Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d


Jeśli ktoś z forum austronautyka jeszcze nie był na filmie Avatar 3D to szczerze polecam.

Film jest ogólnie niezły, ale moim skromnym zdaniem najlepszym ujęciem 3d jest początkowa sekwencja podróźy międzygwiezdnej z Ziemi na planetę Pandora. Może to moje zboczenie astro-kosmiczne, ale jak zobaczyłem tę scenę wczoraj w kinie, to postanowiłem przejść się na film jeszcze kilka razy, po to aby obejrzeć właśnie tę scenę, reszta filmu gratis. Statek kosmiczny przedstawiony jest bardzo realistycznie, dzięki efektom 3D niesamowite wrażenie robią wirujące moduły mieszkalne (sztuczna grawitacja). Scenę tę trzeba koniecznie zobaczyć w kinie, na ekranie dvd może wyjść zwykła animacja-wizualizacja stacji Mir.

Od razu uwaga, dla dobrego efektu należy ze sobą zabrać czystą chusteczkę i przetrzeć okulary 3d, bo ludziska dotykają jej paluchami. Jeżeli na codzień używasz okularów, np. do pracy przy komputerze, wtedy kinowe okulary 3d nakładamy na swoje standardowe okulary - tylko wtedy można zobaczyć tzw. efekty.

Drugim elementem interesującym dla grupy astronautyka będą dosyć ciekawe pojazdy latające z dwoma ruchomymi wirnikami, doskonale pokazane w technice 3d, taki podwójny helikopter, choć to może raczej temat lotnictwo wojskowe, niż austronautyka. Ale z drugiej strony fruwanie w atmosferze obcej planety zahacza o tematykę astronautyczną.

Wszelkie kometarze mile widziane.Grzegorz Albinowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.01.10 o godzinie 12:54

konto usunięte

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Byłem, widziałem, szczękę zebrałem z podłogi dopiero pod koniec filmu. Naprawdę niesamowity film z fantastycznymi efektami.
Kordian Zadrożny

Kordian Zadrożny TETA HR, IT.
Marketing, JOOMLA,

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Statek świetny, szkoda, że go więcej nie było.

Interstellar vehicle (ISV) designed to transport personnel, supplies, and equipment between Earth and Pandora, and to return personnel and refined unobtanium from Pandora to Earth.

Official Name Interstellar Vehicle ISV Venture Star.
Hull Number 601-09.
Manufacturer Consortium of aerospace contractors under control of RDA.

Design History
When the first voyage to the Alpha Centauri system was envisioned, engineers knew that a conventional rocket was hopelessly inadequate. Even the fusion powered rockets used within Earth’s solar system could not generate the thrust needed to achieve “relativistic” speeds (some large fraction of the speed of light). Since any starship capable of supporting interstellar commerce on reasonable time scales needed to travel at relativistic speeds, its rocket exhaust velocity, too, had to be near lightspeed to create sufficient thrust. This eliminated chemically powered rocket engines, nuclear thermal engines, plasma engines and fusion engines (despite their long history of successful missions amongst the planets of our solar system in the 21st and early 22nd centuries).

Mission The ISV Venture Star can carry a large payload of cargo and passengers to establish commercial and scientific outposts on alien worlds. The ship's current mission is the exploitation of indigenous resources on Pandora, and is one of twelve ISVs that travel between Earth and Pandora on a continuing basis.
Size Length = 1,502.4 meters; Width = 302.25 meters; Height = 218.3 meters.

4.4 light-years. This range is set by onboard fuel supply and its containment system, and the life-support consumables, and the infrastructure needed to contain them. Because each gram of mass must be accelerated and decelerated (as well as the onboard fuel to accomplish this), every possible weight-saving measure has been taken. The ship carries only enough fuel for the planned mission profile, and a minimal amount of additional maneuvering. There are only enough supplies for the minimum crew needed to remain out of cryosleep. Air, water, and food must be replenished at Pandora, and the ship refueled there with locally-manufactured anti-matter and hydrogen and deuterium harvested from Polyphemus.
Cruising Speed 210,000 kilometers per second (70% of lightspeed, or 0.7 c).

Maximum Acceleration 1.5 g.

Cargo Capacity 350 metric tons Pandora to Earth

Mission Profile: 0.46 year initial acceleration @ 1.5 g to reach 0.7 c; 5.83 years cruise @ 0.7 c; 0.46 year deceleration; 1 year loiter in orbit around Pandora; 0.46 year acceleration @ 1.5 g to 0.7 c for return trip; 5.83 years cruise; 0.46 year final deceleration @ 1.5 g to go into orbit around Earth.

Mission Duration: 6.75 + 1.0 + 6.75 = 14.5 Earth years. However, relativistic effects shorten the time onboard ship to slightly less than 6 years each way.

