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Temat: The Community of Light meditation, 23.09.2007

The Community of Light
is invited to come together this Sunday, September 23rd for a
Global Peace Meditation in the Light
Anchored by Autori
Newsletter from Autori follows this email

Date: This Sunday September 23rd (most locations)
Place: In your hearts, wherever you are

Corresponding Time Zones (updated):
Cairo 9pm Sunday September 23
Paris/Copenhagen/Warsaw 9pm Sunday Sept 23
London 8pm Sunday Sept 23
Argentina 4pm Sunday Sept 23
New York 3pm Sunday Sept 23
Los Angeles/Phoenix 12noon Sunday Sept 23
Auckland 7am Monday Sept 24
Sydney/Melbourne 5am Monday Sept 24
Adelaide - 4:30am Monday Sept 24
Perth/Singapore - 3am Monday Sept 24

Autori (and his group of travelers) will be anchoring this global meditation from Sakkara, Egypt, where the pyramids date back to 2700BC.

The intent of these global meditations is to unite the growing Community of Light and be in service to the acceleration of consciousness of
Humanity while we collectively receive more and more Light, anchoring it in our beings and in our planet. As we come together in community,
the Light is able to intensify its presence…and each will receive in accordance to your own journey.

Autori gives some guidelines in the notes following his teaching on how to prepare for this global link-up. In addition you may wish to anchor
to Gaia and then open up your chakras from the crown down to the base. Some also find it helpful to visualize the golden diamond with the
blue ankh, (a sacred geometric symbol that holds important frequencies) and bring it deep into your third eye, and then allow it to expand until
you are fully encased within the Diamond. You can read more about the Golden Diamond on Autori’s website http://newdiamond.org

The following information has been sent by Autori to set the energy for the meditation and to give you an update on the upcoming Journeys of Light.

Hugs from the Heart
Samurai of Light
In service to the community of Light

Teachings from Autori

The Flower
Hello and welcome to one and all in these days of transformation, healing and manifesting in the tapestry of life's colours within the
majestic all mighty Light of God.

There was recently a series of meetings/moments whereupon finding myself deep in the heart of essay, of writing story, I came to
be in contemplation of a bouquet of flowers. Standing on the mantle in all their beauty whispering a secret of life ever so softly, the
song from the flowers was gentle yet profound in the depth of its simplicity.

Day by day sitting at the desk I would contemplate the story of these flowers and what they were whispering into the ether of atmosphere.
Even in various moments I would launch into conversation and say "Ok what are you saying to me" or something like "Hey flowers,
I am listening, be patient please." They would only laugh, smile at my rather awkward contemplations of their story indeed.

Well it was cold out; the sun was beyond distance and the flowers began to manifest the end of life, making ready for a new beginning.
Even in the final days of their beauty their glory was undiminished, only a slight shifting in temperance. I asked myself the question
“Where does all this beautifulness originate from, for it is perpetual, constant and timeless?”

“Love” whispered the remaining flower, “for there is never a moment when I am not in LOVE, all that I AM is love, it is from where I
was born, and soon I shall return to the form of absolute love. Indeed sir”, the flower continued, “my power, my beauty, what you call
my innocence, is contained within the heart of love and this love is all-ways our gift to you.’

‘Love is our song and we rejoice in knowing the family of humanity will come in the ripeness of time to this absolute love, for “
the flower smiled and said “Where else would you go........ “

- Autori

You are invited to join us in a Global meditation for World Peace on September 23rd, starting at 9pm Cairo time.
(see corresponding times in Ashle’s email). This is an opportunity to cooperate/join with your fellow Bearers of Light and Love
and these meditations provide exceptional support to the elders as they continue their work in other realms.

To operate effectively in 3rd dimension, the New Light requires anchors, and the physical template is a superb anchor if one allows
the holding or what is called staying in the Light. Generally temples, Churches, tombs other holy sites are utilised for the anchoring of
Light as are caves, forests, fields - indeed your house, if you so desire.

In meditation you become an anchor - once you are resonating within the field of Light, all that is required is for you to consciously
send the Light to humanity. The Light will do the rest - cosmic intelligence at work. It is recommended you ask for the Diamond template,
the diamond is a symbol utilised by the Elders to conduct service and allows one to connect to them quietly and effectively. Simply make
the call and it will be there, then step inside until you are in the centre of the golden diamond from this place and then "Ask and Pray for Peace."
Thank you.

Upcoming Journeys in the Light facilitated by Autori:
France tour: October 07 is fully booked. Next tour April 08
Contact leahhemming@xtra.co.nz

Egypt tour: Autori is in Egypt now. Next journey to Egypt will be 17th May 08 to 24th May 08.
You should plan to arrive in Cairo on Friday 16th May.
Contact leahhemming@xtra.co.nz

Congress of Light in Wroclaw, Poland: 23rd - 25th November 07 (Friday evening through Sunday.)
This Congress is dedicated to holding and manifesting the new Light.
There is no fee for this Congress, however donations will be accepted. Thank you.
The Congress is open to all who are actively seeking the Light, as such it is not a secret Congress.
Bookings and further information can be obtained from contacting Jerzy
Gorak on email jerzygorak@wp.pl or Leah Hemming on leahhemming@xtra.co.nz

Blessings and I will see you in the Light