konto usunięte

Temat: Potencjalny klient dla firmy, osoby znające C oraz angielski


Znajoma osoba poprosiła mnie o znalezienie kogoś kto podjął by się takiego zlecenia.

"project description - high level - C# maintenance and development of back end systems for UK company. Immediately this means writing a bot to grab webdata.

- skill sets - strong c# skills under .NET
- number of developers - 1
- contract for a pre-defined period of time or more like offshore development center - more like offshore development center.
- Poland is the preferred location - or any eastern european country - I was recommended to Poland by people at meetup, so that is my preference.
- average blended rate you are looking for - cost is the only reason for using Polish labout. People at meetup said that they are paying 1500 pounds a month. I have been given a quote for Indian development at 2500 pounds a month from a large Indian company (thousands of people).
- fixed bid or time and materials - I do not want bidding as the size of the work is small. If the price looks reasonable and the standard OK, I will go ahead."

Poważnie zainteresowanym przekaże kontakt bezpośrednio do osoby odpowiedzialnej. Moja rola ogranicza się tylko do przekazania kontaktu. Nie znam projektu i nie jestem w stanie odpowiadać na pytania z nim związane. Jestem tylko posłańcem.