The ISV Venture Star is one of a twelve vehicle fleet which provides commercial space transportation between Earth and Alpha Centauri. As with the other ships of the “Capital Star” class, it was designed to carry a large payload of cargo and passengers to the worlds of the Alpha Centauri star system, especially the rich world of Pandora. The ships of this class are not exploration ships, they are commercial freighters. The ship's mission is to be part of an endlessly looping supply chain which enables the exploitation of the indigenous resources of Pandora. The ISV Venture Star, and the other ships of its class, represent the highest technological achievement in human history. Only the great need for unobtanium and the energy which it allows human civilization to produce could justify the cost of creating these vessels. In fact, the unobtanium itself enabled the creation of this class of ISV’s. It is used in the superconducting magnet arrays which contain and direct the energy of the matter-antimatter annihilation which propels the ship. Without unobtanium, interstellar commerce on this scale would not be possible. Unobtanium is not only the key to Earth’s energy needs in the 22nd century, but it is the enabler of interstellar travel and the establishment of a truly spacefaring civilization.

The Venture Star is the ninth ship of its class brought into service, and has made one round trip to the Alpha Centauri System. It is currently outbound on its second voyage, due to arrive there in 2154.

Talk of “wormholes” and “warp drives” captured the imagination of twentieth-century sci-fi fans, but no such methods have come to fruition. For now, engineers must rely upon techniques that exploit our current understanding of physics. Visionaries set their sights on the potential for matter-antimatter reactions. The enormous energy released in the annihilation of matter and antimatter is the only known means of creating the kind of propulsion needed for interstellar travel. The first interstellar ship was over four kilometers long, because of the massive refrigeration system required to maintain the conventional low-temperature superconducting magnets that produced the containment field for the matter-antimatter reaction. It was not until the discovery of the high-temperature superconductor unobtanium on Pandora that interstellar travel and commerce became commercially viable. The Capital Star Class ISV was developed using this technology and is one-quarter the size of that first ship, and many times more efficient. Power Source: Hybrid deuterium fusion / matter-antimatter annihilation.

Propulsion: Two hybrid fusion/matter-antimatter engines. One photon sail. One fusion PME (Planetary Maneuvering Engine.) Beamed photon power from Earth for outward acceleration phase; ship’s hybrid fusion / matter-antimatter power for deceleration phase on approach to Pandora. Sequence reversed for return to Earth.

Engines: Two, arranged symmetrically in a tractor configuration. They are angled outward a few degrees off the ship’s longitudinal axis so their exhaust plumes bypass the ship’s structure. This results in a slight cosine loss to thrust efficiency, and the body of the ship must be shielded from the plume’s thermal radiation, but the mass-savings advantage of a tensile structure outweigh these disadvantages. Since a very long truss is needed to separate the habitable section of the ship from the engines which produce large amounts of radiation, such a structure would be prohibitively massive if it were a conventional space-frame truss designed for compressive loading. But the carbon-nanotube composite tensile-truss creates the necessary stand-off distance at one tenth the mass. Essentially it is a tow cable with enough torsional rigidity to allow the ship to maneuver, including the pitch-over maneuver which must be performed to turn 180 degrees for the deceleration burn when inbound to Pandora.

A matter-antimatter reaction causes the total conversion of matter into energy, as per Einstein’s famous formula of E = mc2. The antimatter (in this case anti-hydrogen) is contained by a magnetic field in a near-perfect vacuum in which it circulates as a high density cloud of atoms cooled to near-absolute-zero temperature. When antimatter and matter (normal hydrogen) are brought together, they mutually annihilate and produce an enormous amount of energy, which must be directed by an ultra-powerful magnetic field to form the exhaust plume. These photons of energy, although massless, possess momentum, and their ejection provides the thrust to accelerate the ship. Additional thrust is obtained by injecting hydrogen atoms into the plasma before it leaves the engines. The exhaust flare is an incandescent plasma a million times brighter than a welding arc, and over thirty kilometers long. The plume is considered to be one of the most spectacular man-made sights in history.

Structure: The ship's primary structure (which could only exist in zero gravity) consists of the two side-by-side engines attached to a tensile-truss of carbon-nanotube composite. This connects the propulsion section to the payload section, which includes habitation modules for crew, the cryovaults for passengers, amnio tanks for the avatars, and the cargo section. Starting from the forward end:

1. Engines, propellant tanks, and radiators. The propellant tanks are spheres insulated for zero boil-off of the cryogenic hydrogen propellant. The radiators dissipate the heat of the engine section. After a deccel or accel burn phase, the radiators will glow red hot for 2 weeks.

2. The tensile-truss that transfers the thrust of the two engines to the rest of the ship. Although thin, it is rigid enough to prevent the payload section from fishtailing caused by buildup of resonant frequency vibrations during acceleration and deceleration. The section of the truss adjacent to the antimatter engine nozzles is protected by a thermal shield of nearly perfect reflecting materials, to guard against the intense heat radiated from the exhaust plumes.

3. Cargo containers, arranged in four ranks of four modules each. The 16 modules are in turn composed of 6 cargo pods. Depending on the cargo bay configuration of the shuttle, it can hold the contents of two pods and 100 passengers in jump seats, or up to the contents of six pods and no passengers. A mobile transporter running on tracks can position a large robotic arm for transfer of the cargo modules to and from the trans-atmospheric shuttles.

