Natalia Stankiewicz

Natalia Stankiewicz szukam ambitnych
zleceń (za pięć stów
nie wychodzę z domu)

Temat: moja karta na dziś...

The Devil

The Devil represents wild behaviour and reckless abandon. This is a card synonymous with temptation and addiction. At its worst, this card embodies evil, but at its best represents ambition, impulsiveness and pure devotion. You should be acutely aware of the destructive influences in your life and gather the strength to overcome them.

(źródło: FaceBook)
Agnieszka Karoń

Agnieszka Karoń PhD candidate ||
Social researcher ||
PR | CSR | SM |

Temat: moja karta na dziś...

a to ilustracja filmowa tej karty

zródło you tube


zg(AGA)Agnieszka Karon edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.07.08 o godzinie 12:26
Natalia Stankiewicz

Natalia Stankiewicz szukam ambitnych
zleceń (za pięć stów
nie wychodzę z domu)

Temat: moja karta na dziś...

pure devotion... :)
Natalia Stankiewicz

Natalia Stankiewicz szukam ambitnych
zleceń (za pięć stów
nie wychodzę z domu)

Temat: moja karta na dziś...


Justice represents the balance in life between right and wrong. It is a reminder that you are accountable for your actions and you must be prepared to accept the consequences of any misdeeds. You have been given the strength to fight injustice in everyday life, so bring balance back into the world around you.

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