Justyna Hołubowicz

Justyna Hołubowicz Student, Uniwersytet
im. Adama
Mickiewicza w

Temat: "Ice-Cool Victory" - Relacja z Ice-Breaker Night, 28.02.

Poznan Toastmasters Verbal Victory Club was a proud host to Ice-Breaker Night on the 28th of February 2011. The meeting took place at Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Różana 17a in Poznań in room number 5. That special night we were visited by Gabriela Königsberg from Germany, current division C governor. Club founder and Polish Toastmasters Legend – Monika Kasprzyk together with current Area Governor Arek Baraniok were present. Four members of Toastmasters Club from Bydgoszcz came in response to our invitation – Leszek Narloch, Agnieszka Podolak, Rafał Guza, Piotr Stanik. Among guests was also Steve Almonte, a native speaker from the US and a prospective member.

Those prominent guests were welcomed by the enthusiastic members well before the start of the meeting – 7 pm. The main event of the evening was a speech contest of “Ice Breakers”. Those were speeches prepared according to the rules of Competent Communicator manual Speech Project 1 (link). For most of the contestants this was their first attempt at speaking in public and their task was to talk about themselves. They were evaluated by the Chief Judge – Tomasz Alejski and his group of impartial judges. The contest had a friendly atmosphere supported with the audience’s vigorous clapping. We were lucky enough to have Gabriela Königsberg, our guest, participate in the contest and take second place with her wonderful performance. The main prize – 6 months free membership In Toastmasters – and 1st place went to Daniel Mendalka who won it with his speech “Let childhood dreams come true”. Other contestants – Tomasz Puton, Konrad Juszczyk, Agnieszka Podolak also moved the audience with their speeches and bravely took part in this nerve-wrecking contest.

This was a new experience for our young club and we were very lucky to have received help from other Toastmasters members and clubs. The event was well received and we hope to organize more of them in the near future. The evening ended with an after-party in one of Poznan’s many pubs where we had a great opportunity to ask our experienced guests for advice and about their opinion.Justyna Hołubowicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.03.11 o godzinie 14:52
Jerzy Zientkowski

Jerzy Zientkowski Public speaker and
coach. IT Manager.

Temat: "Ice-Cool Victory" - Relacja z Ice-Breaker Night, 28.02.


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