Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Here you go...

Why to say and when to say: "Sorry, but we won't change"?

As a Pole, what do you like/love about yourselves?

Is there something you found to be unique for Polish nation, and what lead you think that way?

Do you think your good values is/will/would not be in tune with civilized* nations?

*civilization and life standards (like freedom of speech etc.), which you can find in developed countries.

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Thanks, Ilter.

C'mon Poles respond.

We've had threads about Turkey, Macedonia and Belgium, answered by natives of these countries, so now its your turn.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 13:10
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Maybe I'll first explain what was the reason.

Except the fact that we have lot of disadvantages and a lot of advantages I have an impression that the attitude of "the old Europe", which representatives here would be Britons for me, is that they are good and the rest is more or less bad and actually everything would be better if everyone was like them. Sorry for the statement but that is what I see when I read things posted in the threads here. (Actually I was surprised because I don't know any Briton personally and your opinions here create theimpression I have about the nation. And I must say it's totally different from Americans for example.) And that's the thing I don't like and wanted to show my objection despite the fact I do or I don't like the previously discussed things.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

I think you need to start a new thread to talk about the things which makes you frustrated. I'd like to talk about it.

I am a foreigner (not British), and I would like to know what bothers you here.
I have my own theories, but prefer to hear your opinions.

But not in this thread.
I prefer to get simple answers to my questions, if you'd like to answer. Not to all of them, but the ones you feel like answering.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 14:02

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Rafał D.:
Maybe I'll first explain what was the reason.

Except the fact that we have lot of disadvantages and a lot of advantages I have an impression that the attitude of "the old Europe", which representatives here would be Britons for me, is that they are good and the rest is more or less bad and actually everything would be better if everyone was like them. Sorry for the statement but that is what I see when I read things posted in the threads here. (Actually I was surprised because I don't know any Briton personally and your opinions here create theimpression I have about the nation. And I must say it's totally different from Americans for example.) And that's the thing I don't like and wanted to show my objection despite the fact I do or I don't like the previously discussed things.

This may just be your personal interpretation of what is written here.

Regarding the Webb/penalty incident, the rest of the world disagrees.

Outside Poland, the reaction is regarded as wholly disproportionate.

This isn't just an 'English' reaction.

Get over it.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

My opinion first appeared before the match after I read some posts in the "integration" thread :)

I like basically everything in Poles and Poland. The fact we are honest, like to play and socialize, easily show our emothions and sometimes are sweetly naive. But our another feature is the fact we always think we are not right. Always. So we make disadvantages from our features, not advantages. At least it unites us, that's an advantage.
But my opinion is based on an attitude that there are no advantages and disadvantages in an objective sense. There are features and each of them is both advantage and disadvantage, depending of the situation.

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Rafał D.:
My opinion first appeared before the match after I read some posts in the "integration" thread :)

When anglosphere started we had a lot of 'nationality bashing' threads.

These are best avoided.

But - let's say you meet a foreigner. 'Do you like Poland?' 'Yeah, of course, everything is fine, great, hunky dory.'

Do you want to hear the above (politeness), or what people actually, really think?

Once you get past the usual platitudes, you can be in for a shock.

But to avoid stating what we really think would be rather patronising, don't you think?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 14:45
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

I can see and feel your naive quality as a nation, and nothing is wrong with it.

Something about the thought of "we are not right"...
I feel something like: "Some stupid Pole might have done it, I'm sure. Unfortunately, we have many idiots" when something goes wrong. You do it to yourself. And I don't know why, you think, you are the only nation does this. Which is, wrong, my friend.

This is what I feel when a Pole talks about Poland. I find this idea wrong, and thinking, that won't help matters.

But what I see also is, you have such beliefs like:
- West won't accept you as friends whatever you do
- Poles don't fit into the picture
- There's no friends to Poles
- Poland is kind of alone, and its always been that way.

What makes you believe that you are soooo different than a French?
I find the only explanation to this as, the unlucky history of Poland and economical power. Nothing else.

Poland almost never had great support from its neighbours. You had serious wars. Now, what do you expect from west, although sometimes they clearly pat your back and support you in a way.
Do you think there's a secret plan to destroy you? No. That could only be a remote theory by some very old people, I guess.

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Good post, Ilter.

And true.

I'm becoming your fan.

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Our main characteristics as a nation, have been developed over centuries, especially in the last few centuries, I'd say since 1700's onward.

You may well know that between the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 20th century Poland didn't exist as a country. I think, and may be wrong of course, that it was then when all that

the world hates us

we are the Messiah of the nations

and gonna take it right in the hole between buttcheeks

martyrology was born. Well, it was a way our forefathers kept the spirit high despite the overall situation was not too rainbow colored.

I personally don't like tearing open old wounds. And I sincerely hope that my generation, and the generation that'll follow, will look more on the present and the future, rather than on the past events.

You may be right about the "we Poles are stupid" thing Ilter. It is changing though, as we start travelling and getting to know other nations, cultures - thing that was only made possible some 20 odd years ago. You can't change a nation's mentality over one generation. But it's bound to happen.

Man, I think I'm gonna go wave my lil' white 'n red flag now.

PS. This post, it feels like deja vu. I am almost certain to have written something very, very similar some time ago in another thread, maybe in another group.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 15:09

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Jarek A.:
I personally don't like tearing open old wounds. And I sincerely hope that my generation, and the generation that'll follow, will look more on the present and the future, rather than on the past events.

You may be right about the "we Poles are stupid" thing Ilter. It is changing though, as we start travelling and getting to know other nations, cultures - thing that was only made possible some 20 odd years ago. You can't change a nation's mentality over one generation. But it's bound to happen.

This is pretty much where I am at. Agree 100%.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

What about "we won't change" thing? I see it you are kind of proud when you say that.