4. Two Valkyrie TAV’s (trans-atmospheric vehicles) docked to access tunnels. The tunnels connect to a pressurized tunnel that runs through the truss, and connects to the habitation section.

5. The habitation section consists of three large modules containing the cryovaults and amnio tanks. Inside each module is an open frame structure of advanced composites, with non-load bearing walls made of foam composite. There is almost no metal used in the structure. This is to prevent galactic cosmic radiation from striking metal and producing secondary radiation particles. There are a number of airlocks for the crew, and portals for repair bots that look like high-tech mechanical crabs.

6. Immediately behind these three modules are the two on-duty crew modules, located at the opposite ends of a transverse truss. A pressurized tunnel runs through the truss, connecting the two units. During cruise mode, these modules can be rotated to create an artificial gravity for the on-duty crew. During accel and deccel phases, the modules fold along the longitudinal axis of the ship. In this configuration, the gravity is created by the acceleration of the ship (so all floors and walls are still correctly oriented to the gravity vector). The modules also provide centrifugal artificial gravity during the ISV’s one year loiter on orbit at Pandora.

7. At the far end of the structure is the mirror shield, which protects the ship from the intense light of the beamed-power laser from Earth. This mirror is only a few molecules thick, but reflects light efficiently enough to prevent incineration of the habitable section of the starship.

When acceleration is completed, the ship is rotated 180 degrees so that the mirror shield faces forward. Now the shield performs another role, acting as a multi-layer interstellar debris shield. Although intense magnetic fields are used to deflect stray gas molecules, the occasional dust grain requires a physical barrier. The shield is in multiple layers, spaced one hundred meters apart. Impact of a debris grain (traveling at a relative speed of 0.7C) with the first layer of the shield causes vaporization into a plasma. The spray of plasma particles strikes the second layer, and the impacts cause spalling from the back of the second layer. These particles are stopped by the third layer. A fourth layer acts as a backup in the unlikely event that something gets past the third layer. Once cruise speed is reached, this shield is detached and moved by small thrusters thousands of miles in front of the ship, to improve survivability if a larger particle of debris is encountered.

The largest component of the ship is not located on the primary structure. It is the “sail” which receives the beam of photons and extracts the momentum to accelerate or decelerate the ship. It is a shallow bowl 16 kilometers in diameter and stabilized by rotation. The material of the sail is incredibly thin, being only a few dozen molecules thick in most places. Its basic structure is a fabric woven from carbon nanotube thread, and coated with a refractory ceramic that fills in the interstices. The working side of the sail is further coated with a vacuum-deposited multi-layer diachronic reflector, which is 99.99999% efficient. What little heating of the sail that occurs is dissipated by radiation from its back side. Carbon nanotube cables connect it to the main body of the ship, and these cables also have a diachronic coating which reflects 99.99999% of the beam energy that strikes them, and prevents the cables from instantly vaporizing. When not in use, the sail is folded along molecular hinge lines, and occupies a surprisingly small volume. It is stored in the cargo area when not in use, along with the spools of connecting cables. Rigging and removal of the sail is done autonomously by the service bots, but can be done manually in an emergency by awakening the other two crew teams.


1. Three-axis triangulation from reference stars during cruse phase.

2. Radar ranging when in proximity to planets and satellites.

3. Synthetic-aperture side-looking radar for surface mapping purposes.

Lightspeed Communications:

1. Modulation of beamed power by ±0.1% for high bit-rate uplink during acceleration and deceleration phases.

2. Pulse-width modulated dedicated lasers for downlink and uplink when not using beamed power – bit rate dependent on distance

3. Standard VHF/UHF radio for short-range communication between orbit and ground.

Superluminal Communications:

Very low bit-rate up- and downlink using McKinney quantum entanglement encoding.

Life Support: All consumables are recycled to the maximum extent possible. Oxygen is reclaimed from carbon dioxide by fractional distillation of the ship’s atmosphere, which also removes all gaseous contaminants. Additionally, this process removes water vapor and purifies it for drinking. Steam distillation is used to reclaim more drinking water from urine and solid body waste. The dehydrated and sterilized remains are used as fertilizer in the hydroponic gardens where fresh fruits and vegetable are grown to supplement the crew’s diet of freeze-dried and irradiated food.

An auxiliary atmospheric system provides a much larger amount of oxygen, and carbon dioxide removal, for the short periods when the vessel is in orbit around Earth or Pandora, and the passengers and full crew are not in cryopreservation. Since it is not practical to maintain this condition for the duration of the voyage, in the event of a failure of the cryonics system the passengers would be euthanized before awakening, so that the crew can continue the mission and deliver the cargo. (The extra crew teams’ cryopreservation system is separate, and extra-redundant.)

