Temat: Coaching and Mental Health
Coaching nie jest panaceum. Profesjonalny coach musi więc znać granice swoich kompetencji i wiedzieć, kiedy klient potrzebuje czegoś innego niż coaching. Zachęcam Państwa do zapoznania się z książką pt. "A Guide to Coaching and Mental Health. The Recognition and Management of Psychological Issues" wydanej przez Routledge. Poniżej fragment z oficjalnej strony książki oraz namiary na nią:"It is vital that coaches have the ability to recognise mental health problems in their clients, enabling them to make an informed decision about whether coaching is appropriate. A Guide to Coaching and Mental Health provides an indispensable introduction to the assessment of psychological issues in the context of coaching.
Divided into three sections, the book covers all the legal, ethical and practical considerations. Part I, Working on the Boundary, starts by exploring the distinction between normal and abnormal behaviour. In Part II, What’s Being Said?, the authors introduce fictional case studies, which cover a range of possible mental health issues from mild depression and anxiety, through to psychoses and potentially life-threatening problems. Part III, Categories of Mental Illness, guides the reader through the definition and management of the more common mental health problems."
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