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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Tied up and on his face


riots in Oakland



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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Such accidents happen too often.

some of them in Poland

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Ouch! Horrible pictures, Rafal!

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Violetta P.:
Ouch! Horrible pictures, Rafal!

yea... crowd control

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Violetta P.:
Such accidents happen too often.

some of them in Poland

It's a problem world wide, it happens in the US far too often however and it is usually linked to racial profiling. This was no accident, the cop handcuffed the kid, then reached for his gun, stood up and shot him almost point blank. Now, after someone is cuffed (not to mention the other cop was kneeling on the kid's head) and they are laying on their stomach... what possible reason would the cop have to even pull out a gun? How about the three cops in Brooklyn that recently beat up and sodomized a suspect with a baton? It's just an ongoing fight here... I myself have been searched on numerous occasions and have witnessed police brutality first hand on several occasions. Some of my friend have been arrested for absolutely no reason. US is becoming a police state and a pretty tight one at that. While it used to be strictly an urban area phenomenon it is now spilling into the suburbs. Racial profiling or as some call it "driving while black" is a very serious problem here.
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Rafal W.:
Violetta P.:
Such accidents happen too often.

some of them in Poland

It's a problem world wide, it happens in the US far too often however and it is usually linked to racial profiling. This was no accident, the cop handcuffed the kid, then reached for his gun, stood up and shot him almost point blank. Now, after someone is cuffed (not to mention the other cop was kneeling on the kid's head) and they are laying on their stomach... what possible reason would the cop have to even pull out a gun? How about the three cops in Brooklyn that recently beat up and sodomized a suspect with a baton? It's just an ongoing fight here... I myself have been searched on numerous occasions and have witnessed police brutality first hand on several occasions. Some of my friend have been arrested for absolutely no reason. US is becoming a police state and a pretty tight one at that. While it used to be strictly an urban area phenomenon it is now spilling into the suburbs. Racial profiling or as some call it "driving while black" is a very serious problem here.

For me, the most terrifying is that the policeman did not hesitate to commit a murder in other policemen's presence. He must have been sure of impunity, which would mean that all of them were equally depraved!! It was not just a single act of violence committed by one sick bastard. It must be a kind of criminal practice that corrupts all the police!!! Jesus...

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Anetta M.:
Rafal W.:
Violetta P.:
Such accidents happen too often.

some of them in Poland

It's a problem world wide, it happens in the US far too often however and it is usually linked to racial profiling. This was no accident, the cop handcuffed the kid, then reached for his gun, stood up and shot him almost point blank. Now, after someone is cuffed (not to mention the other cop was kneeling on the kid's head) and they are laying on their stomach... what possible reason would the cop have to even pull out a gun? How about the three cops in Brooklyn that recently beat up and sodomized a suspect with a baton? It's just an ongoing fight here... I myself have been searched on numerous occasions and have witnessed police brutality first hand on several occasions. Some of my friend have been arrested for absolutely no reason. US is becoming a police state and a pretty tight one at that. While it used to be strictly an urban area phenomenon it is now spilling into the suburbs. Racial profiling or as some call it "driving while black" is a very serious problem here.

For me, the most terrifying is that the policeman did not hesitate to commit a murder in other policemen's presence. He must have been sure of impunity, which would mean that all of them were equally depraved!! It was not just a single act of violence committed by one sick bastard. It must be a kind of criminal practice that corrupts all the police!!! Jesus...

They do get away with it. The cop is on administrative paid leave.

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

In Warsaw we say:


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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Adam L.:
In Warsaw we say:


hehe.. yes... I am well aware of this acronym :)
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man


Several experts who observed video evidence suggested Mehserle might have been suffering from "Taser Confusion" causing him to mistakenly believe he was tasering Grant; Bart officials confirm that Mehserle was wearing a taser at the time “in the cross position”. He would have had to reach across his body to reach it. Some video evidence appears to show that Mehserle had his Taser drawn prior to the Grant shooting. If Mehserle thought he was firing his taser, the killing would be accidental and not subject to a murder prosecution.

After viewing the shooting from multiple angles, police training expert Roy Bedard, commented: "I hate to say this, it looks like an execution to me," "It really looks bad for the officer."Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.01.09 o godzinie 23:28

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Rafał D.:
"It really looks bad for the officer."

oh yea.. really bad, I'd say it looks much worse for the dead kid. The whole defense based on the taser confusion is so full of it; just imagine, part of your job is knowing how to use a gun, you've been on the force for 2 years, after a year in the academy... eh.. it's like saying that you've mistaken your PC for a Fax machine and tried hooking it up to a toaster.