Cryonics Systems: The on-board cryonics systems are to put passengers into suspended animation for the duration of the journey to save resources, the cryopreservation compartments are to freeze their occupants and maintain them at sub-zero temperatures. A passenger is strapped to their compartment with sensors to measure temperature, heart rate, brain activity etc. which are vital in the reanimation process, they are then given an anesthetic and put to sleep, the heart is put into cardiac arrest and liquid nitrogen floods the compartment and freezes the body, the remaining liquid nitrogen is drained and the body will remain in cryopreservation for the remainder of the journey provided the body remains in sub-zero temperatures. The problem of irreparable cell damage caused by the formation of intra-cellular ice crystals that stymied 20th Century life-extension attempts was solved by using low doses of microwave radiation to jostle the water molecules as the temperature drops, and completely prevents the formation of any ice crystals. Before the ISV reaches its destination, the body is warmed to room temperature and the heart is restarted with an electric pulse, however the anesthetic should still be active after the heart is restarted so instead of having a violent awakening from a long journey, the anesthetic slowly wears off and the passenger simply wakes up. After the passenger wakes up the sensor detects brain activity and automatically opens the cryopreservation chamber. The reanimation process is closely monitored by every able-body crew member as it is still a really risky process with many problems.

Crew: 25

The ship’s functioning is largely automated, using triply-redundant, radiation-hardened computers, but emergency manual control is provided for all functions. The minimal crew is cross-trained in all specialties. There are five crew teams of five each, who serve for 14-month tours, and are in suspended animation for the balance of the voyage. This seeming waste of mass was necessitated by the experience of mid- 21st Century space missions when crew members proved psychologically unstable after a year in close confinement. The main function of the human crew is to monitor the power and propulsion systems and also passengers in cryopreservation. Humans have the ability to notice anomalies too subtle for the automated monitors, in spite of these systems’ tremendous sophistication.

Passengers: 100

The passengers are placed in cryopreservation so that they do not require any air, water, food or any other resources for the duration of the journey. Typical outbound passengers are replacements for RDA personnel, troopers, and avatar operators. Inbound passengers are limited to those who have finished their tour of duty. Unfortunately, the cost of shipping back personnel precludes returning individuals still under contract who have medical problems that cannot be treated on Pandora, so they are euthanized there. The only exception to this policy is for high-level RDA executives.

Cargo, outbound:

1. Universal object-manufacturing system (In-situ Stereolighography plant). This can produce large, complex objects from data describing their three-dimensional form and material composition. Using raw materials obtained on Pandora, construction and mining equipment far too large and massive to be shipped from Earth can be produced, along with any replacement parts that are needed. Smaller items such as weapons and furniture, are also created, using design data brought from Earth. Locally-designed items are made as well, or modifications of existing designs.

2. Micro-miniaturized components like mirco- and nanoprocessors and other circuitry elements that cannot be manufactured on Pandora.

3. Data modules. Currently, photochromic glass holographic data-storage cubes are used, each one-centimeter cube containing 100 Petabytes of triply-error-corrected data. Typical imported data includes the specifications for equipment to be manufactured on Pandora.

4. Two Valkyrie shuttlecraft for transfer of personnel and cargo between the orbiting ISV and the surface of Pandora. These vessels are left at Pandora, to replace those from previous missions that have exceeded their design life as manned vehicles. The replaced craft are re-purposed to serve as automated gas harvesters, skimming through Polyphemus’s upper atmosphere to obtain hydrogen and deuterium for refueling the ISV.

5. Drugs and other medications that cannot be produced locally.

Cargo, inbound:

1. Refined unobtanium. This is the ISV’s raison d’être. It takes precedence over all other items, including returning employees if there is no available mass capacity.

2. Data modules as described above. Typical exported data includes the molecular structure of Pandoran organic compounds that may have medical or other applications on Earth. The data will be used to synthesize them for testing and eventual sale.

3.Samples of minerals and organic compounds for further examination back on earth.

4. Small Na’vi artifacts to be sold as collectables to wealthy individuals for extremely high prices.

Potential Hazards: The Venture Star is a vast collection of complex interlocking technologies built to travel from one star system to another in the shortest time without killing the crew and damaging the cargo. At the incredible speed it travels, the ship could be destroyed by colliding with debris larger than a grain of sand. Although statistically rare given the emptiness of space, it is believed that a collision over the life of the ship is possible. Another danger is radiation generated by impacts of smaller particles with the debris shield. These gamma rays result from the incredible speed (0.7 c) of the particle with respect to the ship. If the ship should happen to encounter a high concentration of dust grains, the on-duty crew could receive a lethal dose. Since individuals in suspended animation are more resistant to radiation damage, in such an event automated sensors would awaken one of the other crew teams from cryopreservation after the radiation level decreased.
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Kordian Zadrożny:
Statek świetny, szkoda, że go więcej nie było.

Wielkie dzięki za opis i linka,
Widziałem statek 3 razy (2x3d + 2d).

