It's going to be a great opportunity to learn more and meet interesting people.

Have you been thinking what Toastmasters can do for you ???

Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. By learning to formulate and convey your ideas, you open a new world of possibilities. You will be more persuasive and confident when giving presentations and you will improve your one-on-one dealings with others. In addition to that: you will meet a lot of interesting people who want to develop - just like You!

Now: what You can do for Toastmasters? Just come !

Aleksandra Salwa,
Toastmasters Poznań English
VP Education
Joanna S.

Joanna S. Szybka sprzedaż
nieruchomości Poznań
i okolice

Temat: Toast on thursday!

I'll be there...Probably the 7th speech will have Kasia F.not S.:)See you then

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Temat: Toast on thursday!

I'm so exciting !

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Temat: Toast on thursday!

Great inviting!

Następna dyskusja:

Karaoke for Expats on Thursday

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