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Violetta P.:
Such accidents happen too often.

some of them in Poland

Geeez, when the Police doesn't shoot people, everyone is whining about how soft they are to the criminals and cannot protect our rights because they are impotent. When the Police shoots people, everyone is whining that they are cruel to the innocent victims. So what do we want actually? To make sure that the Police kindly asks criminals for permission to open fire? Yes, the mistakes happen and is in case of any armed service, they happen to be lethal.

I am not even commenting the link to the "Evul USA" forum, as this kind of cheap leftist propaganda makes me sick.

I do not refer to the Oakland situation, as it seems pretty obvious abuse of power and the cop should face the charges for murder (EDIT: Agreed, I was convinced this film is not a hoax. Even more strongly I agree with almost everyone here that the cops SHOULD face charges for capital offence)while the others should be penalized for not interrupting.Krzysztof Kwieciński edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.01.09 o godzinie 17:45

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Krzysztof Kwieciński:

You know what absolutely blows my mind!? The leftist propaganda bullshit. Nobody here is a leftist, nobody here is spreading any propaganda yourself aside. The only propaganda in this thread is that sentence. I am really fucking sick and tired of Poles throwing the term leftist, lewak, and commie loosely like they own the fucking rights to it. You seem like an intelligent guy, why do you go for such absolutely cheap and baseless commentaries?

What could possibly make you say something like that?
I can tell you what; although it has taken me a while to "get it", but we - Poles, have this absolutely idiotic fear of anything that's not capitalist. You know what propaganda is? It's what you are spreading right now! That's propaganda at its best!

Russia tried making us one of their states for so many years, killing off millions of people and destroying our culture by bringing Russian to schools and by altering our history books... all the west had to do is build a fucking McDonalds and a god damned Pizza Hut in center square of every town and now all of the sudden you say "klikij" instead of "przycisnij"... and everywhere you look, all you can see is English names for Polish establishments, people copying style, fashion and culture with pretty funny results - one of them being the post McArthurian "lefty" witch hunt!

This has NOTHING to do with left or right, this has everything to do with human rights - America bad?!?! WTF are you talking about man? I don't expect you to understand the depth and extent of this issue, because you are not living here and all you know is what you've read or have seen on TV, but this is as real as it gets! Minorities get seriously abused in the states, blacks are seriously discriminated against - oh yea.. that's right OBAMA - who cares about Obama when you can still get pulled over and beaten to a bloody pulp just because you are black!? Please, spare us YOUR propaganda and get your head out of your ass. Ever been pulled over or arrested for the color of your skin? Ever been picked out of the crowd for it? Have you ever lost a job or been rejected from applying for a job or a place at university because of the color of your skin? If you think that all these things are the thing of the past, you must be living under a fucking rock. Yea.. lefty propaganda.. sorry man, but your shot missed the target by about a mile.

Here are some stats for you – Blacks make up about 13% of the total population of the US… yet over 44% of prisoners in the US are black…

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Krzysztof Kwieciński:
>(though I find it a bit strange that it was so neatly
recorded, as if someone wanted to prove that the Police are bad guys, hmmm

hmmm... when you live in a place where the Police harass you daily, beat you and abuse their power... you really have NO idea man... this is what people do here... all the time. This is the way they fight back. Wake up man, really. Lefty... what a crock of shit.

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

My post was obviously too long or I broke something. Nevermind. I won't convince you, you won't convince me, so I don't bother. :)

But hey, at least don't burn down my favourite McDonalds!Krzysztof Kwieciński edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.01.09 o godzinie 15:14

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

So... what's that got to do with the Police abusing their power in the US? Why in the world would you throw in "lefty" into the mix where the only thing discussed is the absolute abuse of power and racial profiling? Or do you just throw the term "lefty" every time you talk about something that you don't fully grasp?

I understand capitalism, I work for a corporation in Manhattan so you can spare me talks about capitalism, but this has about as much to do with the topic of this conversation as WMD's with Iraq.

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Krzysztof Kwieciński:
>, you won't convince me, so I don't bother. :)

Convince you of what? That the police in the US abuse their power daily? That blacks are still the underprivileged? Or maybe that something like “white privilege” is still alive and kicking? Well, I guess you choose to believe otherwise. Great... in some cases ignorance is bliss.

But hey, at least don't burn down my favourite McDonalds

Enjoy! I wouldn't touch that fake food with a stick, but suite yourself.

Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Krzysztof Kwieciński:

Geeez, when the Police doesn't shoot people, everyone is whining [cut]

Amazing. So many heavy words, such a strong point of view and you gave up after one post. Congratulation on your rethoric values.

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

One of the points of my post was that black in the US can be highly "overpriviledged" on the other hand, for example they get bonus points on the
universities just because they are black and you cannot even fail
them on exams even if they don't know ANYTHING, because that proves your racism and may cost you an university career. Ignorance is bliss, comrade.

EDIT: Edited what indeed could sound like racism, while was NOT my intention. I was referring to the ghetto culture rather than the entire black community in the USA, while due to the negative emotions in the discussion it could sounded like I meant all black people. It is not what I meant and I apologize that what I wrote sounded just wrong.

I stand corrected, your grasp over the matter is so full I am not even attempting to question it anymore.

Marta: I gave up over the technical issues. I made a lenghty answer which for some reason was broken in half.

The part of my initial post which you quoted considered the event in Poland brought up to your attention (Police allegedly shooting an innocent man). Rafal didn't even comment it, so I fail to see the point of your sarcasm. This part of my post wasn't even commented, it turned down to the "affirmative action" and "fuck the system" propaganda. Indeed, I do not feel like going deeper into that matter, you can of course say that another stupid conservatist bites the dust because he is too stupid and doesn't get the full grasp of it.

Been on this kind of discussion so many times I can't believe I got dragged into it once again. Ehh. :DKrzysztof Kwieciński edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.01.09 o godzinie 17:48

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Temat: Police in Oakland Cali kill an innocent man

Krzysztof Kwieciński:

Since Mr. Kwiecinski can only push but doesn't like to be pushed, I will have to alter my post (it was reported to the authority! a very.. commie, lefty thing to do by the way and I thought we were CAPITALIZING on some freedoms here) a little bit to make it more PG13 and fit the mental level of its intended recipient.
One of the points of my post was that black in the US are highly "overpriviledged", for example they get bonus points on the
universities just because they are black and you cannot even fail
them on exams even if they don't know ANYTHING, because that proves your racism and may cost you an university > career.

Wow... you are really something else man. This is possibly the most mentally handicapped, ignorant and baseless lie that I have ever read in my entire life. I am taking back the entire "you look like a smart guy" comment I've made in the previous post. There is something seriously wrong with the way you view the situation on this side of the pond, I think maybe you should reevaluate your teacher or the source of your information. This is a gross representation of a typical KKK mentality. You are a seriously uninformed individual with a seriously skewed views based on absolutely nothing. I’d love to know who is spewing these lies and feeding them to you, because they should stop… as soon as possible.
Ignorance is bliss, comrade.

Listen... you like to push people's buttons? Let me tell you something, there is a reason why I don't live in my own country and it was NOT by choice so little fruit cakes like yourself making stupid comments like that are nothing more than trolls looking for attention. So you showed your true colors.. well since we are into name calling - you are a racist, ignorant cheese ball with absolutely no idea what the fudge is going on in the world - you know about capitalism? You don't know diddly squat.

They are an obscure, racist community who despises their own country and anyone who fares better than them...

Oh yea... racist who hate their own country? You are a grossly uninformed individual obviously lacking some serious IQ points. This is why the majority of US armed forces (you know - voluntary service) who are dying abroad are black. Who the fudge packing fudge packers are you to pass such judgments? Have you ever been to the US for more than a summer vacation? Do you even know a black person? What is wrong with you?
but I am sure my point comes from ignorance, racism

Yes... it sure does.
and typical Polish narrow mind.

That's your own words.

I stand corrected, your grasp over the matter is so full I am not even attempting to question it anymore.

Tell me... I've lived here for over 18 years, that's my source of info... what's yours?

Marta: I gave up over the technical issues. I made a lenghty answer which for some reason was broken in half.
down to the "affirmative action" and "fuck the
system" propaganda.

Not once did I say fuck (this is a direct quote from Krzysztof, so I figured I'll leave it unchanged) the system in any of my posts, so please, why don't we stick to your PROPAGANDA.
Indeed, I do not feel like going deeper into that > matter,

Because you couldn't if you tried.

There Krzysztof, can you deal with this one? Or should I dumb it down for you some more?
For someone screaming commie, comrade and lefty, you sure run quick to the authorities, that's a perfect example of hypocrisy. If you think this post was offensive, just imagine how offensive are your absolutely baseless and untrue comments to someone who grew up here and has been a part of this culture.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.01.09 o godzinie 00:09

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