W 2d wygląda równie imponująco, nawet lepsza widoczność całego ekranu, ale mimo wszystko wersja 3d jest lepsza, zwłaszcza te obracające się 'on-duty crew modules'
Kordian Zadrożny

Kordian Zadrożny TETA HR, IT.
Marketing, JOOMLA,

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

spoko, fajna dyskusja była na pl.sci.kosmos apropo fizyki i biologii w tym filmie. Polecam
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Na mnie spore wrażenia zrobiły "the legendary floating mountains of Pandora" - podejrzewam, że pomysł nie jest oryginalny i wcześniej się pojawił w literaturze SF.
Kordian Zadrożny

Kordian Zadrożny TETA HR, IT.
Marketing, JOOMLA,

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

W fantasy tak ;) Kocham taki świat ;)

Polecam bombową bajkę 3d łowcy smoków ;) Genialna rozrywka w własnie takim fruwającym świecie ;)Kordian Zadrożny edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.01.10 o godzinie 13:52
Michał Kaśkosz

Michał Kaśkosz Design Engineer ZF

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Grzegorz Albinowski:
Na mnie spore wrażenia zrobiły "the legendary floating mountains of Pandora" - podejrzewam, że pomysł nie jest oryginalny i wcześniej się pojawił w literaturze SF.


właśnie w ostatni Piątek widziałem film. Rzeczywiście wizualnie jest oszałamiający. Największe wrażenie nie zrobił na mnie nawet nie sam film ale metody którymi go kręcono, polecam oficjalny kanał na YouTube. Natomiast fatalne wrażenie zrobiła na mnie treść filmu, trywialna i płaska. Jednym słowem piękne opakowanie z nijaką zawartością.
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Wszystkie opinie są mile widziane, zdaje się że każdy inaczej odbiera ten film. Bo mnie akurat odwrotnie efekty nie oszołomiły, natomiast treść uważam za rewelacyjną:
- szczegółowo opisany świat obcej planety, który odkrywamy podczas filmu (lepsza jest tylko Diuna)
- zderzenie dwóch światów i dwóch strategii: wydobycie minerału kontra bieganie po lesie
- koncepcja wojny sprawiedliwej (this land is ours) i niesprawiedliwej, zaborczej
- praktyczne zastosowanie sztuki wojennej: wybór dogodnego momentu i teatru działań
- różne postawy ludzi i navich: chęć poznania innej cywilizcji, lub chęć rozwiązań siłowych
- traktowanie planety i społeczeństwa jako organizmu (koncepcja polityczna)
- nawiązania do polityki amerykańskiej (we will fight terror with terror)
- wątek przygowo-miłosny plus latanie na smokach (ikranach)
- pozytywnmy i negatywny wpływ różnych cywilizacji na siebie
- mit dobrych dzikusów i wątki religijne: drzewo potrzymujące niebo i porządek świata
- koncepcja avatara jako sposobu na przystosowanie się do warunków innej planety
- koncepcja avatara jako sposobu na poznanie cywilizacji innej planety
- genialnie i szczegółowo opracowana koncepcja podrózy międzysystemowej (tego akurat mało w filmie, ale jest w internecie - i w poście powyżej

Pozdrawiam i zachęcam do dykusji:

Co forumowicze "Astronautyki" chcieliby obejrzeć w sequelu Avatar 2?
Michał Kaśkosz

Michał Kaśkosz Design Engineer ZF

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d


z większością punktów się zgodzę, jeśli chodzi o cały świat który stworzył Cameron, być może, mogę się czepić tylko szczegółów. Jak mi się wydaja włożył w to sporo lat pracy. No cóż ale cały świat Pandory ze wszystkimi szczegółami geologiczno-przyrodniczymi to tylko otoczka dla historii która została opowiedziana. To trywialny historia widziana w tylu już filmach i przeczytana w tylu książkach. Konflikt przyrody i cywilizacji, konflikt wewnętrzny bohatera który musi wybrać między "złymi" pobratymcami a "dobrymi" obcymi. jeżeli ktoś się pozostał w zachwycie nad stroną wizualną do końca filmu, to pozostaje niesmak.

A co do taktyki "ziemian" to wybacz "There is nothing you can't solve without the proper amount of explosives" kto to powiedział?

A taktyka Naavi? Żywcem wyjęte z książki o Winnetou.

Jak zaznaczam aspekt szeroko pojętej scenerii w postaci świata zrobił na mnie zrażenie, tak samo sposób kręcenia filmu. Wirtualna kamera dzięki której reżyser mógł zajrzeć w świat Pandory podczas kręcenia sceny, z użyciem motion capture, renderowanej w czasie rzeczywistym. Te techniki na pewno będą odniesieniem dla twórców firmowych na kilka najbliższych lat.

