Temat: Plasmolifting PRP Gel Tubes (10 per box)

Plasmolifting PRP Gel Tubes (10 per box)
Advantages of the PRP-plasmolifting procedure.
The use of proprietary plasma enriched with platelets for skin revitalization provides a number of advantages, which include:
Safety. The procedure does not lead to the development of allergic reactions or tissue rejection, since its own blood is used for its implementation.
Effectiveness. The physiological process of revitalization and tissue repair has a pronounced and long-term effect.
Here you will find PRP tubes for sale at the best price.
Versatility. For PRP-plasmolifting, there is a wide range of indications, including chronological and photo-aging of the skin.
Compatibility. The PRP-plasmolifting procedure is combined with other cosmetic manipulations, including laser technologies, mesotherapy, injections of hyaluronic acid, the use of high-frequency currents.
Simplicity. To perform the procedure, a platelet-rich plasma kit is required, which the cosmetologist introduces directly into the tissues that require revitalization.
A short period of rehabilitation. Carrying out the PRP-plasmolifting procedure does not lead to traumatization of the skin and tissues. There is no influence of aggressive chemical compounds or physical factors on them, so the period of tissue recovery is minimal.
Due to such significant advantages, the PRP-plasmolifting procedure today occupies a strong position not only in cosmetology, but also in other fields of medicine.
