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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Prominent members of Platform Obywatelska caught in possession of drugs:

http://miasta.gazeta.pl/szczecin/0,0.htmlwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.11.08 o godzinie 01:21

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:


*SNIFF* So, what's the deal? He needs his daily dose to take double work shifts, all for the fair citizens of Szczecin wellbeing. Right?

Oh, wait...

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Michał G.:

Is that Sniezka behind you Michal?

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Yup, a very easy and relaxing hike, but I used to bitch and whine about it when I was younger - fortunately my parents took the "boo-fucking-hoo" approach, so now it's a breeze.

What I always find disappointing is that you can't buy cigarettes at the hostel on the mountaintop, which sucks some major balls - especially if you forget to take a spare pack with you. But they do serve great mulled wine there. Almost worth the trip just to take a sip or two - warms up the body and tastes really nice.

Plus, Karpacz is a mighty fine holiday spot if you want to spend a couple of days somewhere, just having fun with your mates. I've yet to have a hangover there - maybe the air is different or something. Dunno.

The "funny" thing I've noticed is that there's only a handful of English announcements posted around the town - I've seen maybe like... Two or three? If you're fluent in Polish or German - booking a room somewhere won't be a problem. Now if you know only English, you're pretty much out of luck.

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Michał G.:

I've climbed Sniezka in May of 1992... right before I left.

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Did you also get this "fuck yeaaah baby, I'm the motherfucking king of the world!" feeling?

The first time I conquered it on my own, I sure as hell did - but it's just Sniezka, so I'd probably wet myself with excitement on the peak of Mount Everest or something, haha. :)
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Michał G.:


*SNIFF* So, what's the deal? He needs his daily dose to take double work shifts, all for the fair citizens of Szczecin wellbeing. Right?

Oh, wait...

Nice picture, makes me hungry. The annoying thing is, those political guys in Szczecin had probably never, ever worked in any way to end the crazy legal prohibition of drugs. Except maybe campaigning to get themselves into the Sejm, where they can jarac sie with impunity due to politicians here having immunity from arrest.

Wonder which fine upstanding citizens they got them from?

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Michał G.:
Did you also get this "fuck yeaaah baby, I'm the motherfucking king of the world!" feeling?

Not really, I was hurling further than the eye can see, after an all night binge drinking event... you know... your usual 8th grade class trip.

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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Jon M.:
Nice picture, makes me hungry.

care for a spoon?


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Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

Rafal W.:
Not really, I was hurling further than the eye can see, after an all night binge drinking event... you know... your usual 8th grade class trip.

It seems that time flows by faster each damn minute and yet the class trips still look the same as they've looked in the years past. Yeah, know what you mean.
Jon M.:
Wonder which fine upstanding citizens they got them from?

Now that made me chuckle! :)
Still, you've got a valid point.

Whoever wants to get high will find the means to do so, whether it's legal or not. The people that couldn't care less about drugs won't just start using them because they finally can - that's complete bullshit, spew out by some politics in order to "protect the nation".

They bitch about how the drug market hurts the society and the criminal syndicates get a shitload of money from illegal transactions - just make it legal, more money to the national budget and no reason for those groups to exist anymore, it's simple as that.

People aren't rolling up joints every five meters in Holland, why would they in Poland? But then again I also find the distinction between "hard" and "light" drugs to be pretty funny - everything is for people if they don't overuse it, IMHO - why do we still cling to those old conventions?

Hell, there's a whole bunch of completely legal substances that are even more dangerous than most people seem to think and that can turn your mind into splinters if not used correctly, but it's not like anyone from the government cares. ;)Michał G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.11.08 o godzinie 21:35

Temat: Szczecin the new dawn of Platforma Obywatelska:

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