Po Avatarze 2 jeśli powstanie będę się spodziewał, że na godziną do zakończenia ciągle nie będę wiedział jak się skończy.
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Jak masz w ręku młotek, każdy problem wygląda jak gwóźdź :)

- Miliardy ziemian głodują, bezrobocie 50% - mogą ich uratować regularne dostawy minerału z Pandory
- Navi nauczyli się latać w kosmosie i postanawiają uderzyć w to co dla ziemian najcenniejsze: London Stock Exchange i British Museum :)
- główny bohater postawawia bronić ziemian :)
Kordian Zadrożny

Kordian Zadrożny TETA HR, IT.
Marketing, JOOMLA,

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Istota dobrej fabuły jak dla mnie nie jest nieprzewidywalność czy tez coś czego jeszcze nie było.
Wszystko było po prostu.

Avatar jest o poświęceniu, miłości, odwadze. Taki gatunek kina i zawierał wszystko czego od niego oczekiwałem plus te wszystkie rzeczy o których pisał Grzegorz, 100% racji :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Grzegorz Albinowski:
Jak masz w ręku młotek, każdy problem wygląda jak gwóźdź :)

- Miliardy ziemian głodują, bezrobocie 50% - mogą ich uratować regularne dostawy minerału z Pandory
- Navi nauczyli się latać w kosmosie i postanawiają uderzyć w to co dla ziemian najcenniejsze: London Stock Exchange i British Museum :)
- główny bohater postawawia bronić ziemian :)

Jak to ???? To akcja nie będzie dotyczyć Nowego Jorku??? Wszystkie ataki kosmitów dot. NY. Wszak sygnał telewizyjny idzie w eter i od wielu lat obce cywilizacje znają już to miasto na wylot :)
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d


Jak grzyby po deszczu pojawiają się nowe Avataropedie, oto kolejny ciekawy opis statku: Interstellar Vehicle Venture Star

Interstellar Vehicle Venture Star

The Interstellar Vehicle Venture Star (also known as ISV Venture Star) transports supplies, equipment, personnel, refined ore, and data between Earth and Pandora; however, it never lands on Pandora's surface. Instead, it sends smaller vessels, called Valkyries, to rendevous upon the moon's surface. The Venture Star arrives at Pandora after more than five Earth years in transit: the hundred-plus humans onboard -- apart from the four man flight crew -- are in cryosleep for the entirety of the trip.[1]

The ISV Venture Star is just one of ten starships which the RDA utilizes for interstellar trade between Earth and Pandora.[2] Interstellar starships such as the ISV Venture Star require unobtanium in their manufacture, due to unobtanium's role in providing containment for antimatter-matter reactions.[3]

1 Predecessor and other ships
2 Capabilities
3 Propulsion
4 Matter-Antimatter engines
5 Structure
6 Navigation
7 Communications
8 Life Support
9 Cargo
10 Sources

Predecessor and other ships

The ISV Venture Star is a Capital Star class ship, there was at least one predecessor to the Capital Star class ships. This predecessor was 4 times as big because of its need to have cold super conductors (since no unobtanium was available when building it) which required much bigger radiators. In total there are 12 ships transporting cargo and crew back and forward between Pandora and Earth. 9 of them are Capital Star class ships (the same as ISV Venture Star).[3]


Venture Star in orbit over PandoraThe ISV Venture star can travel from Earth to Alpha Centauri A (a distance of 4.37 light years[4]) in the time of 6.75 years it starts with a 5 and a half month long initial acceleration at 1.5 G to reach 0.7 times the speed of light. Then it continues at the same speed for 5.83 years before the engines/photon sail (depending on which way the ships are traveling) are used to slow the ship down. During the ships decceleration it yet again gets 1.5G for 5 and a half month.[3]

Also note that due to time dilation effects experienced at velocities higher speeds, an Earth-time voyage of 6.75 years seems significantly shorter at 0.7 times the speed of light.


Two matter-antimatter engines. One photon sail. One fusion PME (Planetary Maneuvering Engine).[3]

Beamed photon power from Earth for the outward acceleration phase is what the photon sail uses. The ship’s matter-antimatter engines are used for deceleration phase on approach to Pandora. Sequence reversed for return to Earth. [3]

Matter-Antimatter engines
Jake Sully after waking up on the ISV Venture Star.Two matter-antimatter engines, arranged symmetrically in a tractor configuration(that pulls the ship behind them). They are angled outward a few degrees off the ship’s longitudinal axis so their exhaust plumes bypass the ship’s structure. This results in a slight loss in thrust efficiency since the engines push a bit towards each other, but even after this the body of the ship must still be shielded from the plume’s thermal radiation, they thought of putting the engines at the back instead but the mass-savings advantage of a tensile structure outweigh the disadvantages of shielding.Since a very long truss is needed to separate the habitable section of the ship from the engines which produce large amounts of radiation, such a structure would be prohibitively massive if it were a conventional space-frame truss designed for compressive loading. But the carbon-nanotube composite tensile-truss creates the necessary stand-off distance at one tenth the mass. Essentially it is a hard solid tow cable, engines in front and the "trailer" in the rear.[3]

