Dariusz Prokopowicz

Dariusz Prokopowicz PhD of economy. MBA.
MoR. Head of
Department o...


What are the main determinants of the development of artificial intelligence applications in analytics based on Big Data, Business Intelligence and integrated risk management processes?


Will the development of these technologies of processing large data sets improve the lives of people on Earth?

The future of the development of artificial intelligence applications in analytics based on Big Data, Business Intelligence and integrated risk management processes

In my opinion, the development of artificial intelligence applications in analytics based on Big Data, Business Intelligence and integrated risk management processes can be divided into two stages:
1. Development of Big Data database technologies and their applications. This process is already underway.
2. The development of artificial intelligence applications in analytics based on Big Data, Business Intelligence and integrated risk management processes. This stage is just beginning.

Ad. 1.
Big Data database technologies find more and more applications in business analytics, in Business Intelligence, in marketing analysis, in consumer preferences research, sentiment analysis based on comments on online portals, including social media. However, how will this Big Data analytics development look like in the future? This is determined by many factors regarding various issues, including the security of transfer and processing of data contained on the Internet, technological progress of data processing, information and marketing policy of online technology companies, including companies that manage leading social media portals, etc. Add analytical capabilities conducted research on the development of Big Data technology, the potential for using Big Data for industrial espionage, cybercrime and for maintaining information security and information systems by national and supranational security services to combat cybercrime, international money laundering transactions, transfer money to tax havens , terrorism, inducing destabilization in capital markets, etc. In this regard, an "arms race" will be the formats employed in the development of Big Data technology, employed on the one hand by legally operating companies, financial institutions, including banks and security services and hackers employed by criminal organizations who will continue to break into company information systems, banks and agencies by creating new cybercrime techniques government. This "arms race" is endless and is probably one of the key determinants of technological progress that is taking place on the Internet, including Big Data technologies.

Ad. 2.
The conducted research shows that the development of artificial intelligence applications in analytics based on Big Data, Business Intelligence and integrated risk management processes is only at the initial stage of development. What will be the final effects of this development? What will be the limits of this technological development? Currently, it is not easy to get it out. It is impossible to rule out many theories that currently find their use, for example in the science fiction films about the development of robotics, intelligent internet platforms or artificial intelligence systems that manage buildings, logistics of information systems, logistics of vehicle information systems and spacecraft. One of the first such visions was filmed in 1968 directed by Stanley Kubrick: "2001: A Space Odyssey". Since 1968, we have already divided a period of high technological progress in the development of information systems, the Internet, database technologies, data processing and artificial intelligence.
Will the development of artificial intelligence materialize future catastrophic visions from "Terminator" films dir. James Cameron from 1984, trilogy "Matrix" (1999-2003) dir. Lana and Lilly Wachowski, "Niepamięć" from 2013 dir. Joseph Kosinski or "Transcendence" from 2014 dir. Wally Pfister or rather much more positive visions presented in films such as "Artificial Intelligence: AI" from 2001 dir. Steven Spielberg, "Interstellar" from 2014 dir. Christopher Nolan, "The Martian" from 2015 dir. Ridley Scott or "Passengers" from 2016 dir. Morten Tyldum?

Current technological capabilities allow for the creation of new, potential uses of artificial intelligence in the processes of managing complex organizational structures of enterprises, communication processes, in decision-making processes requiring rapid processing of large amounts of information, in processes that a person without current information technology would not be able to implement . However, an open question still remains: will the effects of these new applications of developed artificial intelligence systems improve people's lives on planet Earth? Is it too late for that? Will humanity not lead to ecological catastrophe, use of non-renewable resources, energy, clean water resources and irreversible degradation of the natural environment, failure to maintain the greenhouse effect, melting of glaciers and generating new, more powerful global climate cataclysms and volcanic eruptions? Will the development of artificial intelligence, Big Data technology and integrated risk management systems alleviate at least significantly these unfavorable processes of environmental degradation?
Will the development of these information, IT, Internet technologies, processing and analytics of large data sets help to find solutions to these problems of negative external effects of civilization on Earth, external effects that may seriously threaten humanity in the 21st century on the increasingly exploited, devastated and polluted earth?

I am currently commencing research projects in this area and I invite you to cooperation.

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I invite You to the discussion

Dariusz Prokopowicz

Chairman of the Program Board, Head of the Innovation Department
Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal:
"International Journal of Innovation in Social Sciences and Engineering" (ISSN 2543-7089)
The International Institute for Innovation "Science - Education - Development" in Warsaw
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