It is like, someone wants to see you transformed into something completelty different, or somebody is interested in changing you.

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

ilter K.:
What about "we won't change" thing? I see it you are kind of proud when you say that.

It is like, someone wants to see you transformed into something completelty different, or somebody is interested in changing you.
That's 'cos we're stubborn. The best way to talk Poles out of doing something is tell them they should do it (or vice versa).
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

ilter K.:
I can see and feel your naive quality as a nation, and nothing is wrong with it.

Something about the thought of "we are not right"...
I feel something like: "Some stupid Pole might have done it, I'm sure. Unfortunately, we have many idiots" when something goes wrong. You do it to yourself. And I don't know why, you think, you are the only nation does this. Which is, wrong, my friend.

This is what I feel when a Pole talks about Poland. I find this idea wrong, and thinking, that won't help matters.

I don't fully understand this part. You mean we are not the only nation who does things ourself or we are not the only nation who makes things wrong?
But what I see also is, you have such beliefs like:
- West won't accept you as friends whatever you do
- Poles don't fit into the picture
- There's no friends to Poles
- Poland is kind of alone, and its always been that way.

I won't tell you what is the reason. It's even in our literature icons, all this martyrology. I believe it's build up through the centuries and now simply is. And I don't like it and that is what I'm talking about, we feel bad. But as I said, this unites us as a nation. Because "we can make it besides how bad it is!". That's how it works I think. And maybe that's why it resisted for so long, because it actually has a positive impact.
What makes you believe that you are soooo different than a French?
I find the only explanation to this as, the unlucky history of Poland and economical power. Nothing else.

Well and you say we are not different? That Italians and Britons are similar? That Slavic people and Scandinavians are similar? That Turks are same as Swedes? I mean come on, we simply are different. I saw it personally, we have a different attitudes for let's say free time spending or partying as French. That is enough because in Poland socializing is very important and "honesty" (often seen as being drunk) plays a big role. If we don't see it in other nations we don't trust. And I see it only in other Slavic ones and as I said previously, Italians (where's Jarek?! ;D ).
Poland almost never had great support from its neighbours. You had serious wars. Now, what do you expect from west, although sometimes they clearly pat your back and support you in a way.
Do you think there's a secret plan to destroy you? No. That could only be a remote theory by some very old people, I guess.

Ha, here is the point!!!! We don't wan't no help. That is the national proud. It is kind of wierd here but I believe we are really patriotic despite the fact we keep saying that we don't like ourselves. (It starts to dissapear nowdays though, so we actually start to be, ekhem, civilized.)
I'll tell you a story. Once on a wedding celebration party (the traditional, Polish-way one) there was a Dutch husband of the bride's best girlfriend. The connection doesn't really matter, the point is he was Dutch. We were talking and it turned out that he has plenty of land around the place (it's rather attractive, there is a lake and so on). Actually he bought it on his mother in law simply giving her money because law wouldn't allow a foreginer to buy that ammounts of land. What was surprising him most though was the fact, that people didn't like him. He was organizing different aids like gathering used clothes in Holland and giving it away as gifts on holidays and so on. He was surprised that he is helping the people, is giving im a job, takes them out of their misery and they don't appreciate it.
Now who really get's what is the story about? (I know you do Ilter, I'm asking people from the West ;) ).
And from my talks with many other Poles who visited the West that is the general attitude. West treats us as poor, bit Russian country who needs a noble help. And in my opinion that is the thing that should change, not our level of "civilization".

So first thing. We don't want any help because we are a proud nation and have nothing to be ashamed of. Don't get tricked by what we say. We keep saying that we are bad but really hate when someone else does this.

(And one more really important thing. The fact my post sounds really emotional is because of my English skills and problems with showing emotions in a proper way. I treat this discussion as a good way of English training, not a holly war, really :) )
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Thank you very much for your longer post Rafał.
You can be sure I will read it carefully.
Thank you for your time.
I will respond and share my opinions if necessary :)

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

ilter K.:
What about "we won't change" thing? I see it you are kind of proud when you say that.

Conservatism is definitely something that stands out in Poland. The "we won't change thing" is something that will take a lot of time to change. Just as Jarek put it - it will take more than just a single generation. Progress is the natural way of things and people going against the current will definitely slow things down a bit. There is nothing wrong with preserving your cultural background and traditions, but I like to use those difference to enhance the world culture rather than to separate from it and build artificial walls.

It is like, someone wants to see you transformed >nto something completelty different, or somebody is interested
inchanging you.

THANK YOU! I've gotten into some serious arguments with people regarding just that. It's as if by accepting other cultures and inviting other nationalities to break bread with you, you are going to lose your own culture. As if building a Mosque, or a Synagogue on your block, will erase your individualism.
There are good historical and demographic reasons for people to feel that way, one being the rather blend non-mixture of cultures and inability to travel.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

warren whitmore:
Thanks, Ilter.

C'mon Poles respond.

We've had threads about Turkey, Macedonia and Belgium, answered by natives of these countries, so now its your turn.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 13:10

can i answer as a native of Poland ( i am proud holder of two citizenships:))))

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

Sure thing.

But what exactly is your background?

I presume you are more Macedonian than Polish.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 20:12

Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

ilter K.:
What about "we won't change" thing? I see it you are kind of proud when you say that.

Are you sure that people in Poland say that? I thought it was very German - "Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht.."

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Temat: Characteristics of Poles and the place of Poland in Europe

I'm Polish and I see myself as a fairly typical example.
Stubborn to the point of being buttheaded, rude, obnoxious, fierce, determined, principled, great cook.
As for the place of Poland in Europe, it's time to get that chip off our collective shoulder. Then we'll be fine.

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Poland and the Czech Republic:

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