Temat: Are You Embarrassed To Be Recognised?
Well, I have RPG as a hobby in my CV for some time now and have no idea what impact it might have on my career...
I would not be bothered by opinions of people who do not see the difference between cabaret, ex-church/circus organist and someone liking to play with words. I honestly would not like to work for such ignorant.
With regards to stygma I find this word a bit too strong. Eccentricity maybe. Praise the Bane, Black Lord, I live in the country where it's absolutely fine ;)
And for god's sake word "acquaintance" could be used in the House of Lords in the ruling about a 78 years old lady who made friends whit a follow pensioner, but not in the above context. Unless you are the Duchess of Warwickshire, of course ;)
a poza tym, twoj post znow brzmi jak chytre pytanie antropologa probujacego wyciagnac odpowiedz na silnie emocjonalnie nacechowane pytanie... czyzby koniecznosc wybadania rynku w razie pytan potencjalnych klientow?(
Kind Regards,
Łukasz Sikorski edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.05.08 o godzinie 23:50