The antimatter(the fuel) (in this case anti-hydrogen) is contained by a magnetic field in a near-perfect vacuum in which it circulates as a high density cloud of atoms cooled to near-absolute-zero temperature. When antimatter and matter (normal hydrogen) are brought together, they mutually annihilate and produce an enormous amount of energy, which must be directed by an ultra-powerful magnetic field to form the exhaust plume. These photons of energy, although massless, possess momentum, and their ejection provides the thrust to accelerate the ship. Additional thrust is obtained by injecting hydrogen atoms into the plasma before it leaves the engines. The exhaust flare is an incandescent plasma a million times brighter than a welding arc, and over thirty kilometers long. The plume is considered to be one of the most spectacular man-made sights in history.[3]


Laser shield[3]
Engine radiator[3]
Fuel containers[3]
Probably solar sail employer[5]
Valkyrie docking station and cargo bay[3]
Cryosleep chambers[3]

Crew areas[3]The ship's primary structure (which could only exist in zero gravity) consists of the two side-by-side engines attached to a tensile-truss of carbon-nanotube composite. This connects the propulsion section to the payload section, which includes habitation modules for crew, the cryovaults for passengers, amnio tanks for the avatars, and the cargo section. Starting from the forward end:

1. Engines, propellant tanks, and radiators. The propellant tanks are spheres insulated for zero boil-off of the cryogenic hydrogen propellant. The radiators dissipate the heat of the engine section. After a deccel or accel burn phase, the radiators will glow red hot for 2 weeks.

2. The tensile-truss that transfers the thrust of the two engines to the rest of the ship. Although thin, it is rigid enough to prevent the payload section from fishtailing caused by buildup of resonant frequency vibrations during acceleration and deceleration. The section of the truss adjacent to the antimatter engine nozzles is protected by a thermal shield of nearly perfect reflecting materials, to guard against the intense heat radiated from the exhaust plumes.

3. Cargo containers, arranged in four ranks of four modules each. The 16 modules are in turn composed of 6 cargo pods. Depending on the cargo bay configuration of the shuttle, it can hold the contents of two pods and 100 passengers in jump seats, or up to the contents of six pods and no passengers. A mobile transporter running on tracks can position a large robotic arm for transfer of the cargo modules to and from the trans-atmospheric shuttles.

4. Two Valkyrie TAV’s (trans-atmospheric vehicles) docked to access tunnels. The tunnels connect to a pressurized tunnel that runs through the truss, and connects to the habitation section.

5. The habitation section consists of three large modules containing the cryovaults and amnio tanks. Inside each module is an open frame structure of advanced composites, with non-load bearing walls made of foam composite. There is almost no metal used in the structure. This is to prevent galactic cosmic radiation from striking metal and producing secondary radiation particles. There are a number of airlocks for the crew, and portals for repair bots that look like high-tech mechanical crabs.

6. Immediately behind these three modules are the two on-duty crew modules, located at the opposite ends of a transverse truss. A pressurized tunnel runs through the truss, connecting the two units. During cruise mode, these modules can be rotated to create an artificial gravity for the on-duty crew. During accel and deccel phases, the modules fold along the longitudinal axis of the ship. In this configuration, the gravity is created by the acceleration of the ship (so all floors and walls are still correctly oriented to the gravity vector). The modules also provide centrifugal artificial gravity during the ISV’s one year loiter on orbit at Pandora.

7. At the far end of the structure is the mirror shield, which protects the ship from the intense light of the beamed-power laser from Earth. This mirror is only a few molecules thick, but reflects light efficiently enough to prevent incineration of the habitable section of the starship.

When acceleration is completed, the ship is rotated 180 degrees so that the mirror shield faces forward.[3] Now the shield performs another role, acting as a multi-layer interstellar debris shield. Although intense magnetic fields are used to deflect stray gas molecules, the occasional dust grain requires a physical barrier. The shield is in multiple layers, spaced one hundred meters apart. Impact of a debris grain (traveling at a relative speed of 0.7C) with the first layer of the shield causes vaporization into a plasma. The spray of plasma particles strikes the second layer, and the impacts cause spalling from the back of the second layer. These particles are stopped by the third layer. A fourth layer acts as a backup in the unlikely event that something gets past the third layer. Once cruise speed is reached, this shield is detached and moved by small thrusters thousands of miles in front of the ship, to improve survivability if a larger particle of debris is encountered.[3]

The largest component of the ship is not located on the primary structure. It is the “sail” which receives the beam of photons and extracts the momentum to accelerate or decelerate the ship. It is a shallow bowl 16 kilometers in diameter and stabilized by rotation. The material of the sail is incredibly thin, being only a few dozen molecules thick in most places. Its basic structure is a fabric woven from carbon nanotube thread, and coated with a refractory ceramic that fills in the interstices.[3] The working side of the sail is further coated with a vacuum-deposited multi-layer diachronic reflector, which is 99.99999% efficient. What little heating of the sail that occurs is dissipated by radiation from its back side. Carbon nanotube cables connect it to the main body of the ship, and these cables also have a diachronic coating which reflects 99.99999% of the beam energy that strikes them, and prevents the cables from instantly vaporizing. When not in use, the sail is folded along molecular hinge lines, and occupies a surprisingly small volume. It is stored in the cargo area when not in use, along with the spools of connecting cables. Rigging and removal of the sail is done autonomously by the service bots, but can be done manually in an emergency by awakening the other two crew teams. [3]


