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Temat: różnica między טיול a סיור

czy jest jakas różnica w znaczeniu pomiędzy 1. טיול a 2.סיור ? w
codziennym uzyciu, np. ze 1 to wycieczka organizowana samemu - szybkie zwiedzanie, a 2 to wycieczka wykupiona w biurze podrozy?
czy po prostu sa to synonimy? Szukając w angielskich słownikach טיול oznacza hike - czyli raczej spacer, piesza wędrówka ale nie zwiedzanie, za to סיור to journey - ewidentnie czysta wycieczka, podróż. Nasz polsko hebrajski słownik daje te dwa słowa jako tłumaczenie wycieczki. Co tak na prawdę oznacza 1. a co 2.?

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Temat: różnica między טיול a סיור

Tiyul (טיול) = "trip" is always recreational in its nature. Siyur (סיור) = tour is not, and can be used in different contexts, but always with a professional connotation. For example, in the military it refers to a patrol or a reconnaissance mission (in the sense of "scouting"). It could be also educational sightseeing or site inspection (for example: סיור באושוויץ - "sightseeing tour in Auschwitz" - you cannot use the term "טיול" in this context, since there is nothing recreational in it).

Similarly, the derivatives have also strictly different meanings. "Tayelet" (טיילת) is a promenade - an avenue where people stroll for recreation. But "sayeret" (סיירת) is a military special operation unit (typically used for the intelligence gathering, i.e. "scouting").

As always in the Semitic languages, the best approach is to look into the corresponding action forms (i.e. verbal equivalents). Both of these words are derived from the pi-el verbal form. "Letayel" (לטייל) means to wonder purposelessly. Therefore, "tiyul" is a purposeless, recreational movement (a stroll, a trip). On the other hand, "lesayer" (לסייר) implies clear purpose and objective.

I hope this is helpful.

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Temat: różnica między טיול a סיור

This was very helpful! תודה רבה

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