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Temat: Spider with a missing leg

Here's a link to this amusing article:


The guy actually sold the drawing on ebay after his email correspondence was revealed and gained subsequent popularity over the Internet.

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Temat: Spider with a missing leg


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Temat: Spider with a missing leg

Genius indeed!!!

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Temat: Spider with a missing leg

That just made my day, thanks Andrzej! :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Spider with a missing leg

Andrzej Dobrucki:
Here's a link to this amusing article:


The guy actually sold the drawing on ebay after his email correspondence was revealed and gained subsequent popularity over the Internet.
It looks like he couldn't.
Person who bought it says, I'm not gonna pay for it.
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Spider with a missing leg

great :) 10/10 points ;)

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Temat: Spider with a missing leg

ilter K.:
Andrzej Dobrucki:
Here's a link to this amusing article:


The guy actually sold the drawing on ebay after his email correspondence was revealed and gained subsequent popularity over the Internet.
It looks like he couldn't.
Person who bought it says, I'm not gonna pay for it.

Right. 15 000 but the buyer says "No way". Umm...
Another irresponsible ebay lurker.

But the story itself rocks. hehe.

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