Temat: Kiedy kobieta czy męzczyzna nie ma ochoty na sex
Katarzyna Goslar:
nie wiem, czy ktoś już na to zwrócił uwagę, bo nie wytrzymałam, ale Freud uważał też, że jest w stanie wyleczyć swoją córkę z homoseksualizmu...
Poza tym myślę, że należałoby się przy tym wszystkim pobawić w małą interpretację: może gwałt nie oznacza stricte gwałtu, a poczucie, że ta druga strona w jakiś sposób dominuje. Bo chyba na tym gwałt polega: namiętne gwałtowne inicjowanie stosunku, by zaspokoić żądze... Może ta fantazja to fantazja o zaspokojeniu żądzy... Też mi się zdarzyło fantazjować o czymś na kształt gwałtu, ale tak sobie myślę, że jakby który wbrew mojej woli to ja bym chyba rozniosła...
No i idąc tropem psychoanalizy można by też stwierdzić, że szanowny pan ma ochotę zgwałcić lub zostać zgwałconym... skoro akurat na tę kwestię zwrócił szczególną uwagę...
Hi Katie! :)
Nice to see you at this early morning hour!
What a posting! Wow! You do have fantasies, don't you! My god!
I do believe that it is best to just keep it in the fantasy realm,
because it is far too dangerous in reality.
But! Once upon a time we had a love making date with my girlfriend. We were young and innocent. We were happy and playful, joyful, she had been teasing me, and slowly we were undressing and making our way to the intercourse. Finally, I was so hot with desire and was slowly entering her, and then, unknown to me, she played a little trick on me! She started to resist me a bit and she was saying "no" and making this kind of noises, like she did not want it, but I was too much into it by then, and simply could not stop, and had to overpower her a bit, and take her by force against her will.
I was not aware what I was really doing with her!
When I finnished, I felt great! She looked into my eyes, and smiling to me nicely, said: "It was a little rape, was it not?". Only then I realized what happened! I was quite shocked and ashamed of myself that I was not able to listen to her "no", which of course was not too strong in order not to stop me! But the experience is unforgetable!
I hope I don't have to say that I would never ever like to rape my girlfriend in reality, or anybody else.
Hope you enjoyed it, Katie? :)
Bartek Woźniak edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.08.10 o godzinie 03:09