Temat: ISEE-3 kontrolowany przez Free Software

Free Software on the final frontier: GNU Radio controls the ISEE-3 Spacecraft

Equipped with free GNU Radio software, a group of citizen scientists has contacted, controlled, and is attempting to recapture a 1970s-era satellite and bring it back into an orbit close to Earth.

The International Sun-Earth Explorer-3, or ISEE-3, was launched in 1978 by NASA to monitor activity on the sun. After three years of observation, NASA repurposed the satellite, which soon became the first spacecraft to visit a comet. The mission ended in 1999, when NASA abandoned ISEE-3 to orbit the Sun, despite the fact that twelve of the satellite's thirteen instruments were still working.

In 2008, when it was discovered that the satellite was still transmitting a signal and would fly close to Earth, NASA realized that they no longer had the funding or equipment to reinitiate contact. So a volunteer group of scientists, programmers, and engineers organized the ISEE-3 Reboot Project, which was crowd-funded with over $150,000 in donations, and set out to contact the spacecraft, fire its engine, and bring it closer to Earth to resume its original mission.[0]

A tutaj przepiękna wizualizacja aktualnej pozycji satelity w kosmosie:


[0] https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/free-software-in-sp...Ten post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.08.14 o godzinie 17:37
Tomasz M.

Tomasz M. never go full

Temat: ISEE-3 kontrolowany przez Free Software

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