Venture Star in orbit over Pandora while one of the Valkyries is leaving1. Three-axis triangulation from reference stars during cruse phase.[3]

2. Radar ranging when in proximity to planets and satellites.[3]

3. Synthetic-aperture side-looking radar for surface mapping purposes.[3]



1. Modulation of beamed power by ±0.1% for high bit-rate uplink during acceleration and deceleration phases.[3]

2. Pulse-width modulated dedicated lasers for downlink and uplink when not using beamed power – bit rate dependent on distance.[3]

3. Standard VHF/UHF radio for short-range communication between orbit and ground.[3]


Very low bit-rate up- and downlink using McKinney quantum entanglement encoding.[6]

Life Support

All consumables are recycled to the maximum extent possible. Oxygen is reclaimed from carbon dioxide by fractional distillation of the ship’s atmosphere, which also removes all gaseous contaminants. Additionally, this process removes water vapor and purifies it for drinking. Steam distillation is used to reclaim more drinking water from urine and solid body waste. The dehydrated and sterilized remains are used as fertilizer in the hydroponic gardens where fresh fruits and vegetable are grown to supplement the crew’s diet of freeze-dried and irradiated food.[3]

An auxiliary atmospheric system provides a much larger amount of oxygen, and carbon dioxide removal, for the short periods when the vessel is in orbit around Earth or Pandora, and the passengers and full crew are not in cryosleep. Since it is not practical to maintain this condition for the duration of the voyage, in the event of a failure of the cryosleep system the passengers would be euthanized before awakening, so that the crew can continue the mission and deliver the cargo. (The extra crew teams’ cryosleep system is separate, and triply-redundant.) [3]


The ISV Venture Star is capable of carrying 350 tons of cargo. The cargo consisting of
The ship offloads cargo as it orbits Pandoratriple backed up blueprints for the Stereolighography plant, micro-miniaturized components like micro- and nanoprocessors and other circuitry elements that cannot be manufactured in the plant. The ship also carries two Valkyrie landing crafts, 200 passengers in cryosleep, drugs and other medications that cannot be produced on site, avatars and their amino tanks.[3]
On the return to Earth the ISV Venture Star carries mainly refined unobtanium but also Small Na’vi artifacts to be sold as collectables to wealthy individuals for extremely high prices. Sometimes data with molecular structure of Pandoran organic compounds that may have medical or other applications on Earth is also transferred. The data will be used to synthesize them for testing and eventual sale back on Earth.[3]

↑ AVATAR Scriptment pp. 6, 8
↑ James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide p. 149
↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 pandorapedia backup,isv_venture_star.htm
↑ Alpha Centauri at Wikipedia
↑ No reference, see talk page
↑ James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide p. 156
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
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Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

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Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d


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jzJanusz Zacharewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.07.10 o godzinie 21:45
Piotr D.

Piotr D. Tester

Temat: Statek kosmiczny w filmie Avatar 3d

Grzegorz Albinowski:
Drugim elementem interesującym dla grupy astronautyka będą dosyć ciekawe pojazdy latające z dwoma ruchomymi wirnikami, doskonale pokazane w technice 3d, taki podwójny helikopter, choć to może raczej temat lotnictwo wojskowe, niż austronautyka. Ale z drugiej strony fruwanie w atmosferze obcej planety zahacza o tematykę astronautyczną.

Może odgrzeję nieco wątek, ale...najpierw krótka refleksja, potem o technice.
... ogólnie moje wrażenie z filmu było takie, że oglądalem ekranizację WarCrafta III - tylko ludzie po niewłaściwej stronie i orków brakowało. Bitwa o Górę Hyjal jako żywo :), w dodatku w konwencji "Czasu Apokalipsy". Jeżeli zaś chodzi o technikę, to tutaj - podobnie jak z całym przekazem filmu - Cameron nie bawił się w subtelności. Praktycznie wszystko co pojawia się filmie to modyfikacja albo istniejących, albo proponowanych projektów.
Przykładowo, wspomniane śmigłowce (właściwie "tilt-rotors") to trochę nieudana (bo brzydka) mieszanka V-22 Osprey i ikony wojny wietnamskiej, tj. UH-1. Centrum dowodzenia ludzi jest żywcem wyjęte z filmów promocyjnych Boeinga/SAIC reklamujących "Future Combat Systems". Wahadłowiec do złudzenia przypomina z przodu F-35... i tak dalej.

Sam Venture Star oczywiście robi wrażenie - (czy tylko mi kojarzy się z Pegasusem z serii BBC Voyage to the Planets ?) - i trochę smutne. Jakby nie patrzeć, to szczyt tego na co teoretycznie możemy liczyć w dziedzinie podróży "międzygwiezdnych" :(Piotr D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.06.10 o godzinie 21:42

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